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Boycotter (to boycott) conjugation

19 examples

Conjugation of boycotter

Present tense
je boycotte
I boycott
tu boycottes
you boycott
il/elle/on boycotte
he/she/it boycotts
nous boycottons
we boycott
vous boycottez
you all boycott
ils/elles boycottent
they boycott
Present perfect tense
j’ai boycotté
I boycotted
tu as boycotté
you boycotted
il/elle/on a boycotté
he/she/it boycotted
nous avons boycotté
we boycotted
vous avez boycotté
you all boycotted
ils/elles ont boycotté
they boycotted
Past impf. tense
je boycottais
I was boycotting
tu boycottais
you were boycotting
il/elle/on boycottait
he/she/it was boycotting
nous boycottions
we were boycotting
vous boycottiez
you all were boycotting
ils/elles boycottaient
they were boycotting
Future tense
je boycotterai
I will boycott
tu boycotteras
you will boycott
il/elle/on boycottera
he/she/it will boycott
nous boycotterons
we will boycott
vous boycotterez
you all will boycott
ils/elles boycotteront
they will boycott
Past perfect tense
j’avais boycotté
I had boycotted
tu avais boycotté
you had boycotted
il/elle/on avait boycotté
he/she/it had boycotted
nous avions boycotté
we had boycotted
vous aviez boycotté
you all had boycotted
ils/elles avaient boycotté
they had boycotted
Past preterite tense
je boycottai
I boycotted
tu boycottas
you boycotted
il/elle/on boycotta
he/she/it boycotted
nous boycottâmes
we boycotted
vous boycottâtes
you all boycotted
ils/elles boycottèrent
they boycotted
Past anterior tense
j’eus boycotté
I had boycotted
tu eus boycotté
you had boycotted
il/elle/on eut boycotté
he/she/it had boycotted
nous eûmes boycotté
we had boycotted
vous eûtes boycotté
you all had boycotted
ils/elles eurent boycotté
they had boycotted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai boycotté
I will have boycotted
tu auras boycotté
you will have boycotted
il/elle/on aura boycotté
he/she/it will have boycotted
nous aurons boycotté
we will have boycotted
vous aurez boycotté
you all will have boycotted
ils/elles auront boycotté
they will have boycotted
Present subjunctive tense
que je boycotte
that I boycott
que tu boycottes
that you boycott
qu’il/elle/on boycotte
that he/she/it boycott
que nous boycottions
that we boycott
que vous boycottiez
that you all boycott
qu’ils/elles boycottent
that they boycott
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie boycotté
that I have boycotted
que tu aies boycotté
that you have boycotted
qu’il/elle/on ait boycotté
that he/she/it have boycotted
que nous ayons boycotté
that we have boycotted
que vous ayez boycotté
that you all have boycotted
qu’ils/elles aient boycotté
that they have boycotted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je boycottasse
that I would boycott
que tu boycottasses
that you would boycott
qu’il/elle/on boycottât
that he/she/it would boycott
que nous boycottassions
that we would boycott
que vous boycottassiez
that you all would boycott
qu’ils/elles boycottassent
that they would boycott
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse boycotté
that I had boycotted
que tu eusses boycotté
that you had boycotted
qu’il/elle/on eût boycotté
that he/she/it had boycotted
que nous eussions boycotté
that we had boycotted
que vous eussiez boycotté
that you all had boycotted
qu’ils/elles eussent boycotté
that they had boycotted
Conditional mood
je boycotterais
I would boycott
tu boycotterais
you would boycott
il/elle/on boycotterait
he/she/it would boycott
nous boycotterions
we would boycott
vous boycotteriez
you all would boycott
ils/elles boycotteraient
they would boycott
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais boycotté
I would have boycotted
tu aurais boycotté
you would have boycotted
il/elle/on aurait boycotté
he/she/it would have boycotted
nous aurions boycotté
we would have boycotted
vous auriez boycotté
you all would have boycotted
ils/elles auraient boycotté
they would have boycotted
Imperative mood
let's boycott!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie boycotté
have boycotted
ayons boycotté
let's have boycotted
ayez boycotté
have boycotted

Examples of boycotter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"et nous espérons que votre organisation ne verra pas le besoin de boycotter."and we hope your organization will see no need to boycott.
- Abonnés de vous boycotter.- subscribers to boycott you.
- Et alors ? Il n'y a qu'à boycotter !- So let's boycott!
- On va boycotter le lait de Yasgur.We're gonna boycott Yasgur's milk. MAN:
- Vous voulez boycotter Chez Sal? - Quoi ?Would you sign a petition to boycott Sal's Famous Pizzeria?
A notre première, la presse française nous a boycotté.We made our debut and the French press boycotted us.
Comme la fois où les Russes ont boycotté les Jeux.It'd be like when the Russians boycotted the Olympics.
Crystal a été boycotté par la communauté du rap, créant un vide qui pourrait être comblé par le vin des propriétés Donaghy. Lequel, d'après ce rapport de labo,Cristal has since been boycotted in the rap community, creating a vacuum which could be filled by Donaghy Estates Sparkling Wine, which, according to this lab report,
Il a rejoint un parti de gauche. Les autres commerçants l'ont boycotté.He joined a left-wing party and the other shopkeepers boycotted him.
Ils nous ont complètement boycotté.They boycotted us.
"On boycotte les bus"We have decided to boycott the bus service
- Il les boycotte.He's boycotting them.
- Je boycotte ce qui est français.- I'm boycotting all things French.
- On ne boycotte pas un titulaire.- You can't boycott an Attending.
- Reardon nous boycotte.- Reardon's boycotting us.
Ce message est que si vous souhaitez éviter les calamités qui s'abattent sur la Chine en ce moment et la mort et les mutilations de ceux que vous aimez boycottez les produits japonais jusqu'à ce que les soldats nippons quittent notre territoireIt is this if you wish to avoid the calamities that are befalling China now and the killings and the mutilation of your loved ones boycott Japanese goods until Japanese militaries have left our soil
Pitié, ne boycottez pas mes produits d'outillage électrique.Please do not boycott my line of power tools.
Prenez part aux grèves, boycottez et marchez sur Washington.Be willing to take part in nationwide strikes, boycotts, and marches on Washington.
Vous pouvez aider en boycottant Victorre Grapes.You can help by boycotting Victorre Grapes.

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