Kuula. Ma lihtsalt mõtlesin, kas sa tahaksid mõnikord kokku saada, -või ma ei helista sulle enam kunagi ja emigreerun. | Look I was just wondering, would you like to meet up some time, or alternatively I could never phone you again and emigrate. |
Lahkusin Euroopast ja emigreerusin Palestiinasse. | Leaving Europe, I emigrated to Palestine. |
Lahkusin Euroopast ja emigreerusin Palestiinasse | Leaving Europe, I emigrated to Palestine. |
1 959. aastal emigreerus ta Venemaale. | In 1959, he emigrated to Russia. |
1959 aastal - emigreerus ta Venemaale. | In 1959 he emigrated to Russia. |
Me jätsime Euroopa maha ja emigreerusime Palestiinasse. | I left Europe and emigrated to Palestine. |
-Need daamid tahavad emigreeruda ja alustada karjääri Ameerikas. | -The ladies want to emigrate and start a career in America. |
10 % rikkaimatest lähevad veel rikkamaks, ülejäänud võivad emigreeruda Mehhikosse parema elu peale. | Top 10% will get richer, the rest can emigrate to Mexico, live a better life. |
Luba emigreeruda ja nautida Lääne elu? | Immunity? Permission to emigrate and enjoy the amenities of the West? |
Kohalolnud raviarst Mikhail Yureyovich, emigreerunud USA-sse 2008. aastal. | The attending physician, Mikhail Yureyovich, emigrated to the U.S. in '08. |
Ma uurisin ühelt inimeselt, keda ma tean immigratsiooniametist, ja mitte keegi Samuel Aboa nimeline ei emigreerunud Sangalast eelmisel aastal, või vähemalt viimased 15 aastat. | I checked with someone I know at immigration services, And no one named samuel aboa emigrated from Sangala In the last year, or in the last 15 years. |
Oli just koos tütrega emigreerunud. | She'd just emigrated there with her daughter. |
Pole ime, et te kõik olete Ameerikasse emigreerunud! | It's no wonder you all emigrated to America! |