- Bestman valitsee musan. | [eli, behind camera]: Best man chooses the music. I am the best man. |
- Minä hoidan musan. | But I handle the music. Okay, fair enough. |
Aina antaa tän musan soida Aina kun mä silmät suljen Sitä saa mitä tilaa, jou | ⪠Everywhere I go, I'm-a have my own theme music ⪠⪠Oh, every time I close my eyes ⪠⪠Uh, what you see, what you see, bruh? |
Angela sanoi, että rap-artistit tappavat joskus toisiaan musan takia. | Angela said rap artists sometimes kill each other over the music. |
Haluatteko musan hiljaisemmalle? | You here to ask us to turn the music down? Because that's not gonna happen. |
- Aion soittaa musaa lujalla. | - I am gonna play my music really loud. |
- Ei mitään. Olen aina inhonnut sen musaa. | I've never liked their music, have I? |
- Eikö ne soita etnistä musaa? | Don't they play, like, world music? |
- Hiljemmalle sitä musaa! | - The music, a little lower! |
- Hän ei tarkoittanut musaa. | Thank you. I don't think he was talking about the music. |
Tuossa musassa on potkua. | That music's hot. |
"Diggaan musasta, räpistä ja slamista." | I like music, rap and slam. |
- Etkö kirjoitakkaan musasta? | - I thought you only covered music. |
- Minä oikeastaan välitän vain musasta. | Yeah, I don't know. I guess for me, it's always been more about the music. |
- Pidätkö musasta? | You like this music? |
- Tykkäätkö sä tästä musasta? | - You into this kind of music? - Yeah. |
Älä puutu mun musaan. | Don't mess with my music. |
Ilmaisella musalla ei tee rahaa, etenkin kun artistit nostavat kanteita. | There's not a lot of money in free music, even less when you're being sued by everyone who's ever been to the Grammys. |
Antaudu musalle. | Just get into the music. |
Ihan sama, mitä nimiä keksivät musalle. | # And your voice like chimes # Doesn't really matter, you know, what kind of nasty names people invent for the music. |
Mitä musalle tapahtui? | Seriously, what happened to the music? |
- Niiden musa on perseestä! | Their music blows. |
- Se musa saa sielun lepäämään - Sielun lepäämään | ♪ The kind of music just soothes my soul ♪ Soothes my soul |
- Se musa saa sielun lepäämään - Vaara-alueelle vie | ♪ The kind of music just soothes my soul |
- Siellä soi hyvä musa. | - So, they play good music. |
Entä musa? | And I need you to... What about music? |