Predicar (to preach) conjugation

80 examples

Conjugation of predicar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I preach
you preach
he/she/it preaches
we preach
you all preach
they preach
Present perfect tense
he predicado
I have preached
has predicado
you have preached
ha predicado
he/she/it has preached
hemos predicado
we have preached
habéis predicado
you all have preached
han predicado
they have preached
Past preterite tense
I preached
you preached
he/she/it preached
we preached
you all preached
they preached
Future tense
I will preach
you will preach
he/she/it will preach
we will preach
you all will preach
they will preach
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would preach
you would preach
he/she/it would preach
we would preach
you all would preach
they would preach
Past imperfect tense
I used to preach
you used to preach
he/she/it used to preach
we used to preach
you all used to preach
they used to preach
Past perfect tense
había predicado
I had preached
habías predicado
you had preached
había predicado
he/she/it had preached
habíamos predicado
we had preached
habíais predicado
you all had preached
habían predicado
they had preached
Future perfect tense
habré predicado
I will have preached
habrás predicado
you will have preached
habrá predicado
he/she/it will have preached
habremos predicado
we will have preached
habréis predicado
you all will have preached
habrán predicado
they will have preached
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I preach
(if/so that) you preach
(if/so that) he/she/it preach
(if/so that) we preach
(if/so that) you all preach
(if/so that) they preach
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya predicado
I have preached
hayas predicado
you have preached
haya predicado
he/she/it has preached
hayamos predicado
we have preached
hayáis predicado
you all have preached
hayan predicado
they have preached
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have preached
(if/so that) you have preached
(if/so that) he/she/it have preached
(if/so that) we have preached
(if/so that) you all have preached
(if/so that) they have preached
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have preached
(if/so that) you have preached
(if/so that) he/she/it have preached
(if/so that) we have preached
(if/so that) you all have preached
(if/so that) they have preached
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera predicado
I had preached
hubieras predicado
you had preached
hubiera predicado
he/she/it had preached
hubiéramos predicado
we had preached
hubierais predicado
you all had preached
hubieran predicado
they had preached
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese predicado
I had preached
hubieses predicado
you had preached
hubiese predicado
he/she/it had preached
hubiésemos predicado
we had preached
hubieseis predicado
you all had preached
hubiesen predicado
they had preached
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have preached
(if/so that) you will have preached
(if/so that) he/she/it will have preached
(if/so that) we will have preached
(if/so that) you all will have preached
(if/so that) they will have preached
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere predicado
I will have preached
hubieres predicado
you will have preached
hubiere predicado
he/she/it will have preached
hubiéremos predicado
we will have preached
hubiereis predicado
you all will have preached
hubieren predicado
they will have preached
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's preach!
Imperative negative mood
no prediques
do not preach!
no predique
let him/her/it preach!
no prediquemos
let us not preach!
no prediquéis
do not preach!
no prediquen
do not preach!

Examples of predicar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"He sido ungido para predicar el Evangelio a los mansos."He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the meek.
"Nuestra meta no es predicar, ni proclamar valores americanos."Our goal is neither to preach nor proclaim American values.
"acuerdan que sea privado para siempre de voz activa y pasiva "y del derecho de predicar."We order he be deprived forever of active and passive voice and of the right to preach.
- Ahora no, tengo que predicar. - Vamos.I have to preach.
- Debería limitarse a predicar.-Preachers need to stick to preaching.
# Yo debería practicar lo que predico# I ought to practice what I preach
- Qué mierda. la admiración la devoción el sacrificio la adoración y el conocimiento de las Escrituras que predico.- Admiration... devotion... sacrifice... adoration... and knowledge of the scripture... that I preach.
- Yo predico.- I preach.
Bueno, predico sobre la Santísima Trinidad, viejo y nuevo Testamento, infierno, resurrección.Well, I can preach on the Holy Trinity, Old and New Testament, hell, resurrection. You name it, I can do it.
Comeréis lo que os de, practicaréis lo que predico,...You eat what i provide, practice what i preach,
"Pedro ha sido conocido el hecho de que predicas... la rebelión contra el Emperador."Peter has been heard to preach rebellion, against the rule of the emperor.
Así que predicas el coro.So you're preachin' to the choir. Boy.
Basta muy poco para lanzarlos contra nosotros, y de sobornar viene usted y los azuza con sus predicas.It takes little to turn them against us,... then you come and bribe them, incite them with your preaching.
Bueno, me hace pensar que Derek creyó que los visitantes estaban aquí para ayudarnos, pero tú predicas que ellos estaban aquí para destruirnos porque es más fácil sacarle dinero a personas asustadas que darles esperanza, ¿cierto?Well, it gave me pause to think that Derek thought that the visitors were here to help us, but you preached that they're here to destroy us 'cause it's easier to scare people out of their money than give them hope, right?
Bueno, yo soy la que la convenció para venir, así que predicas en el desierto.Oh, well, I'm the one who convinced her to come to this, so you're preaching to the choir.
"He pensado muchas veces en suicidarme. Pero la Biblia predica en contra de quitarte la vida.I have often thought to kill myself, but the Bible preaches against those who take their own life.
(predica el hombre)(man preaches)
- Hemos oído que predica blasfemias.- We heard she preaches blasphemy.
- Sí Pero Jesús predica constantemente contra la gente rica.But Jesus constantly preaches against rich people.
-Supimos que predica blasfemias.-We heard she preaches blasphemy.
""Lo que ha hecho aquí es Io que predicamos, no sólo en eI plano ecológico, sino en eI social""."What's done here is that we preach, not only on the ecological plane, but on the social as well."
-No predicamos a golpes.-We don't preach fire and brimstone.
Con todo respeto, sé que todos predicamos el evangelio.All due respect, I know we all preach the gospel.
En vez de la fuerza, ahora predicamos la conversación.Instead of force, we now preach talks.
Nosotros no practicamos lo que predicamos.We don't live by what we preach.
Tenemos media docena de iglesias a las que la mayoría de vosotros acudís y luego no predicáis con el ejemplo al salir a la calle.We have half a dozen churches which most of you attend and then don't practice the word they preach once you walk down the steps.
Vosotros, los curas, predicáis el orden y la familia.Shame on you, preaching order and family.
"Abrazar la no-violencia que los jóvenes blancos predican es nada más que zambullirse en la corriente de esta fallida civilización Americana"Embracing the non-violence that young whites preach about is nothing short of diving into the current of this failed American civilization.
"donde los ciudadanos predican la no-violencia "pero alimentan el odio hacia sus vecinos."where citizens preach non-violence but nurse hatred for their neighbors"
- Otros hombres tienen yernos normales que cosechan, predican o sirven a su país.Other men have normal sons-in-law who farm or preach or serve their country.
- Practica lo que predican.- Practice what they preach.
- ¿Ellos predican en la escuela?Do they preach at school at all?
Antes de que llegaran prediqué ante el grupo y los insté a tener fe en la bondad y humanidad de los japoneses.A week before their entry, I preached to our group, and I urged them to have faith in the goodness and humanity of the Japanese.
Como ya prediqué la realidad del periodismo preciso... quiero decirte que habría sido catastrófico para todos los involucrados... si hubieras llevado los resultados... de tu investigación a un diario sensacionalista.Now that I've preached on the realities of accurate reporting, I want to tell you how catastrophic for everybody involved it would have been if you had, say, taken the results of your investigation to a tabloid.
La última vez prediqué la Palabra en la sagrada Galilea, hablé en parábolas. ¡Error!Last time I preached the Word in holy Galilee, I spoke in parables. Mistake!
¿Cuántos creen lo que prediqué aquí esta noche?How many believe I preached here tonight?
Viví la vida que predicaste pero que nunca osaste practicar.I lived the life that you preached but never dared practise.
"El pastor predicó dos horas y media..."The preacher preached two and a half hours
"Jesús predicó el evangelio del 'sí'"Jesus preached the gospel of 'yes.'"
"Y predicó que Cristo era el hijo de Dios"."And straightaway he preached. Christ is the son of God."
# El predicador vino, sí, vino # # Y predicó hasta el final #The preacher he did come and he preached till Kingdom come
#Los niños rezaron el predicador predicó## The children prayed The preacher preached #
"Los monos predicaron el nuevo orden el reino de la paz y entre los primeros entusiastas se contaban el tigre, el gato el milano.""The apes preached the new order..." "The reign of peace and among the first supporters were the tiger, the cat, the vulture."
"Y siguieron adelante y predicaron por doquier."And they went forth and preached everywhere.
Con el mismo amor le diste compañeros a los apóstoles de tu Hijo.. para ayudar en la enseñanaza de la fe, ellos predicaron el evangelio por todo el mundo.With the same loving care You gave companions to Your Son's apostles... to help in teaching the faith, they preached the gospel to the whole world.
En esos campamentos de reunión, personas altas y bajas, blancas y negras, ricas y pobres, eran invitadas a escuchar el evangelio, y muchas de las escrituras que se predicaron obviamente fueron escuchadas por los afro americanos para afirmar su igualdad.In these camp meeting venues, persons high and low, black and white, rich and poor were invited to hear the gospel and many of the scriptures that were preached obviously were heard by African Americans as ensuring their equality.
Este valle estuvo habitado durante 4 siglos por unos monjes, los carmelitas, que predicaron la religión cristiana entre los pueblos más importantes de Las Hurdes.For centuries this has been home to monks of the Carmelite order. They preached Christianity in the villages of Las Hurdes.
Ahora, predicaré en la ciudad.Next, I will preach in the city.
Cuando vuelva, predicaré sobre el pan de banana.When l go back in there, l will preach a banana bread sermon.
Así que predicará lo que no cree a hombres a quienes no les importa.So you will preach what you do not believe to men who do not care.
Papá predicará allí.Daddy will preach there.
Amigo, juntos... predicaremos el evangelio de la higiene.- Friends, we are now going to walk together. Together we will preach the gospel on hygiene!
- Déjelo que predique.- Let him preach.
Antes de que predique la palabra de Dios y de que vosotros la escuchéis inclinemos las cabezas ante él que dijo:First, that I may preach the word of God truly... and you hear it... let us bow our heads to him who said...
Con el debido respeto, no es normal que un ministro, predique que Dios no existe, así que debo cuestionar....With all due respect, it isn't normal for a minister... ...topreachthatthereisnoGod, so I have to question--
En verdad digo que en todo el mundo donde se predique este evangelio será contado en su memoria lo que ella ha hecho.Wherever the gospel is preached, this deed shall preserve her memory.
Esta iglesia necesita un cura que predique un mensaje cristiano.This church wants a pastor who preaches a traditional Christian message.
"Papá, no me prediques.""Papa, don't preach."
- Pero no me prediques.But no preaching.
Ah, Papa no prediques..Ah, Papa don't preach...
Bien, no le prediques.Okay,don't preach to him.
John, es el momento de que prediques a la gente buena de Epworth.John, lt's time for you to preach to the good people of Epworth.
"En su camino, prediquen, diciendo: 'El Reino de los Cielos está cerca'.""As ye go, preach, saying, 'The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand'."
Canten y regocijense alaben a Jehová eterna paz espera en su paraíso prediquen al mundo que nuestro Rey es grande en Él encontraremos gozo eterno.Sing and rejoice praise Jehovah eternal peace awaits in his Paradise preach to the world that our King is great in him we will find eternal joy.
Solo porque te prediquen eso en rehabilitación no significa que tengas que predicarmelo a mí, ¿vale?Just because they preach that you in rehab doesn't mean you have to preach it at me, okay?
Vayan por el mundo y prediquen el evangelio a toda la creación.Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Vayan por el mundo... y prediquen el Evangelio a toda criatura.Go into the world... and preach the gospel to all creation.
Id y predicad a toda la cristiandad...He said: "Go and preach to all Christendom..."
Jesús dijo: "Id por el mundo y predicad el evangelioJesus said, "Go into the world and preach the gospel
¡Ánimo, hijos míos, esparcíos por el mundo y predicad la paz! Adiós.Now, my children, go forth into the world and preach peace.
Cada líder que ha predicado la paz lo ha hecho protegido por hombres armados.Every leader who ever preached peace did so guarded by armed men.
Como ya he predicado contra los crápulas... ahora me meteré con el juego.I've preached against gluttony, now I warn you about gambling.
Con gusto intercambiaría mi último centavo por escuchar su mensaje predicado al mundo desde este altar.I would gladly exchange my last penny to hear your message preached to the world from this altar.
Creyó que todo lo que había predicado era mentira.He believed everything he'd ever preached was a lie.
El modelo de unos pocos países con suerte se ha convertido en un sueño universal predicado por los televisores de todo el mundo.The model of a lucky-few countries has become a universal dream preached by TVs all over the world.
"Demasiado a menudo escucho predi... personas en el pulpito predicando el evangelio del no."Too often I hear prea..." people up here on the pulpit preaching the gospel of no.
"Este hijo de puta está loco predicando guerra de razas en una maldita iglesia"."preaching race war in a goddamn church."
# Estoy pregonando y predicando a los sordos y los mudos #♪ I'm hawking and I'm preaching to the deaf and dumb
- Eh, hombre, estás predicando al tipo que se comió al coro.Hey, you're preaching to the guy who ate the choir.
- En el lugar de siempre, predicando.- Where he always is, preaching.

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