彼が好む言葉を "優秀" "強さ" "支配" | And talk about that, but use some of those terms that he likes, like "excellent" and "intensity" and "domination." |
軽蔑 支配 刺激的 | Contempt, control, excitement. |
だが それを煎じ詰めれば3つの言葉になる 軽蔑 支配 刺激的 | But they all boil down to three words "contempt", "control", "excitement". |
When my mother crossed through the checkpoint 私の 母が 検問所 通ったとき into Soviet-controlled ソビエトが 支配 East Berlin 東ベルリン she was only 25 彼女 まだ 25歳 | When my mother crossed through the checkpoint, into Soviet-controlled East Berlin, she was only 25. |
その上は政府です。 力の独占を許され、 それを使って有無を言わせず課税し、支配します。 | Above us is government, people who are given a monopoly on force and use it to tax and control us, whether or not we agree. |
その上は政府です。 力の独占を許され、 それを使って有無を言わせず課税し、支配します。 | Above us is government, people who are given a monopoly on force and use it to tax and control us, whether or not we agree. |
彼は5年間、支配した。6年目で、彼より強い他の国の王が彼と戦争した。 | He ruled for five years. In the sixth year, another king, who was stronger than he, waged war against him. |
だが夜明けの前に 闇の勢力 ダークエルフ いとも簡単に 支配した | But before that dawn the dark forces, the Dark Elves, reigned absolute and unchallenged. |
また 施設を 支配される・・ | She's about to regain control of this facility. |
また 施設を 支配される・・ 急ぐのだ・・ | The Red Queen has intercepted my signal, She's about to regain control of the facility.. |
アンタの妹はゾンビを 支配できる | - Your sister, she can control zombies. |
何年も役員室に座っている とでも思ってるの? 王というものは 支配し そして後 死するものよ | Did you really think I was going to sit in a boardroom for years, arguing over who was in charge while you go look... for some miracle in some... godforsaken rock in the middle of space? |
王というものは 支配し そして後 死するものよ 不可避の事だわ | A king has his reign, and then he dies. |
サナダ虫にとっては良いものを無性に欲しくなります。 全体を犠牲にして、支配し | We have a parasite, that's very much manipulating and engorging itself at the expense of the whole. |
全体を犠牲にして、支配し 貪り食う寄生虫がいるわけです。 この経済は、サナダ虫経済です。 | We live in a tapeworm economy, where the financial elite are the tapeworm, and they're feeding on us and don't like it, when people blow their cover. |
" 支配する " の間違えじゃないか。 | You mean rule your country. |
ただそれに従う すべて問題なく思える そして次に... 闇が忍び寄り 支配する | just goin' along, and everything seems okay, and then this... darkness creeps in, and it takes over. |
今逃げたら、 分離主義者がこの星系を 支配する | If we run, the Separatists will take control of this sector. |
それを抑制する必要がある 支配する... いつか それは我々を支配するだろう | I need to constrain it, control it... or one day, it will control us. |
- クラブだけだ アンタが作り 支配する | You start these clubs, and you become a dictator. |