Sed mi kredas ke, se Dajna komencus tiamaniere estri la domanojn, oni ne permesus al ŝi resti en la domo." | Only I don't think,' Alice went on, 'that they'd let Dinah stop in the house if it began ordering people about like that!' |
Li havas la kapablon estri komercon. | He has the ability to manage a business. |
Li opinias, ke li ne povas bone estri la problemon. | He thinks that he cannot manage the problem well. |
Iu devas estri ian ajn kompanion. | One must be an executive in some company. |
Mi volis ĉiam estri etan hotelon en la montaro. | I've always wanted to run a small hotel in the mountains. |
Centre, la energio de Adenoid Hinkel kies genio estras la tutan nacion, kies senchesa agado tage kaj nokte okupas lin. | Behind it was the dynamic Adenoid Hynkel, whose genius ran the nation, whose ceaseless activity kept him occupied every moment of the day, |
Mi estras sklavejon en Afriko. | I traffic slaves. |
Li estras temon en laboratorio de kemia sintezo. | Was appointed Head of Laboratory for chemical synthesis. |
Kiu estras ĉi tiun sekcion? | Who's in charge of this section? |
Mia patro estras restoracion. | My father runs a restaurant. |
Li estris la situacion. | He was master of the situation. |
Ili estris ĉi tiun etan hotelon ekde ĝia establiĝo. | They have run this small hotel since it was established. |
Ŝi estris la planadon de la projekto. | She directed the planning of the project. |
Tom estris drinkejeton proksiman al Bostono dum relative longa tempo. | Tom managed a small bar near Boston for quite a long time. |
Nun lia filo, Oki, estros nin! | Now his son, Oki, will lead us! |