Representar (to represent) conjugation

41 examples

Conjugation of representar

Present tense
I represent
you represent
he/she represents
we represent
you all represent
they represent
Present perfect tense
he representat
I have represented
has representat
you have represented
ha representat
he/she has represented
hem representat
we have represented
heu representat
you all have represented
han representat
they have represented
Future tense
I will represent
you will represent
he/she will represent
we will represent
you all will represent
they will represent
Conditional mood
I would represent
you would represent
he/she would represent
we would represent
you all would represent
they would represent
Past perfect tense
havia representat
I had represented
havies representat
you had represented
havia representat
he/she had represented
havíem representat
we had represented
havíeu representat
you all had represented
havien representat
they had represented
Past impf. tense
I was representing
you were representing
he/she was representing
we were representing
you all were representing
they were representing
Imperative mood
let him/her represent!
let's represent!
let them represent!
Imperative negative mood
no representis
don't represent!
no representi
don't let him/her represent!
no representem
let's not represent!
no representeu
don't represent!
no representin
don't let them represent!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria representat
I would have represented
hauries representat
you would have represented
hauria representat
he/she would have represented
hauríem representat
we would have represented
hauríeu representat
you all would have represented
haurien representat
they would have represented
Future perfect tense
hauré representat
I will have represented
hauràs representat
you will have represented
haurà representat
he/she will have represented
haurem representat
we will have represented
haureu representat
you all will have represented
hauren representat
they will have represented
Preterite past tense
I represented
you represented
he/she represented
we represented
you all represented
they represented
Past anterior tense
haguí representat
I had represented
hagueres representat
you had represented
hagué representat
he/she had represented
haguérem representat
we had represented
haguéreu representat
you all had represented
haguéren representat
they had represented
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) represent
(so that you) represent
(so that he/she) represents
(so that we) represent
(so that you all) represent
(so that they) represent
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was representing
(so that you) were representing
(so that he/she) was representing
(so that we) were representing
(so that you all) were representing
(so that they) were representing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi representat
(so that I) have represented
hagis representat
(so that you) have represented
hagi representat
(so that he/she) has represented
hàgim representat
(so that we) have represented
hàgiu representat
(so that you all) have represented
hagin representat
(so that they) have represented
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués representat
(so that I) had represented
haguessis representat
(so that you) had represented
hagués representat
(so that he/she) had represented
haguéssim representat
(so that we) had represented
haguéssiu representat
(so that you all) had represented
haguessin representat
(so that they) had represented
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi representar
(so that I) represented
vagis representar
(so that you) represented
vagi representar
(so that he/she) represented
vàgim representar
(so that we) represented
vàgiu representar
(so that you all) represented
vagin representar
(so that they) represented
Periphastic past tense
vaig representar
I represented
vas representar
you represented
va representar
he/she represented
vam representar
we represented
vau representar
you all represented
van representar
they represented
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver representat
I had represented
vas haver representat
you had represented
va haver representat
he/she had represented
vam haver representat
we had represented
vau haver representat
you all had represented
van haver representat
they had represented

Examples of representar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
La Comissió Europea es va crear per representar, amb la més granindependència, l’interès europeu comúa tots els estats membres de la Unió.Dins l’àmbit legislatiu, és el motor: és qui proposales“lleis”que després han deser aprovades pel Parlament Europeu i pel Consell de Ministres.The Commission was created as an independent body to representthe Europeaninterest commonto all the Member States of the Union. It is the driving force ofthe legislative process, proposing the “laws”on which the European Parliamentand the Council then have to take a decision.
El Consell de Pobles Indígenes és un institut oficial que representa aquests pobles i, per tant, hauria de representar-nos i protegir els nostres drets i la nostra integritat.The Council of Indigenous Peoples is an official institute to represent the indigenous people, so they should represent us and protect our rights and integrity when they make policies and related measures.
I qui va a representar-te?And who's gonna represent you?
Van Damme el meu bufet i jo deixem de representar el Sr."Because of Mr. Van Damme's behavior and for ethical purposes, my firm and myself hereby, immediately cease to represent Jean Claude Van Damme." Go, over there! Bang!
T'hi he proposat per representar a Massachusetts.I have nominated you to represent Massachusetts.
Si això passa, jo també representoMULLlN: As it happens, I also represent
Em represento jo mateix, senyoria.I'm representing myself, Judge.
Si això passa, jo també represento l'Aram Parisyan.As it happens, I also represent Aram Parisyan.
Estic segur que la gent del Glades a qui represento dormiran millor sabent-ho... si és que tenen un lloc on dormir.I will do everything in my power to atone for my family's culpability in this tragedy. I'm sure the people of the Glades that I represent will sleep better knowing that.
Puc no tenir molt de pes entre vosaltres, però encara sóc la xèrif, i encara represento la gent que viu aquí.I might not carry a lot of weight with you people, but I am still the sheriff, and I still represent the people who live here.
Si jo hi sóc per assegurar el vot feminista, tu quin sector representes?Ifl'm here to court the feminist vote... what demographics doyou represent?
Diu que si no el representes tu, aleshores no vol cap advocat.He says if you don't represent him, then he doesn't want any attorney.
Tu em representes.You represent me.
El Parlament Europeu representa «els pobles dels Estats reunits a la Comunitat Europea». Actualment, prop de 370 milions de ciutadans europeus participen, a través del Parlament Europeu, en la construcció d'Europa.The European Parliament represents the people of the European Union: through the European Parliament, some 370 million European citizens now take part in the process of European integration.
111 Parlament Europeu representa ris pobles ¡Iels estats reunits en laThe European Parliament represents 'the peoples of the States united in the European Communitv'.
El cercled’estrelles daurades representa la solidaritat i l’harmonia entre elspobles d’Europa. El nombre d’estrelles no està vinculat al nombred’Estats membres.The circle of goldstars represents solidarity and harmony between the peoples of Europe.
En l’àmbit exterior, la Comissió Europea representa la Uniói dirigeix lesnegociacions internacionals (per exemple, les que s’han dut a terme en el marc del’Organització Mundial del Comerç).Externally, the Commission represents the Unionand conducts internationalnegotiations (e.g. in the World Trade Organisation).
• El Consell de Ministres de la Unió Europea, que representa els Estats membres, és el principal òrgan de presa de decisions de la UE.• The Council of Ministers of the European Union, which represents the member states, is the EU’s main decision-taking body.
Pressionem a favor seu, gairebé representem els seus interessos aquí a Washington.We lobby on their behalf, quietly represent their interests here in Washington.
Cadascun és representat a la conferència de presidents pel seu president, qui, al seu torn, també és l'encarregat de presentar, davant el ple, les posicions del seu grup sobre els problemes tractats.Each is represented in the Conference of Presidents by its chairman, who also has the task of explaining the group's position on issues under discussion at plenary sessions.
Com que el ciutadà europeu és representat també pels diputats nacionals, el Parlament manté també, òbviament, relacions amb els parlaments dels Estats membres.As Europe's citizens are also represented by national MPs, the European Parliament naturally maintains links with the parliaments of the Member States.
La diversitat cultural de Colòmbia es veu reflectida en el divers llegat lingüístic, representat per més de 60 llengües indígenes.Colombia's cultural diversity is reflected in its rich linguistic heritage, represented by more than 60 indigenous languages.
He treballat en jutjats com a defensor públic, he representat aquells que no tenien a ningú.Working in the courts as a public defender, I represented those with nowhere else to turn.
Ser Boros, Ser Mandon, quedeu-vos amb el meu oncle i representeu el rei en el camp de batalla.Ser Boros, Ser Mandon, stay with my Uncle and represent the king on the field of battle.
Els grups parlamentaris representen les orientacions dels partits polítics que els componen.The political groups represent the various political tendencies within the Parliament.
El Parlament Europeu està compost per 626 diputats, elegits per sufragi universal directe, que representen els 370 milions de ciutadans dels quinze Estats membres de la Unió Europea.The European Parliament has 626 members, elected by direct universal suffrage, who represent the 370 million citizens of the 15 Member States of the European Union.
Gràcies a aquesta política, unapart de les contribucionsdels Estats membres de la Unió al pressuposteuropeu es transfereix a les regions i les categories socials desvalgudes.Per al període 2000-2006, aquestes transferències representen unatercera partdel pressupost comunitari, és a dir,213.000 milionsd'euros.Through it, a proportion of the Member States’ contributionsto the Community budget is transferredto disadvantagedregions and disadvantaged social categories. Over the period 2000-2006these transfers will represent a thirdof the Community budget, or 213 billion euro.
Tot i que han permès assolir alguns èxits, les dues conferènciesintergovernamentals que han donat lloc a la signatura dels tractatsd’Amsterdam, el 1997, i de Niça, el 2001, han estat marcades per una voluntatpolítica més feble, i nombroses qüestions institucionals han quedat senseresposta, malgrat la seva importància cabdal a les portes de l’ampliació de la Unió; per exemple, com garantir el bon funcionament d’una Unió formada pervint-i-cinc Estats membres i, sobretot, com mantenir la legitimitat de lesinstitucions que representen els Estats i els pobles europeus.The two IGCs which led to the signing ofthe Amsterdam (1997) and Nice (2001) Treaties, even though moderatelysuccessful, were characterised by a weaker political resolve and manyinstitutional questions, capitally important though they were on the eve of the Union’s enlargement, remained unanswered (how to ensure the smooth runningof a Union of 25 or more Member States, how to guarantee the legitimacy of theinstitutions representing the States and peoples of Europe).
La doble majoria s’assoleix quan una decisió posa d’acord el 55% dels Estats membres que representen almenys el 65% de la població de la Unió.A double majority is achieved when a decision is taken by 55% of the Member States representing at least 65% of the Union’s population.
Quan la majoria de vosaltres, escòria sense valor, us hi uniu aquesta tarda, representarà un aument significatiu del vostre status.When most of you worthless scum join them in death this afternoon, it will represent a significant rise in your station.
Quan la gent paga impostos i no té qui la representi, de vegades se senten humiliats.When people are taxed without representation, they are sometimes to feel abused.
I no crec que sigui bona idea que representi algú amb qui he estat embolicada.And I don't think it's a good idea for me to represent someone who I've been involved with.
Vol que el representis tu.He wants you to represent him.
El Consell de Direcció és qui nomena conjuntament els tretze membres del Comitè Executiu perquè el representin.The thirteen members of the Executive Committee are appointed collectively by the Governing Board to represent it.
* Excepte en aquells àmbits en què sigui necessària la unanimitat, les decisions del Consell de Ministres han dereunir el vot a favor del 55% dels Estats membres que representin el 65% de la població de la Unió.* Except in areas where unanimity is required, the decisions of the Council of ministers must obtain the supportof 55% of the Member States representing 65% of the population.
La Constitució estableix un nou mecanisme que permet que els ciutadansparticipin més en el procediment legislatiu de la Unió Europea, sempre quesiguin més d’un milió i representin un nombre significatiu d’Estats membres.Mitjançant aquest nou mecanisme, els ciutadans poden invitar la Comissió Europea a sotmetre al legislador la proposta de llei que considerin necessària.The Constitution also introduces a new mechanism which allows direct inputfrom Union citizens, if they number at least a million and represent a significantnumber of Member States. Using this new mechanism, citizens can ask the Commission to submit to the legislator a legislative proposal which they considernecessary.
I a la fi, Joe, representant una tribu sencera de bandejats plorosos, l'arrossega tristament, li posa l'arc a les febles mans, i Tom digué:And at last Joe, representing a whole tribe of weeping outlaws, dragged him sadly forth, gave his bow into his feeble hands, and Tom said, "Where this arrow falls, there bury poor Robin Hood under the greenwood tree."
El Parlament Europeu podrà formular preguntes o recomanacions al peu no és menys important Com a representant de 345 milions deParliament - a body representing 345 million citizens, the
Un compte fals, representant el Ministre d'Afers Exteriors, per exemple, ha tuitejat :A fake account representing Russia's Foreign Ministry, for example, tweeted :
Però afortunadament el dron amb càmera que ens va filmar davant l'edifici del Capitoli Provincial de la Ciutat de Cebu la vesprada del 25 de gener de 2015 es va desplaçar sols uns 35 metres sobre nosaltres i va captar una fracció de la comunitat de Global Voices reunida en una molt respetable i vistosa (considerant la rapidesa amb què l'havíem fet) formació en columna i en cercle representant els 10 anys de la nostra existència.But fortunately the drone-mounted camera that filmed us in front of Cebu City’s grand Provincial Capitol building on the afternoon of January 25, 2015 hovered only a few hundred feet above us, a fraction of the Global Voices community assembled into a very respectable-looking—considering how quickly we did it—column-and-circle formation representing the 10 years of our existence.
Ada Colau, coneguda pel seu activisme social, especialment en la Plataforma Anti-Desnonaments (PAH), ha liderat en els últims mesos una campanya representant la plataforma ciutadana Barcelona en Comú, la qual ha guanyat les eleccions a la ciutat comtal.Ada Colau, known for her social activism, especially as part of the anti-eviction organization known as PAH, led a political campaign in recent months representing the citizen platform Barcelona En Comú, which ran in local elections in Barcelona.

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