Ich bin verwirrt über seine Bedeutung Aber ich weiß wenn sie es dissen | I'm confused about its meaning But I know it when they dis it |
Rollo würde mich nie derart dissen. Richtig. | No way Rollo'd diss me like that. |
Wenn du mich dissen willst, dann tu's. | You wanna disrespect me, disrespect me. |
- Kash qoy qoyi thira disse. | - Kash qoy qoyi thira disse. |
Ich disse dein heiliges Buch nicht, mach du das auch nicht. | Well, you don't diss my holy book... |
Der... disst dich ab, und du merkst das nicht. | He is dissin' you and you don't even realize it. |
Ich habe mitgehört, wie ein Rosewood Polizist mich mit einem anderen Cop disst. | I overheard one of Rosewood's finest dissing me to another cop. |
Man disst seine Freunde nicht. | The point is: Never dis your friend. |
Wenn du jemanden disst, und er's dir zurückgibt, musst du "anerkennen". | When you disrespect someone, and they, in turn, burn your ass you must... recognise! |
Wie würde es dir gefallen, wenn ich deiner Mutter direkt auf der anderen Seite dieser Tür sage, wie ihr Jungs uns hier drin disst? | How would you like it if I told your mother right on the other side of that door how you boys were in here disrespecting us? |
I take out any that are younger diss me, are you dumb you're an idiot you will never get this chip of your shoulder this kid's colder than you were when you were this age [...] please don't play - why you can't see that playtime's over. | I take out any that are younger diss me, are you dumb you're an idiot you will never get this chip of your shoulder this kid's colder than you were when you were this age [...] please don't play - why you can't see that playtime's over. |