- Ma teatan turvateenistusele. | I'm notifying security.-Is this about the carpet? |
- Täpselt! Aga selle kohta... teatan kuhu tarvis. | And don’t worry, I’il notify everyone concerned. |
Aga selle kohta... teatan kuhu tarvis. | And don't worry, I'll notify everyone concerned. |
Homme ma teatan kohtusse, et Dorothy, tuleb võtta kaitse alla. Ma ei saa teda jätta teiega. | I shall notify the court in the morning that Dorothy must be taken into custody immediately. |
Hästi, ma teatan politseile, Judy. | Okay, I'II notify the police, Judy. |
Kui eelnevalt registreeritud portfoolio läheb üle... abielulepinguks, kindlustuses, siis teatab info jagamis- süsteem sellest meile, et asi oleks kindel. | You see, when a previously registered portfolio shifts over to a domestic partnership filing in the insurance log, there's an information sharing system that notifies us of the adjustment to make sure it's not a mistake. |
Tema haldab minu kulleri äri, maksab makse teatab sugulastele, mis on teiega juhtunud. | He manages my delivery business, pays the bills... ...notifiesnextofkin, what have you. |
Kas me teatame sellest? | Did you notify the police about it? |
Ma teatame maandumisraja hiljem. | We'll notify which runway later. |
Me teatame sellest krediitkaardi firmale. Kui teie pojal on kaardid... saame teha kindlaks tema asukoha, juhul, kui ta neid kasutab. | We'll notify the credit card companies immediately if your son has the cards, we can get a location on him when and if he uses them. |
Me teatame sellest krediitkaardi firmale. | We'll notify the credit card companies. |
Kui hävitame raadio enne, kui nad teatavad meist? | What if we take out their radio before they can notify? |
Kui nad näevad meid ja teatavad Craisile. | If they see us, and notify Crais... |
- Pole olnud tõendeid põgenemisest, aga loomulikult teatasin ma sellest politseisse, sotsiaalasutustele. | There has been no evidence of escape, but obviously, I've notified the police, social services. |
Ma teatasin neile, et meil on kadunud isik. | I've notified them that we have a missing person situation. |
Siis teatasin, et lähen erru. | It is later notified my superiors that he/she would give up the position. |
- Kas sa lord Kiivrile teatasid? - Jah. | - Have you notified Lord Helmet? |
- Kas sa lord Kiivrile teatasid? | - Have you notified Lord Helmet? |
Nad palkasid erauurija ja teatasid seaduseorganitele üleriigi, et ta kindlalt kätte saada. | They hired a private investigator and notified law enforcement nationwide, determined to track him down. |
- FBI teatas meile. | - FBI notified us. |
Informaator teatas meile, et te tegite teatud ütlusi 11 kuud enne esimest Zodiaci mõrva. | The informant notified us that you made certain statements 11 months prior to the first Zodiac murder. |
Laevakompanii teatas mulle kai numbri. | The steam ship company notified me the pier number |
Lord Kiiver teatas, et printsess Vespa on vaateväljas. | Lord Helmet has just notified us that Princess Vespa is in sight. |
Gwen Wong. Me teatasime teist sotsiaalhoolekandele. | Gwen Wong we've notified Social Services |
Laupäeva hommikul, kell kaks, teatasime emale. | We notified the mother at zero-two on saturday morning. |
Me teatasime sinu ülemale. | We have notified your supervisor. |
Mulle teatati, et olete siin. | Gus Grisby sent me. - I was notified you'd be here. |
Ega te mu isale ei teata? | You're not going to notify my father, are you? |
Helista neile ja teata, et nad on surnud. | Call them, will you, and notify them that they're dead. |
Ja kui poiss palub kätt... teata mulle sellest koheselt! Teata mulle koh... | See they're not disturbed, and when the boy proposes, notify me immediately. |
Ja kui te muudate suusareisi osas meelt, siis palun teatage sellest valvelauda. | Oh, if you decide about the ski trip, Please notify the front desk. |
Jätkake lendu, teatage kõigile kellele saate. | Keep moving, notify everyone you can. |
Kannatada saanud reisijad, palun teatage endast meeskonnale. | Any passengers in distress, please notify flight crew. |
Komandör Uhura, teatage peakorterile ja küsige juhiseid. | Commander Uhura, please notify Starfleet Headquarters. Tell them precisely what has taken place - and request instructions. |
Kui see ülekanne oli õige ja Villus Thed on jaama tulemas, teatage mulle kohe, kui ta saabub. Jälgige teda pidevalt. | If the subspace transmission is correct and Villus Thed is en route to the station, notify me the moment he arrives. |
- Siis pean politseile teatama. | I will have to notify the police. |
Irene, me peame sherifile teatama. | Irene, we have to notify the sheriff. |
"Te ei tohi midagi avalikuks teha ega politseile teatada." | "We warn you for making anything public or for notify the police. |
Aadressi muutusest tuleb seaduse järgi teatada, olenemata sellest, kas see meeldib teile või ei. | Sir, we are required by law to notify a change of address. It's not something we do because we feel like it. Understand? |
- Ma ütlen, et oleme teatanud kõikjale võimudele, | - My point is that we've notified the authorities everywhere... |
Keegi ei ole teatanud sellest, meie jaoskonnas. | Nobody notified our department. |
Miks sa mulle ei teatanud? | Why wasn't I notified? There wasn't time. |
Mina rääkisin siin. Olen juba teatanud oma advokaadile ja kui arvate, et saate oma hirmutamise taktikaga... | I've already notified my attorney and if you think these scare tactics can get rid... |
Nad oIeksid teatanud seIIest. | I would've been notified. |
-Kas E.S.U.'le on teatatud? | -Has ESU been notified? |
Kallis Sharon, nüüdseks on sulle teatatud, et Morgan on läinud. | Dear Sharon, By now you've been notified that Morgan is gone. |
Kas E.S.U.-le on teatatud? | Has E.S.U. been notified? |
Kas ajakirjandusele on teatatud? | Has the press been notified? No, sir. |
Tema perele on teatatud. | Her family has been notified. |
Yale'i on teatatud. | Yale has been notified. |
Kui midagi oleks põgenenud, võimudele oleks teatatud. | If something had escaped, the authorities would have been notified. |
- Mitte meile teatamata. | - Not without notifying us. |
Nüüd oleme muutnud kursi Babylon 5-le, sellest teatamata. | Now we've changed course for Babylon 5 without notifying HQ. |
Te lahkusite ilma teatamata... | You left without notifying- |
"Ta oleks tänulik, kui keegi... kes neid näinud on, teataks sellest koheselt... temale." "Me oleme viimase kuu aja jooksul lapsi kõikjalt otsinud," lisas hr Neville." | "He would be grateful if any person who saw them would notify him... promptly. "'We have been searching high and low for the children for a month past,' added Mr Neville, |
"Ta oleks tänulik, kui keegi... kes neid näinud on, teataks sellest koheselt... temale." | "He would be grateful if any person who saw them would notify him... promptly. |