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Desafiar (to challenge) conjugation

95 examples

Conjugation of desafiar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I challenge
you challenge
he/she/it challenges
we challenge
you all challenge
they challenge
Present perfect tense
he desafiado
I have challenged
has desafiado
you have challenged
ha desafiado
he/she/it has challenged
hemos desafiado
we have challenged
habéis desafiado
you all have challenged
han desafiado
they have challenged
Past preterite tense
I challenged
you challenged
he/she/it challenged
we challenged
you all challenged
they challenged
Future tense
I will challenge
you will challenge
he/she/it will challenge
we will challenge
you all will challenge
they will challenge
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would challenge
you would challenge
he/she/it would challenge
we would challenge
you all would challenge
they would challenge
Past imperfect tense
I used to challenge
you used to challenge
he/she/it used to challenge
we used to challenge
you all used to challenge
they used to challenge
Past perfect tense
había desafiado
I had challenged
habías desafiado
you had challenged
había desafiado
he/she/it had challenged
habíamos desafiado
we had challenged
habíais desafiado
you all had challenged
habían desafiado
they had challenged
Future perfect tense
habré desafiado
I will have challenged
habrás desafiado
you will have challenged
habrá desafiado
he/she/it will have challenged
habremos desafiado
we will have challenged
habréis desafiado
you all will have challenged
habrán desafiado
they will have challenged
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I challenge
(if/so that) you challenge
(if/so that) he/she/it challenge
(if/so that) we challenge
(if/so that) you all challenge
(if/so that) they challenge
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya desafiado
I have challenged
hayas desafiado
you have challenged
haya desafiado
he/she/it has challenged
hayamos desafiado
we have challenged
hayáis desafiado
you all have challenged
hayan desafiado
they have challenged
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have challenged
(if/so that) you have challenged
(if/so that) he/she/it have challenged
(if/so that) we have challenged
(if/so that) you all have challenged
(if/so that) they have challenged
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have challenged
(if/so that) you have challenged
(if/so that) he/she/it have challenged
(if/so that) we have challenged
(if/so that) you all have challenged
(if/so that) they have challenged
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera desafiado
I had challenged
hubieras desafiado
you had challenged
hubiera desafiado
he/she/it had challenged
hubiéramos desafiado
we had challenged
hubierais desafiado
you all had challenged
hubieran desafiado
they had challenged
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese desafiado
I had challenged
hubieses desafiado
you had challenged
hubiese desafiado
he/she/it had challenged
hubiésemos desafiado
we had challenged
hubieseis desafiado
you all had challenged
hubiesen desafiado
they had challenged
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have challenged
(if/so that) you will have challenged
(if/so that) he/she/it will have challenged
(if/so that) we will have challenged
(if/so that) you all will have challenged
(if/so that) they will have challenged
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere desafiado
I will have challenged
hubieres desafiado
you will have challenged
hubiere desafiado
he/she/it will have challenged
hubiéremos desafiado
we will have challenged
hubiereis desafiado
you all will have challenged
hubieren desafiado
they will have challenged
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's challenge!
Imperative negative mood
no desafíes
do not challenge!
no desafíe
let him/her/it challenge!
no desafiemos
let us not challenge!
no desafiéis
do not challenge!
no desafíen
do not challenge!

Examples of desafiar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"No tiene miedo de desafiar a la dirección"."Isn't afraid to challenge management."
"Salvar a Dreyfus, fue desafiar el poder de los que dominan al mundo."To save Dreyfus, we had to challenge the might of those who dominate the world.
"Señor Rad. queremos desafiar al equipo vencedor para un doble o nada.""Look here, Mr. Rad. We'd like to challenge them for double or nothing."
(Narrador) Y Rita decidieron para desafiar a los clientes...(Narrator) And Rita decided to challenge the customers...
- Más bien, algunas docenas. - Qué gracioso. ¿Así que eso tienes para desafiar mis muchas y variadas habilidades?Few dozen are more alike - so funny ... so is that what you got to challenge my many and varied skills ?
! Acepto su desafío, señor!"I accept your challenge, sir!
""Mientras los Aliados se preparan para nuestro mayor desafío bélico nuestros líderes no deben perder de vista la medida real del liderazgo militar."As the Allies prepare for our greatest challenge of the war our leaders must not lose sight of the true measure of military leadership.
"Acepto el desafío de James J. Corbett..."l hereby accept the challenge of James J. Corbett
"Ahora para algo completamente diferente, un desafío con visualizador digital."Now for something completely different. A challenge with a digital display.
"Avanza directamente a la ronda final en este desafío."move directly to the final round in this challenge.
- Me desafías.-A challenge.
- Sir Raphael, ¿desafías mi poder? ¿El poder del Mago Gris de las Montañas del Norte?Sir Raphael, you challenge my power, the power of the Gray Highland wizards of the north?
- ¿Me desafías?- You challenge me?
- ¿Por qué me desafías?- Why do you challenge me?
.. y ahora desafías mi reputación....and also challenged my reputation.
(Gordon)Esto,paramí, es uno de los más difíciles caja misteriosa desafía cada vez en la historia de Masterchef.(Gordon) This, for me, is one of the most difficult mystery box challenges ever in the history of Masterchef.
- ¡Te desafía a un duelo de piano!-He challenges you to a piano duel !
A mitad del siglo XVI, tenemos algo llamado la Contrarreforma, que tiene lugar en Italia, en respuesta al desafío de Lutero, cuando desafía a la Iglesia Católica.And in the middle of the 16th century, we have something called the Counter-Reformation taking place in Italy, in response to the challenge of Luther, as he challenges the Catholic Church.
Al entrar en este misterio reto caja, la persona para vencer todavía es Becky, porque ella ha sido entre los tres primeros de todos desafía la caja misteriosa.Going into this mystery box challenge, the person to beat is still Becky, because she's been in the top three of all the mystery box challenges.
Así que se volvió esta forma de trabajar en la que el arte desafía a la tecnología, y la tecnología inspira al arte.So it's become this way of working that the art challenges technology, technology inspires the art.
"Si no desafiamos a nuestros líderes,"If we don't challenge our leaders,
"Si no desafiamos la segregacion aqui y ahora,"If we don't challenge segregation, head on, now,
- Bueno, volvió a llamar y lo desafiamos a que diera la cara y se identificara.-Anyway, he phoned in again and we challenged him to step forth and identify himself.
Chefs, os desafiamos a coger la caprichosa, mágica experiencia Lucent Dossier y convertirla en un postre.Chefs, we challenged you to take the whimsical, magical Lucent Dossier experience and turn it into a dessert.
Dado que las leyes contemplan la "incapacidad", desafiamos la legalidad de eso.Given the laws regarding "lack of capacity," we challenge the legality of that.
! ¿Los Suns desafían a los Lakers para el Oeste?The Suns challenge the Lakers for the West?
- Así parece. A menudo se desafían mutuamente y de pronto uno de ellos dice:They often challenge each other and suddenly one of them says:
- Personas que desafían las naturalezas del peor de los casos.- People who challenge nature's worst.
- ¿Y si nos desafían?- What if we're challenged?
...un nuevo programa de entretenimientos donde los participantes desafían a la mayor estrella de la historia de la televisión a cualquier competición imaginable.A new game show where contestants challenge the greatest star in the history of television to any competition imaginable.
"En vuestra presencia, yo desafié a Mambo, Payal y a la pandilla ...""in your presence, I had challenged Mambo, Payal and the gang..."
- ...¡sólo lo desafié!- I just challenged him
- ¡Yo lo desafié primero!- I challenged him first! - Ach!
- ¿De qué estás hablando? Él seguía hablando de lo viejo que era, así que lo desafié a un partido de baloncesto, y lo presioné y lo presioné hasta que finalmente gané.He kept bringing up how old I was, so I challenged him to a game of basketball, and I pushed him and I pushed him until I finally won.
Así que le desafié a un concurso.So, I challenged him to a cook-off.
Al igual que anoche en el bar... cuando desafiaste a ese tipo a un concurso de baile.Just like I did last night at the bar when you challenged that guy to a dance-off.
Es la olimpiada de aperitivos al que me desafiaste.It's Snackeralympics, you challenged.
Lois, me desafiaste a dejar al mundo un fin de semana.Lois, you challenged me to let the world get along without me for a weekend.
Me desafiaste a romper tu bloqueo creativo.You challenged me to break you from your creative block.
Me desafiaste constantemente.- You challenged me, constantly.
"Sabiendo que al hijo de Satanás le gustaba apostar, el ángel lo desafió a una competencia, una muy simple:Knowing the son of Satan was a gambling sort, the angel challenged him to a contest. The contest was a simple one:
- Me desafió a que lo arrestara.- He challenged me to arrest him.
- Él me desafió.- He challenged me.
Al morir su sensei Isamo desafió a Takeda por el control del dojo.When their sensei died, Isamu challenged Takeda for control of the dojo.
Alguien que te desafió...Someone who challenged you...
- Ellos me desafiaron a duelo.- They challenged me to a duel.
- ¡Ellos me desafiaron!-They've challenged me!
-Lo desafiaron a una carrera el acepto- What does it mean? - Gallo challenged him to a race. He accepted.
Al mes después de que la izquierda radical la Universidad de Tokio ocupada ellos me desafiaron hablar.A month after the radical Left occupied Tokyo University, they challenged me to speak.
Ambos desafiaron a este mundo que Gene cuidadosamente construyó para sí mismo.You both challenged this world Gene's carefully built for himself.
Hoy te desafiaré a ti.Today I will challenge you.
Le desafiaré.I will challenge him.
Lo desafiaré a un combate uno a uno delante de sus hombres.l will challenge him to single combat in front of his men.
Los desafiaré!MONOID TWO: I will challenge them like this!
Si dicen algo desagradable sobre Adam's Apples, los desafiaré en la próxima Locura de Media Noche, y todos sabemos cómo terminará.If you say one more nasty thing about Adam's Apples, I will challenge you to the next Midnight Madness, and we all know how that ends.
Como que muy pronto alguien te desafiará.Because someone will challenge you very soon
Esto desafiará todos los lím...It will challenge the very scope...
Los equipos están a punto de enfrentar una tarea que desafiará su memoria: conocimientos de química.Teams are about to face a task that will challenge their memory of high school chemistry.
Nadie desafiará mi legítimo derecho a...No one will challenge my rightful claim to...
No, no, no, no, mi Genio desafiará a tu Genio el ganador se lo lleva todo!No, no, no, no, my Genie will challenge your Genie... - winner takes all!
En las próximas horas, encontrarán una serie de pruebas que desafiarán sus capacidades.Over the next few hours, you will encounter a series of tests that will challenge your capabilities.
Porque de ahora en adelante, todos te desafiarán, en todo.Because from now on, everyone will challenge you on everything.
Todos los que sentencié desafiarán la decisión.Everybody I sentenced will challenge the ruling.
- La desafiaría a discutir ese mismo punto.- I would challenge her to argue that very point.
Alguien así desafiaría la esencia misma de la dinámica de grupo.somebody like that would challenge the very essence of the group dynamic.
La llegada de Jenny desafiaría supuestos acerca de lo que nos hace humanos.Jenny's arrival would challenge assumptions about what makes us human.
Lo que ella descubriría allí desafiaría una de las creencias centrales de la astronomía.What she would discover there would challenge one of the central beliefs of astronomy.
Marte para mí desafiaría todas las experiencias de exploraciones que hemos tenido a través de la historia.Mars to me would challenge all the expedition experiences that we've had throughout our history.
Me desafiarías, ¿verdad?You would challenge me, would you?
Oh, ¿desafiarías a Gannicus?Oh, you would challenge Gannicus?
"Quien lo desafíe tendrá problemas. ""Anyone challenges him will be in trouble."
"Quien lo desafíe tendrá problemas.""Anyone that challenges him will be in trouble."
Alguien que te desafíe y te pide tu b.S.Someone who challenges you And calls you on your b.S.
Alguien que te desafíe. - Ah, Chuckie.Somebody who challenges you.
Aquel que me desafíe de un paso adelante.Let any who challenge step forward.
- No me desafíes, Harriet Jones. Soy un hombre renovado.Don't challenge me, Harriet Jones, 'cause I'm a completely new man.
- Somos tan duros contigo porque queremos que te desafíes a ti misma, que seas tu propia persona.- We are so hard on you because we want you to challenge yourself, to be your own person.
Debería decir: "No desafíes a lo sobrenatural... a menos que vayas armado con espada de la verdad".Should read: "Do not challenge supernatural... unless armed with sword of truth."
La próxima vez que creas que alguien te sigue, no le desafíes.Next time you think someone's following you, don't challenge him.
No cuestiones nada, no desafíes nada.Don't question anything, don't challenge anything.
Den un paso al frente y desafíen a su oponente.Step forward and challenge your opponent.
Es mucho más probable que sean pensadores radicales... y que desafíen las convenciones.They are much more likely to be radical thinkers and challenge convention.
Estoy furiosamente disfrutando el que me desafíen.I'm furiously enjoying being challenged.
Fomentaré proposiciones, solo quiero que me desafíen.I'm going to advance propositions, I just want you to challenge me.
La idea de que los robots y las computadoras nos desafíen con su capacidad para imitar lo que hacemos y por lo tanto se vuelva más y más difícil notar la diferencia.The idea that robots and computers challenge us with is their ability to imitate what we do and therefore it becomes more and more difficult to tell the difference.
- Y os ha desafiado.-And hath challenged thee. Most sincerely.
- Y te ha desafiado.- And hath challenged thee.
- ¿Amo? - Él quién ha desafiado a mi querido.- He who has challenged my daring.
...desafiado, sí....challenged, yes.
Ahora el Kahn esta siendo desafiado dentro de su país por un grupo radical.Now the Kahn is being challenged inside his country by a radical group.
- En realidad me desafiando a una competición de cola de rata ?- You actually challenging me to a rat tail competition?
- Espera, que me está desafiando.- Wait, he's challenging me.
- Estás desafiando mi autoridad?- Are you challenging my authority?
- No te estaba desafiando.- I wasn't challenging you.
- Te está desafiando.- He is challenging you.

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