Disfrazar (to disguise) conjugation

76 examples

Conjugation of disfrazar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I disguise
you disguise
he/she/it disguises
we disguise
you all disguise
they disguise
Present perfect tense
he disfrazado
I have disguised
has disfrazado
you have disguised
ha disfrazado
he/she/it has disguised
hemos disfrazado
we have disguised
habéis disfrazado
you all have disguised
han disfrazado
they have disguised
Past preterite tense
I disguised
you disguised
he/she/it disguised
we disguised
you all disguised
they disguised
Future tense
I will disguise
you will disguise
he/she/it will disguise
we will disguise
you all will disguise
they will disguise
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would disguise
you would disguise
he/she/it would disguise
we would disguise
you all would disguise
they would disguise
Past imperfect tense
I used to disguise
you used to disguise
he/she/it used to disguise
we used to disguise
you all used to disguise
they used to disguise
Past perfect tense
había disfrazado
I had disguised
habías disfrazado
you had disguised
había disfrazado
he/she/it had disguised
habíamos disfrazado
we had disguised
habíais disfrazado
you all had disguised
habían disfrazado
they had disguised
Future perfect tense
habré disfrazado
I will have disguised
habrás disfrazado
you will have disguised
habrá disfrazado
he/she/it will have disguised
habremos disfrazado
we will have disguised
habréis disfrazado
you all will have disguised
habrán disfrazado
they will have disguised
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I disguise
(if/so that) you disguise
(if/so that) he/she/it disguise
(if/so that) we disguise
(if/so that) you all disguise
(if/so that) they disguise
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya disfrazado
I have disguised
hayas disfrazado
you have disguised
haya disfrazado
he/she/it has disguised
hayamos disfrazado
we have disguised
hayáis disfrazado
you all have disguised
hayan disfrazado
they have disguised
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have disguised
(if/so that) you have disguised
(if/so that) he/she/it have disguised
(if/so that) we have disguised
(if/so that) you all have disguised
(if/so that) they have disguised
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have disguised
(if/so that) you have disguised
(if/so that) he/she/it have disguised
(if/so that) we have disguised
(if/so that) you all have disguised
(if/so that) they have disguised
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera disfrazado
I had disguised
hubieras disfrazado
you had disguised
hubiera disfrazado
he/she/it had disguised
hubiéramos disfrazado
we had disguised
hubierais disfrazado
you all had disguised
hubieran disfrazado
they had disguised
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese disfrazado
I had disguised
hubieses disfrazado
you had disguised
hubiese disfrazado
he/she/it had disguised
hubiésemos disfrazado
we had disguised
hubieseis disfrazado
you all had disguised
hubiesen disfrazado
they had disguised
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have disguised
(if/so that) you will have disguised
(if/so that) he/she/it will have disguised
(if/so that) we will have disguised
(if/so that) you all will have disguised
(if/so that) they will have disguised
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere disfrazado
I will have disguised
hubieres disfrazado
you will have disguised
hubiere disfrazado
he/she/it will have disguised
hubiéremos disfrazado
we will have disguised
hubiereis disfrazado
you all will have disguised
hubieren disfrazado
they will have disguised
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's disguise!
Imperative negative mood
no disfraces
do not disguise!
no disfrace
let him/her/it disguise!
no disfracemos
let us not disguise!
no disfracéis
do not disguise!
no disfracen
do not disguise!

Examples of disfrazar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"La ilusión se necesita para disfrazar el vacío del interior"."Illusion is needed to disguise the emptiness within."
- Sospecho que es para disfrazar su hipocresía.- I suspect it's to disguise your hypocrisy.
Al matar cuatro personas, nuestro asesino esperaba disfrazar el crimen que tenía un motivo real,- By killing four people, our murderer hoped to disguise the one murder with a real motive.
Alguien pudo usar ese mito para disfrazar un asesinato, Frank.Somebody could be using that myth to disguise a murder, Frank.
Algunas usan máscaras para disfrazar sus intenciones oscuras, mientras que otras optan por ocultarse a plena vista.Some wear masks to disguise their dark intentions, while others choose to hide in plain sight.
A veces me disfrazo para que admitan quiénes son y poder darles los documentos.I gotta wear disguises sometimes just to make them admit they're themselves so I can serve them the papers.
La disfrazo a veces para entretenerme.I disguise her sometimes to amuse myself.
Lo ves, si me disfrazo, no importa si soy atrapado.See, if I disguise myself, it won't matter if I'm caught -
Los peino, los disfrazo, son muy felices.I do their hair, I disguise them, they're happy...
No veo, de lo que se disfrazo?What are you disguised as?
- No es cierto. Lo disfrazas como una broma, pero hablas en serio.You disguise it as joking, but you're serious.
Abatido por perderme, te disfrazas pare vengarte de mí.Dejected about losing me, you've come in a disguise to avenge me.
Así es como te disfrazas de Droide.That's how you disguise yourself as a Droid.
Mejor te disfrazas de hombreBetter disguise yourself as a man
No pareces tú...te disfrazas bien.Unlike you, you disguise well
"No lo crea, Don Giuseppe, los marcianos no existen no tema, el diablo se disfraza de muchas formas, de mujer, de conejo"."Don't believe that, Don Giuseppe, since martians Don't exist Don't be afraid, the devil disguises himself into many forms, as a woman, as a rabbit".
-Sólo tiene un dispositivo que la disfraza como dos vagabundos que se pelean por un trozo de queso.It's got a cloaking device that disguises it as two homeless guys fighting over a wedge of cheese.
Ahora, la lavandina no solo disfraza cualquier olor frente a los animales, o grupos de búsqueda, sino que también comienza a descomponer el cuerpo.Now, the bleach not only disguises any scent for any wandering animals, or... or search parties, but it also begins the breakdown process of the flesh.
Así como la población está fascinado e hipnotizado por poderosas detrás de las escenas de fuerzas, ya que se distraen con el último escándalo de la celebridad, El último teléfono celular, y su equipo deportivo favorito, esta red se disfraza, permaneciendo en las sombras.So as the populace is mesmerized and hypnotized by powerful behind-the-scenes forces, as they are distracted by the latest celebrity scandal, the newest cell phone, and their favorite sports team, this network disguises itself, remaining in the shadows.
Bueno, Rosalinda se disfraza como hombre y luego escapa al bosque.well, RosaIind disguises herself as a man, and then she escapes into the forest.
- Nos disfrazamos, y si hay problemas, nos vamos.We'll wear disguises and if it looks like trouble, we'll leave.
Ambos nos disfrazamos de nosotros mismos.We are both disguised as ourselves.
El punto que Shakespeare quiere hacer es que cuando nos disfrazamos, nos sentimos libres.See, the point Shakespeare is trying to make... is that when we´re in disguise, we feel freer.
En que nos disfrazamos hoy?From what disguise?
Los dos nos disfrazamos de zombies.The two of us zombie disguise.
- No, pero se disfrazan.But you may need a disguise.
Así disfrazan la herida por desgarro en el cráneo.So you disguised the wound by tearing it with the skull.
Con el fin de caminar entre nosotros, ellos disfrazan su apariencia.In order to walk among us, they disguise their appearance.
Creen que si lo disfrazan como un barco de instrucción naval.. tendrá una oportunidad.They seem to think if she's disguised as a Navy training craft... that she has a chance.
Cuentos como éste disfrazan la obra de los ladrones.Oh, tales like this just disguise the work of thieves.
- Por tres días me disfracé de vagabundo, caminé por el centro.- Three days. I got disguised as a homeless person, and I walked downtown.
-Me disfracé, usando ropa que yo nunca elegiría.I disguised myself, by wearing clothes I'd never choose.
Me disfracé ... de camello.I disguised myself as a camel.
Me disfracé de embajadoraI disguised myself as the ambassador
Me disfracé de obrero con casco, camisa... para parecer americano, con muchas lapiceras en mi bolsillo.I was disguised as a workman with a helmet, a shirt... Jean-Francois To look like an American, I had lot of pens in my pocket. Thats typically American, apparently.
... ¿Te disfrazaste de pingüino?... what are you disguised of? a penguin?
Te disfrazaste de gordinflas.You are disguised as a fatty.
¿Por qué te disfrazaste de hombre y permaneciste al lado de Tae Jun oppa?Why are you staying by Tae Joon's side disguised as a boy?
¿Te disfrazaste de conejo para comer zanahorias?Are you disguised as a rabbit to munch on carrots?
. Tu madre se disfrazó de ella y algo pasó.He disguised her as Jane Fonda and when something went wrong.
..."y disfrazó su voz para sonar como Caperucita Roja."...and disguised his voice to sound like Little Red Riding Hood.
Alguien disfrazó un químico letal como cocaína.Someone disguised a lethal chemical as cocaine.
Así que Zeus se disfrazó como toro gigante blanco, Tauro, y la llevó en su lomo a través del océano hasta Creta donde la violó, básicamente.So Zeus disguised himself as a giant white bull, Taurus, and he carried her on his back across the ocean to Crete where he raped her, basically.
Así que se disfrazó como un hombre... e intentó servirte.So she disguised herself as a man... and tried to serve you.
¿También os disfrazasteis?Your disguised too?
Creo que lo disfrazaron.I think they disguised him.
En las vacaciones pasadas dos seminaristas se disfrazaron de diablos y robaron gallinas.On last vacation, two seminarians, disguised as devils, were caught stealing chickens.
Jasper, ¿supones que se disfrazaron?Jasper, do you suppose they disguised themselves?
Los bastardos disfrazaron a los rehenes como terroristas.The bastards disguised the hostages as the terrorists!
Me disfrazaré como la última enfermera que cuidó de su padre en el hospital... y llevaré un libro de recuerdos falso cuando lo visite.I will disguise myself as the last nurse who took care of his father in the hospital, and take a fake scrapbook to visit him.
- El hedor disfrazará tu olor.- The stench will disguise your scent.
Te disfrazaremos como terrorista y te infiltraremos en el Oriente Medio.We will disguise you as a terrorist and take you deep into the Middle East.
Yo disfrazaría mis implantes de rastreo como una rareza médica. En resumen, estos tipos estaban desesperados por encontrar lo que se llevó Marie, por lo que tenemos que encontrarlo primero, porque eso nos llevará al asesino.I would disguise my tracking implants as a rare medical you know, the bottom line is that these guys were desperate to get whatever Marie took, so we gotta find it first, because that'll lead us to the killer.
A no ser que el Inspector General se disfrace de pájaro y entre volando en la ciudad, nunca lo hará sin que yo lo sepa.So unless the Inspector General decides to disguise himself like a bird and fly into the city, he'll never get past me.
Cierta gente odia mi cara, Así que me disfrace.Some people hate my face. So l had to wear a disguise.
Es necesario que se disfrace.A disguise is necessary to protect us all.
Eso es lo que me parece. "Y es que, al lobo, por mucho que se disfrace, al final se le acaban viendo los dientes".But even if the wolf had disguised himself... in the end you can see the teeth.
Exactamente, la voz, no importa que tan bien se disfrace tienen un patrón peculiar en la intensidad de las harmónicas en el sonido de las vocalesExactly, every human voice, no matter how well it's disguised has a peculiar pattern of harmonic intensities in the vowel sound.
# llega en todas las formas y aspectos # # los problemas llevan disfraces baratos # # y todo el satín de esta ciudad # # no puede envolverme o derribarme # # tan rápido como la mirada de deseo en tus ojos #♪ it comes in every shape and size ♪ ♪ trouble wears a cheap disguise ♪ ♪ and all the satin in this town ♪
- Claro que sí. Se pavonean con sus disfraces.Of course they are, prancing around, wearing disguises.
- Conseguiré un uniforme de mozo. - Estos disfraces son muy caros.You know, these disguises are getting expensive.
- De ninguna manera. - Tal vez necesitamos disfraces.- Maybe we need disguises.
- El diablo tiene muchos disfraces.- The devil has many disguises.
Cuando nos disfracemos de gente vulgar y nos mezclemos con el pueblo para recompensar la bondad y la virtud.When we disguise ourselves as common folk and go amongst the people to reward the virtuous and the good.
Esta gente son tus vecinos. Creo que seria buena idea... que nos disfracemos un poco.I thought it might be a good idea to disguise ourselves a little.
¡Tensad los nervios y congregad la sangre, disfrazad la noble naturaleza con dura y favorable furia!Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with hard-favored rage.
"Arrestar oficial alemán disfrazado de pastor."Arresting officer disguised as a German shepherd.
"El ladrón, disfrazado como un empleado de la compañía del gas escapó con miles de dólares en efectivo."The robbers, disguised as employees of the gas company, escaped with thousands of dollars in cash-"
"La policía sospecha que fui asesinada," "y estaba disfrazado para parecer un suicidio."The police will suspect that I was murdered and it was disguised to look like suicide.
"Pero aunque el lobo se había disfrazado muy bien y había conseguido engañar a Caperucita, al final de la obra el cazador le encuentra y salva a Caperucita".But even if the wolf had disguised himself very well, and had managed to fool Little Red Riding Hood, in the end the hunter finds and saves Little Red Riding Hood.
"Se ha informado que Mr. Churchill ha sido capturado disfrazado de policía"."It is reported that Mr. Churchill has been captured, disguised as a policeman".
-Me estoy disfrazando.- I'm disguising myself.
Algún imbecil llamó disfrazando su voz, dijo que había un hombre atado a un árbol llevando una bolsa llena de sangre de vampiro.Some moron called disguising his voice, said that there was a guy tied to a tree holding a bag full of vamp blood.
Debes superar estas ilusiones que están disfrazando tu realidad.You must overcome these delusions that are disguising your reality.
Está disfrazando su voz.He's disguising his voice.
Uno de ellos es que más o menos tengo que ser del mismo tamaño que la persona de la que me estoy disfrazando.One is I more or less have to be the same size as the person I'm disguising myself as.

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