A los lobeznos alfas sí. | The alpha pups do. |
Como el futuro líder de la manada no dejaría que los alfas hicieran esas cosas. | Well, as the future leader of the pack... I wouldn't allow alphas to be doing things like this. |
Cuando regresó a América, aplicó su investigación... sobre primates dominantes, a los alfas de nuestra jungla urbana... aconsejando a los líderes más prominentes del mundo y a sus esposas... lo que inspiró su último bestseller sobre hechos reales... | When she returned to America, Ms. Clark applied her extensive research on dominant primates to the alphas of our urban jungle, advising some of the world's most prominent leaders And their spouses, which inspired her latest nonfiction bestseller, |
Deberíamos reunir a los alfas y cazar a los lobos salvajes. | We should gather up the alphas and hunt those rogue wolves down. |
Deucalion no quiere solo una manada de alfas. | Deucalion doesn't just want an Alpha pack. |
- Un verdadero alfa no deja que otro haga el trabajo sucio por él. | - A true Alpha doesn't let others do his dirty work for him. |
El alfa le da la espalda al conductor. | The Alpha does turn his back on the driver. |
El alfa no nos quiere matar. | The Alpha doesn't wanna kill us. |
No me parece que sea apropiado para un alfa, pero... | I still don't think this is appropriate for an alpha, but it sure does rock. |
Solo porque seas el individuo dominante, típicamente el macho alfa, no quiere decir que puedes tener lo que quieras. | Just because you're the dominant individual, typically an Alpha male, doesn't mean that you get anything you want. |