Me paneme puuri täis, ankurdame puuri paadi külge ja lohistame selle maale tagasi. | We'll fill up the cage, anchor the cage to the boat, drag 'em back to the mainland. |
Senikaua ankurdame end selle elaja külge. | Best we should impose on this great beast to secure our anchor. |
Musta kärbse(? ) vastsed ankurdavad end konksuringikestega, | Black fly larvae anchor themselves with the ring of hooks, |
Musta kärbse(?) vastsed ankurdavad end konksuringikestega, | Black fly larvae anchor themselves with the ring of hooks, |
Vaid siis, kui nad selle ankurdavad. | Not unless they anchor the pack. |
Ma ankurdasin selle purunematu teemantlõaga. | I anchored it with the unbreakable diamond tether. |
Teine juhtis olevuseni, mis võis vastsena vabalt ujuda, kuid täiskasvanuna end ikkagi ookeanipõhja ankurdas. | Another led to a creature which swam freely in the larval stage... ...but, as an adult, was still firmly anchored to the ocean floor. |
Me peame laeva ankurdama ja... hiljem paari-kolme puksiirpaadiga tagasi tulema. | We could set her at anchor and come back with two or three tugs. |
Selleks et hoida teispoolsust oma kohal, sa vajad midagi, mille külge loitsu ankurdada, õigus? Midagi võimsat, jõulist nagu surematu olend. | In order to keep the other side in place, you need something to anchor the spell, right, something powerful, like an immortal being powerful. |