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Contrair (to contract) conjugation

58 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: acquire, to acquire

Conjugation of contrair

Present tense
I contract
you contract
he/she contracts
we contract
you all contract
they contract
Present perfect tense
tenho contraído
I have contracted
tens contraído
you have contracted
tem contraído
he/she has contracted
temos contraído
we have contracted
tendes contraído
you all have contracted
têm contraído
they have contracted
Past preterite tense
I contracted
you contracted
he/she contracted
we contracted
you all contracted
they contracted
Future tense
I will contract
you will contract
he/she will contract
we will contract
you all will contract
they will contract
Conditional mood
I would contract
you would contract
he/she would contract
we would contract
you all would contract
they would contract
Past imperfect tense
I used to contract
you used to contract
he/she used to contract
we used to contract
you all used to contract
they used to contract
Past perfect tense
tinha contraído
I had contracted
tinhas contraído
you had contracted
tinha contraído
he/she had contracted
tínhamos contraído
we had contracted
tínheis contraído
you all had contracted
tinham contraído
they had contracted
Future perfect tense
terei contraído
I will have contracted
terás contraído
you will have contracted
terá contraído
he/she will have contracted
teremos contraído
we will have contracted
tereis contraído
you all will have contracted
terão contraído
they will have contracted
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha contraído
I have contracted
tenhas contraído
you have contracted
tenha contraído
he/she has contracted
tenhamos contraído
we have contracted
tenhais contraído
you all have contracted
tenham contraído
they have contracted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have contracted
(if/so that) you will have contracted
(if/so that) he/she will have contracted
(if/so that) we will have contracted
(if/so that) you all will have contracted
(if/so that) they will have contracted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver contraído
I will have contracted
tiveres contraído
you will have contracted
tiver contraído
he/she will have contracted
tivermos contraído
we will have contracted
tiverdes contraído
you all will have contracted
tiverem contraído
they will have contracted
Imperative mood
let's contract!
Imperative negative mood
não contraias
do not contract!
não contraia
let him/her/it not contract!
não contraiamos
let us not contract!
não contraiais
do not contract!
não contraiam
do not contract!

Examples of contrair

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
Comecei a questionar-me sobre o que aconteceria quando o Universo parasse de se expandir e começasse a contrair-se.I began to wonder what would happen... when the universe stopped expanding... and began to contract.
Então o Universo começará a contrair-se, e acabará num Big Crunch como o Big Bang revertido.then the universe will begin to contract, and will end up in a big crunch, like the big bang in reverse.
O Tempo não irá inverter o sentido quando o Universo começar a contrair-se.Time will not reverse direction... when the universe begins to contract.
O que vão fazer... é contrair os músculos internos da vagina, está bem?So what you are going to do... is you're going to contract your muscles inside your cuchis, ok? ...
Se a Kendra contrair uma infecção, pode passá-la ao bebé. Pode causar danos ao cérebro. Arriscamos.I mean, if Kendra were to contract an infection, she could pass it on and it could cause brain damage...
Quando o adversário se expande, eu contraio-me.When the opponent expands, I contract.
- É o que estou a dizer-te, contrai.CASPAR: I'm telling you, it contracts.
A lâmina expande-se e contrai-se automaticamente.The wire expands and contracts automatically.
Ele se expande e contrai demais.It expands and it contracts too much.
Logo que o organismo pressente o stress liberta uma hormona que contrai os vasos sanguíneos contrai os músculos do coração, estimula a adrenalina.The minute your system senses stress it releases a hormone that constricts blood vessels contracts the heart muscles, stimulates the adrenal gland.
Nesse caso, ela dilata e contrai-se drasticamente.AII right. Okay. So if it is a variable, it expands and contracts dramatically.
Todos contraímos a peste.We've all contracted the plague.
- Não há um único caso de uma pessoa que tendo um tratamento adequado tenha contraído a doença.There isn't a single case of somebody who's gone through a proper post-exposure treatment who's then contracted the disease.
A Simone pode ter contraído um vírus.Simone may have contracted a virus.
Algum tempo depois, quando combatia na guerra, soube que a mulher tinha contraído varíola e tinha ficado desfigurada.A few years later while he was fighting in some war, he heard his wife and contracted smallpox and had been disfigured.
Como é que ele pode ter contraído uma doença que já nem existe?How could he have contracted a disease that doesn't even exist anymore?
Contém os registos dos exames feitos por mim do então Vice-presidente Clark antes e depois de ele supostamente ter contraído uma infecção viral.Contains the records of my examinations... of then Vice President Clark... before and after he supposedly contracted a viral infection.
A adrenalina flui no corpo, os músculos contraem, o nosso coração acelera e nós fugimos.Adrenaline pumps round the body, the muscles contract, our heart beasts faster and we run.
Como os nossos mundos contraem, a força vai aumentando, e quando a matéria e a energia são comprimidas a um ponto, a densidade é tão grande que não há alternativa senão expandir-se, de novo e rapidamente para foraAs our worlds contract... The force becomes greater and greater, and as matter and energy are compressed to a point, the density is so great that it has no recourse but to rapidly expand outwards again... creating a Big Bang.
Desafortunadamente, aqueles que contraem dívidas devem paga-las.Unfortunately, a person who's contracted debts must pay them.
Estas coisas expandem e contraem.These things expand and contract.
Mais de 30% das pessoas que contraem a doença morrem.Over 30 percent of people who contract the disease will die.
"nem contraí a sida.Nor have I contracted AIDS.
Eu entrei mesmo na Faculdade Green Mountain... e contraí HPV na minha primeira noite lá.I did get into Green Mountain College, and contracted HPV my first night there.
Hã, bem, eu contraí "sífilis".I have, uh, contracted the Great Pox.
Morava em Guam quando contraí a febre amarela.I was living in Guam at the time I contracted yellow fever.
De uma doença prolongada que contraíste nas férias.Some long, drawn-out disease you contracted on vacation.
A esposa do tipo contraiu uma infecção e morreu enquanto fazia um transplante de rim.Guy's wife contracted sepsis And died while in for a kidney transplant.
A infecção que ele contraiu reduz-nos as possibilidades.The infections he's contracted narrow down the possibilities.
A sua mentora, Helen Rutherford, contraiu uma doença grave que consiste em dores articulares, fatiga, sensibilidade à luz e depressão.His mentor, Helen Rutherford, has contracted a serious illness which consists of joint paint, fatigue, sensitivity to light, and depression.
Achas que ele contraiu hepatite C com o senador, não é?You think he contracted hep c from the senator, right?
Ainda não fazemos nenhuma ideia de como Jeff Peak contraiu a Doença de Huntington.We still have no idea how Jeff Peak contracted Huntington's Chorea.
As veias que levam sangue ao coração esquerdo contraíram-se a metade do normal. Tentei relaxantes musculares.The veins carrying blood through his left heart have contracted to half their normal size.
Depois de virem para Londres como voluntários, contraíram a doença.After coming to London to volunteer, they contracted the disease themselves.
Desde então, milhares contraíram as seguintes doenças:Since then, millions of people have contracted these fatal diseases:
Desde então, milhares de pessoas contraíram as seguintes doenças:Since then, millions of people have contracted these fatal diseases:
Dois dos nossos idiotas - contraíram escorbuto.Two of our Buy Morons actually contracted scurvy.
As peças se contrairá e ele vai demitir-se.The parts will contract and it'll fire up.
E sem uma vacina podemos antecipar que aproximadamente 1 em 12 pessoas, no planeta, contrairão a doença.And without a vaccine, we can anticipate that approximately one in 12 people on the planet will contract the disease.
Mas evita que eu contraia a doença.But it prevents me from contracting the disease.
Por favor faz que eu contraia algo, para evitar este casamento.Let me contract anything but avoid getting married.
Rezemos para que não contraia nenhuma DST.Let's pray he doesn't contract an STD.
Talvez tenhas sorte e eu não contraia os músculos e não lhe espete a faca.Maybe you'll get lucky. Maybe my muscles won't contract and drive this knife into her throat.
Um estimulante faz com que as células do sistema respiratório inflamem e este se contraia.A stimulant triggers cells in your child's airways to release substances that inflame the air passages and cause them to contract.
Este Hado permite que contraiam os vossos músculos com uma força extraordinária... impulsionando-os para bem alto no ar.This Hado will allow your muscles to contract with extraordinary force propelling you high into the air.
Músculos cricoaritenóideos posteriores e laterais contraiam a laringe.Posterior and lateral cricoarytenoid muscles To contract his larnyx's.
O interessante nessas bactérias é que é raro em adultos a não ser que contraiam dos seus filhos.The interesting thing about beta strep group a is that it's rare in adults unless they contract it from their children.
O objectivo daquelas coisas é fazer com que os seus músculos se contraiam.Whole point of those things is to make your muscles contract.
- A bolha está se contraindo a um ritmo de 15 metros por segundo.The warp bubble is contracting at a rate of 15 meters per second.
Contou-me uma história que descrevia, ponto por ponto, a forma sistemática como o agente Mulder tinha sido enganado e usado, e como eu, sua parceira, fora levada a seguir o mesmo caminho, perdendo um membro da família pela minha lealdade e contraindo uma doença fatal,He told me a story which detailed point-by-point... the systematic way in which Agent Mulder... had been deceived and used, and how l as his partner had been led down the same path-- losing a family member due to my allegiance... and contracting a fatal disease which I was being told was engineered... by the men who were responsible for Agent Mulder's deception.
Contou-me uma história que descrevia, ponto por ponto, a forma sistemática como o agente Mulder tinha sido enganado e usado, e como eu, sua parceira, fora levada a seguir o mesmo caminho, perdendo um membro de família pela minha lealdade, e contraindo uma doença fatal, que, segundo me foi dito, foi concebida pelos homens responsáveis pelo ludíbrio do agente Mulder.He told me a story which detailed, point by point the systematic way in which Agent Mulder had been deceived and used and how I, as his partner, had been led down the same path losing a family member due to my allegiance and contracting a fatal disease, which I was being told was engineered by the men responsible for Agent Mulder's deception.
Estamos nos contraindo.We're contracting.
O universo expandindo e contraindo e expandindo...The universe expanding and contracting And expanding...
A colchicina interfere com a capacidade dos músculos do coração se contraírem e bombearem o sangue fazendo a pressão arterial descer.The colchicine interferes with the ability of the heart muscle to contract pumping blood, lowering your blood pressure.
A gravidade faz as estrelas contraírem-se, a não ser que outras forças intervenham.Gravity makes stars contract, unless some other force intervenes.
Actividades físicas intensas, rapidamente esgotam as reservas de ATP dos músculos, o que lhes deu a energia que precisavam para se contraírem.Intense physical activity rapidly depletes muscle fibers of ATP, which gives them the energy they need to contract
Duas pessoas não relacionadas na mesma cidade contraírem a mesma doença rara é...That two unrelated people in the same small town would contract the same rare disease...
E fazer os músculos faciais contraírem.And make the facial muscles contract.

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