Desarmar (to disarm) conjugation

79 examples

Conjugation of desarmar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I disarm
you disarm
he/she/it disarms
we disarm
you all disarm
they disarm
Present perfect tense
he desarmado
I have disarmed
has desarmado
you have disarmed
ha desarmado
he/she/it has disarmed
hemos desarmado
we have disarmed
habéis desarmado
you all have disarmed
han desarmado
they have disarmed
Past preterite tense
I disarmed
you disarmed
he/she/it disarmed
we disarmed
you all disarmed
they disarmed
Future tense
I will disarm
you will disarm
he/she/it will disarm
we will disarm
you all will disarm
they will disarm
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would disarm
you would disarm
he/she/it would disarm
we would disarm
you all would disarm
they would disarm
Past imperfect tense
I used to disarm
you used to disarm
he/she/it used to disarm
we used to disarm
you all used to disarm
they used to disarm
Past perfect tense
había desarmado
I had disarmed
habías desarmado
you had disarmed
había desarmado
he/she/it had disarmed
habíamos desarmado
we had disarmed
habíais desarmado
you all had disarmed
habían desarmado
they had disarmed
Future perfect tense
habré desarmado
I will have disarmed
habrás desarmado
you will have disarmed
habrá desarmado
he/she/it will have disarmed
habremos desarmado
we will have disarmed
habréis desarmado
you all will have disarmed
habrán desarmado
they will have disarmed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I disarm
(if/so that) you disarm
(if/so that) he/she/it disarm
(if/so that) we disarm
(if/so that) you all disarm
(if/so that) they disarm
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya desarmado
I have disarmed
hayas desarmado
you have disarmed
haya desarmado
he/she/it has disarmed
hayamos desarmado
we have disarmed
hayáis desarmado
you all have disarmed
hayan desarmado
they have disarmed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have disarmed
(if/so that) you have disarmed
(if/so that) he/she/it have disarmed
(if/so that) we have disarmed
(if/so that) you all have disarmed
(if/so that) they have disarmed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have disarmed
(if/so that) you have disarmed
(if/so that) he/she/it have disarmed
(if/so that) we have disarmed
(if/so that) you all have disarmed
(if/so that) they have disarmed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera desarmado
I had disarmed
hubieras desarmado
you had disarmed
hubiera desarmado
he/she/it had disarmed
hubiéramos desarmado
we had disarmed
hubierais desarmado
you all had disarmed
hubieran desarmado
they had disarmed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese desarmado
I had disarmed
hubieses desarmado
you had disarmed
hubiese desarmado
he/she/it had disarmed
hubiésemos desarmado
we had disarmed
hubieseis desarmado
you all had disarmed
hubiesen desarmado
they had disarmed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have disarmed
(if/so that) you will have disarmed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have disarmed
(if/so that) we will have disarmed
(if/so that) you all will have disarmed
(if/so that) they will have disarmed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere desarmado
I will have disarmed
hubieres desarmado
you will have disarmed
hubiere desarmado
he/she/it will have disarmed
hubiéremos desarmado
we will have disarmed
hubiereis desarmado
you all will have disarmed
hubieren desarmado
they will have disarmed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's disarm!
Imperative negative mood
no desarmes
do not disarm!
no desarme
let him/her/it disarm!
no desarmemos
let us not disarm!
no desarméis
do not disarm!
no desarmen
do not disarm!

Examples of desarmar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
(Carter) Cómo desarmar una asaltante con un cuchillo.(CARTER) How to disarm an assailant with a knife.
(Carter) Sea cual sea la situación ... saber cómo desarmar y sacar un oponente sin un arma de fuego, no sólo es un salvavidas, pero es una experiencia necesaria por las Fuerzas Especiales.(CARTER) Whatever the situation... knowing how to disarm and take out an opponent without a firearm, is not only a lifesaver, but it's an expertise required by the Special Forces.
- ...tenemos que desarmar el auto - ¡Vamos!We have to disarm the car. Come on!
- Nuestras. Tiene que desarmar las minas, para que podamos avanzar.He has to disarm the mines, so we could go further.
- Sí, ¿pero cómo lo vas a desarmar?- Yes, but how are you going to disarm him?
La desarmo solo cuando estemos lejos con la rehén.I disarm it only when we're away with the hostage.
Necesito saber qué hacer después de que desarmo a un asaltante.I need to know what to do after I disarm an assailant.
No si la desarmo.- Not if I disarm it. - You can do that?
Si te desarmo yo, no será agradable.If I disarm you, it will not be pleasant.
Todavía no, mi princesa púrpura. si No desarmo a los nanobots, y cualquier cosa más grande que un gato doméstico que se mueva por ahí,Not yet, my purple princess. If I don't disarm those nanobots, and anything bigger than a housecat moves around in there, it's gonna sound like the Vedran Empress Day parade.
La bomba que desarmas tiene un cableado muy particular.That bomb you're disarming uses a unique system of wires.
Los desarmas.You disarm them.
Me desarmas con tu fe.You disarm me with your faith.
Ronnie, tú desarmas a este sujeto.Ronnie, you disarm this guy.
Si adivino el número... te gano, desarmas ese interruptor.I guess the number - I beat you, you disarm that switch.
(Marco desarma finalmente a Tegana.)(Marco finally disarms Tegana.)
Bajando tu voz media octava transmite confianza, un gentil, asegurador toque en el hombre desarma tu presa, y luego... el neg un insulto disfrazado como un halago que baje el autoestima de tu presa, haciéndolas querer impresionarte.Lowering your voice half an octave conveys confidence, a gentle, reassuring touch to the shoulder disarms your prey, and then... the neg-- an insult disguised as a compliment that lowers the self-esteem of your prey, making them want to impress you.
Cuando se desarma a un oponente con un arma utilizando sólo el látigo.When he disarms an opponent with a gun using only the whip.
Guardia considera que la niñera, Quiere, se deja en, desarma el código, Trata de violarla, ella resiste, luego roba su lindo bolso rojo, activa la alarma al escapar para hacerlo parecer como un allanamiento.Guard sees the babysitter, wants her, lets himself in, disarms the code, tries to rape her, she resists, then steals her pretty red purse, triggers the alarm on the way out to make it look like a burglary.
Jay-Don entra y desarma la caja de control en la parte trasera.Jay-Don enters, goes to the control box in the back, disarms it.
A partir de este momento, sólo desarmamos... cuando haya vidas en peligro.From this point forward we only disarm... when lives are at stake.
Además desarmamos y capturamos a todos estos hombres, ¿son todos los terroristas?We also disarmed and captured all these guys, so is that all the terrorists?
Entonces ustedes bajan, los desarmamos y los tomamos prisioneros.Then you guys come down the hill, we disarm them and take them in.
La desarmamos.We disarm it.
Lo desarmamos hace tres años.We disarmed him three years ago.
(Los soldados desarman a Tegana y a Ian.)(Soldiers disarm Tegana and Ian.)
Arman o desarman cualquier cosa, desde una granada hasta una bombita nuclear.Guys can make and disarm anything from a grenade to a...backpack nuke.
Creo que no fui hecho para un trabajo donde desarman una bomba, roban un diamante o saltan de un edificio. - Tu me engañarías.I don't think I'm really cut out for a job where you disarm a bomb,steal a diamond,and then jump off a building.
Las provincias vascas, Málaga, Barcelona, Madrid, resisten victoriosamente y desarman el modelo.The Basque provinces, Malaga, Barcelona, Madrid, victoriously resist and disarm the model.
Los agitadores provocan a la policía mientras los obreros de izquierda desarman las barricadas.The agitators provoke the police while the left-wing workers disarm the barricades.
- Una vez que saqué mi pistola, los desarmé a ambos y los esposé.-Once I pulled my gun, disarmed 'em both and cuffed him.
Hasta la otra noche, cuando desarmé a Draco en la Mansión Malfoy.Until the other night when I disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor.
Le desarmé.Hmm? I "disarmed" him.
Lo desarmé.I disarmed it.
Tan solo los desarmé.I only disarmed them.
Ah, tú... lo desarmaste.Oh, you... disarmed it.
Debía despejar las sospechas que verhuenza que la desarmasteI had to throw suspicion off me. Shame you disarmed it.
La manera en que desarmaste a Randolph y lo todo lo del falso rastro.The way you disarmed Randolph and the... the whole dummy trail business?
Pero te pusiste en pie, desarmaste a la hermana y detuviste a Haibach.But you got back up, disarmed the sister, and stopped Haibach.
Sabes, la última vez que nos vimos... me, eh, desarmaste con tus tácticas de evasión.You know, last time we met, you, disarmed me with your evasive tactics.
- ¿Alguien desarmó alguna?- Has anyone ever disarmed one before?
Así fue cómo el hijo desarmó al padre.The son disarmed the father.
Así que el asesino desarmó a Ken o sabía donde la guardaba.So either Ken's killer disarmed him, or knew where Ken kept it.
Bueno, ¿se desarmó a tiempo la cabeza nuclear?Well was the nuke disarmed in time?
Casey desarmó a Shaw.Casey disarmed Shaw.
Lo desarmaron.They disarmed it.
Sé que doblegaron y desarmaron a Goetz.I know that you subdued and disarmed Goetz.
Con él, esto desarmará el detonadorWith it, this will disarm the detonator.
Encontraremos la bomba, y la desarmaremos.We will find this bomb and we will disarm it.
Cualquiera de ellas la desarmaría.Either one would disarm her.
"Distrito de Columbia versus Heller", Holder argumentó por el desarme completo del pueblo Americano y que sólo los militares deben poseer armas de fuego.Holder argued for the complete disarmament of the American people and that only the military should own firearms.
"El presidente JOHN KENNEDY se dirigió a las Naciones Unidas en septiembre de 1961 y presentó el programa de Estados Unidos para el desarme general y completo para un mundo en paz.President John Kennedy went to the United Nations in September 1961 and he presented the United States program for general and complete disarmament at peace below.
- Creía que la amenaza de guerra nuclear, las cuestiones de desarme nuclear, eran más importantes que las matemáticas, y que la gente que sigue haciendo matemáticas, en vez de enfrentarse a esta amenaza de guerra nuclear. estaban haciendo daño en el mundo.He believed that the threat of nuclear war and the questions of nuclear disarmament were more important than mathematics and that people who continue to do mathematics rather than confront this threat of nuclear war were doing harm in the world.
- Sí. Despeje para desarme.Clear for disarmament.
- ¿Y cuánto tarda el proceso de desarme?And the disarming process, how long does that usually take?
Después de que te desarmes.After you disarm.
Espera, Andorinho... no desarmes la tienda todavía.Wait, Swallow... don't disarm the tent yet.
Necesito que desarmes a Jack tan rápida y tranquilamente como puedas antes de que se dé cuenta.You need to disarm Jack as soon as quickly and quietly as possible before he finds out.
¿No te pagamos para que desarmes bombas en lugar de hacerlas estallar?Don't we pay you to disarm bombs rather than set them off?
Bien, pero a menos que desarmemos esta computadora en cinco minutos todo el edificio volará.Yes, but unless we can disarm this computer, the building will blow.
Diseñada para evitar que la desarmemos.It's specifically designed to prevent us from disarming it.
¿No podrías considerar otra accíon, como esperar hasta que te desarmemos?Would you consider another course of action? For example, just waiting around awhile so we can disarm you?
¿Quiere que desarmemos la caja para ver si hay algo que los rayos x no han detectado?Want to disarm the box To see if there is anything that x-rays have not detected?
A que Eric y Nora desarmen y desbloqueen todo.For what? Eric and Nora to disarm and unlock everything.
Coge el teléfono y procura que se dé marcha atrás. Que se desarmen mutuamente y que se acabe con el proyecto "Harper".Find a way to back them down... mutually disarm... and take HEARPE completely off the table.
El presidente Romano, advierte que Israel está violando... el derecho internacional y exige que los israelíes se desarmen y se rindan.President Roman warns Israel that is violating ... international law and requirements Israel is disarmed, and surrenders.
Halcón, Paloma, confío en que desarmen a las tropas mientras me encargo de los barcos que quedan.Hawk, Dove, I'm trusting you two to disarm the ground troops while I take out those remaining warships.
Necesita que lo desarmen.It needs to be disarmed.
Señor Dougal, desarmad a sus hombres y llevadlos al bote.Mr. Dougal, disarm his men and put them in their long boat.
- Avíseme cuando lo hayan desarmado.- Let me know the minute you've disarmed it.
- Esta desarmado.- it's disarmed.
- Está desarmado.He's disarmed.
- Lo podrías haber desarmado.- You could have disarmed him.
...desesperado, desarmado, uno espera la súplica, sabiendo que cuando se formule no se podrá rechazar,...desperate, disarmed, you tend to the request, knowing that once decided you won't be able to say no,
- Pero todos se están desarmando.How could there be? Everyone's disarming.
Comenzará desarmando a la División Nibelunga.You, colonel, will begin the disarming of the Nibelungen Division. Yes, sir.
Estoy desarmando mis armas.I'm disarming my weapon pack.
Está desarmando al otro bando.He's just disarming the other side.
Está desarmando los detonadores.He's disarming the charges.

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