"Será un crimen pronunciar o publicar escritos contra el gobierno de Estados Unidos con la intención de difamar o traerle deshonra o descrédito". | "It shall be a crime to utter or publish writings against the government of the United States with intent to defame or bring it into contempt or disrepute." |
. . para difamar a Ajay Shridhar. | . . to defame Ajay Shridhar. |
.. del gobierno central para difamar al Gobierno del Estado. | ..of the central government to defame the state government. |
Del latín "nigro", difamar, ennegrecer, | From the Latin word "niger," to defame, to blacken. |
Lo haces solo para difamar a la familia. | You're born only to defame the family. |
- ¿No has oído? Albrecht difamo a su padre con su ensayo. | Albrecht defamed his father in an essay. |
Hay una cláusula que determina que el contrato será nulo, si alguno del grupo difama al producto por escrito o por internet. | There's a clause that states that the contract will be terminated, if any of the band defames the product in print or online. |
La bruja de este caso, representada con entusiasmo por la Sra. Berleth no es un símbolo del satanismo y no difama la religión de los wiccanos. | Now, the witch at the center of this case... played with gusto by Mrs. Berlet... is not a symbol of Satanism... and in no way defames the religion of the Wiccans. |
Gente difaman muerte. | People defame death. |
No se lo digas a nadie, o bien el consejo de la aldea me difaman. | Don't tell anyone or else village council will defame me. |
Se les acusa de distribuir libros que difaman al nieto del Rey. | Charged for distributing books that defame the King's grandson. |
Si crees que difamé a tu cliente, prosigue y presenta una demanda contra mí. | If you think I defamed your client, then go ahead and file a suit against me. |
Respetado padre, tengo mi nombre cancelado Pero te difamaste tu mismo. | Respected father, I got my name cancelled but you defamed yourself. |
¡Cállate, me difamaste porque no tienes la habilidad para vencerme! | You defamed me because you're jealous! |
El punto es, que el Sr. Clove difamó a nuestra cliente como homofóbica, cuando claramente sabía que era un discurso basado en la religión. | The point is, Mr. Clove defamed our client as homophobic, when clearly he knew it was religiously based speech. Yes. |
Y ¿difamó a su cliente? | And it defamed your client? |
Él nunca los difamó y ahora veo que eran tan dignos como los otros. | He never defamed them and now I see they were as worthy as the others. |
180 usuarios difamaron a Zayeed. | 180 users defamed Zayeed. |
Aceptaron sobornos y difamaron al maestro! | They accepted bribe and then defamed the teacher! |
No te acosaron, no te difamaron. | You weren't harassed, you weren't defamed. |
Quiero decir, su argumento es que los usuarios que difamaron a su cliente no son empleados. | I mean, your argument is that the users who defamed her client are not employees. |
Se difamaron el uno al otro. | They defamed each other. |
El no sabe como lo difamaremos... | He doesn't know how we will defame him... |
Te difamarán y te harán famoso. | They will defame you by making you famous |
No difame a la Dinastía Qing aquí. | Do not defame the Qing Dynasty here. |
No soporto que mi hija difame así la memoria de un gran hombre. | I cannot bear that my daughter should so defame the memory of a great man. |
Pero no lo podremos hacer porque la difamación es ilegal, así como es ilegal que el señor Detweiller difame a Choco-nut. Que por cierto... está delicioso. | but we wouldn't do that because defamation is illegal, just as it's illegal for mr. detweiller to defame the choco-nut, which, by the way... is delicious. |
"A Munni lo han difamado, querida, sólo por ti." | "Munni was defamed, darling only for you." |
"La dulce relación terminó y el respeto fue difamado" | "The sweet relationship ended and respect was defamed." |
- Ya fui difamado. | -I'm defamed. |
.. para venir a Amritsar y ser difamado? | ..that you came to Amritsar to get defamed? |
A menudo conseguir difamado . | Often get defamed. |
Cuando te están difamando a tí, me están difamando a mí también. | When they're defaming you, they're defaming me too. |
Esto es una clara maniobra para presentar su propia pseudo denominada prueba como forma de seguir difamando a mi cliente. | This is an obvious stunt to present their own so-called evidence as a way of further defaming my client. |
Me están difamando tomando el nombre de Krishna. | They're defaming me taking Krishna's name. |
Solo porque usted está difamando a uno vivo. | Only because you're defaming a live one. |
Usted me está difamando. | You defaming my character. |