Representar (to represent) conjugation

107 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: depict, to depict, to typify, typify

Conjugation of representar

Present tense
I represent
you represent
he/she represents
we represent
you all represent
they represent
Present perfect tense
tenho representado
I have represented
tens representado
you have represented
tem representado
he/she has represented
temos representado
we have represented
tendes representado
you all have represented
têm representado
they have represented
Past preterite tense
I represented
you represented
he/she represented
we represented
you all represented
they represented
Future tense
I will represent
you will represent
he/she will represent
we will represent
you all will represent
they will represent
Conditional mood
I would represent
you would represent
he/she would represent
we would represent
you all would represent
they would represent
Past imperfect tense
I used to represent
you used to represent
he/she used to represent
we used to represent
you all used to represent
they used to represent
Past perfect tense
tinha representado
I had represented
tinhas representado
you had represented
tinha representado
he/she had represented
tínhamos representado
we had represented
tínheis representado
you all had represented
tinham representado
they had represented
Future perfect tense
terei representado
I will have represented
terás representado
you will have represented
terá representado
he/she will have represented
teremos representado
we will have represented
tereis representado
you all will have represented
terão representado
they will have represented
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha representado
I have represented
tenhas representado
you have represented
tenha representado
he/she has represented
tenhamos representado
we have represented
tenhais representado
you all have represented
tenham representado
they have represented
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have represented
(if/so that) you will have represented
(if/so that) he/she will have represented
(if/so that) we will have represented
(if/so that) you all will have represented
(if/so that) they will have represented
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver representado
I will have represented
tiveres representado
you will have represented
tiver representado
he/she will have represented
tivermos representado
we will have represented
tiverdes representado
you all will have represented
tiverem representado
they will have represented
Imperative mood
let's represent!
Imperative negative mood
não representes
do not represent!
não represente
let him/her/it not represent!
não representemos
let us not represent!
não representeis
do not represent!
não representem
do not represent!

Examples of representar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
" Imagem de um abajur ao contrário... para representar uma alma atormentada."You know, portrait of a lamp shade upside-down... to represent a soul in torment.
"Estimado Sr. Munday, contrataram-me para representar os assuntos da Srta. Farley acha que o senhor é o pai do seu filho que há-de vir, concebido no dia 11 de Fevereiro ou por volta dessa data."Dear Mr. Munday, l have been retained to represent the interests of Miss Ginger Farley.
"Por causa do comportamento do Senhor Van Damme e por razões éticas, a minha firma e eu vem por este meio, imediatamente deixar de representar o Jean Claude Van Damme.""Because of Mr. Van Damme's behavior and for ethical purposes, my firm and myself hereby, immediately cease to represent Jean Claude Van Damme."
"Queremos um homem de família para representar um negócio de família.""We want a family man to represent a family business."
- Ela a representar vandalos?Is she into representing vandals?
- Como sabe, eu represento... a Cia. de Pupança e Empréstimos Knickerbocker.- As you know, I represent... the Knickerbocker Savings and Loan Company.
- Da próxima represento-me eu mesmo.I'm representing myself next time. Oh, next time, huh?
- Episódio 01/04- O Governo que represento vai procurar toda a compensação possível para as famílias daqueles que tragicamente perderam as suas vidas.The government I represent is going to press for the highest levels of compensation for the families of those who so tragically lost their lives.
- Eu agora represento toda a gente, Eric.- I represent everyone now, Eric.
- Eu represento a rapariga.- I represent the girl.
- Não, não vais para o Boise, porque já não representas este hospital!No, you are not going to Boise, because you no longer represent this hospital!
- Quem representas?- Who are you representing?
- Sim, mas não interessa, porque não se trata de quem representas.Yeah, but it doesn't matter because it's not about who you represent.
- Tu não nos representas.- You don't represent us.
- Tu quem representas? - Eu represento-me a mim própria.- Who do you represent?
"A Doutrina Feres representa um enfoque razoável""the Feres doctrine represents a reasonable approach
"A companhia aqui representa uma mímica."The company here represents a mime.
"A dominância neurológica da humanidade representaAll right, so, "Neuro-dominant humanity represents
"Cada letra representa um número."Each letter represents a number.
"Dado que representa uma potencial revelação importante para a humanidade..."While it represents a potentially major breakthrough for mankind...
- E nós ainda representamos o Liam.And we still represent Liam.
- Não a representamos.- We don't represent her.
- Nós representamos uma farmacêutica. - Estou a acompanhar.- We represent big drug company.
- Também representamos o Billy Joel.We also represent Billy Joel.
Ambos representamos os dois lados da moeda.We both represent both sides of the game.
- Eu prefiro ser representado por alguém que não comete erro nenhum.Because I learn from my mistakes. Well, I'd prefer to be represented by someone who doesn't make any mistakes in the first place.
- No recurso, ele foi representado pelo Centro de Recursos da Georgia, o qual afirmou numa declaração que o trabalho que eles estavam a fazer na defesa dele era semelhante a uma triagem.- On appeal he was represented by the Georgia Resource Center, which stated in an affidavit that the work that they were doing on his behalf was akin to triage.
90% do tráfico de droga em Los Angeles, está aqui representado e, como todos vocês sabem agora,90% of the Los Angeles drug trade is represented here, and as you all now know,
A Sr.ª Breyers tem-no representado diligentemente.Ms Breyers has represented you diligently these past weeks.
A acusação lembra que as regras do tribunal não aceitam que o réu seja representado pela sua esposa.We request a ruling on the permissibility of the accused being represented by his spouse. - Your Honor...
Quero contar-vos que neste mundo traiçoeiro, para mim representais tudo o que é inocente, tudo o que é bom, puro, íntegro.-I want to tell you that in this slippery world, you represent for me all that is innocent, everything that is good, unsullied, uncorrupted.
" defacto juntos, representam a maior força aérea do mundo" fact, together you currently represent the second largest combat airforce anywhere in the world.
"As opiniões acima expressas de forma alguma representam este jornal...The opinions expressed above in no way represent this newspaper or its parent corporation."
"que representam a mulher negra forte", e fiz isso."who represent a strong black woman." I did that.
- Dr. Wong, o que representam as linhas?There are 360 pressure points... Dr. Wong, what do the lines represent?
- Estes marcadores brancos... representam poços de ar vertical próximos da superfície, possível pontos de entrada para a cidade, mas, a maioria estão debaixo do fundo oceânico.- These white markers represent vertical air shafts that are close to the surface, possible entry points for the city, but most of them are under the ocean floor.
Até hoje só representei cães, mas como estamos a evoluir nas nossas carreiras, actuando, representando humanos e macacos, quero que saiba que estou faminto, e que faria tudo por você.Um,uh,full disclosure: until now,i've mainly represented dogs, but seeing as how we're both embarking on a new phase in our career performing, representing humans and monkeys i want you to know that i'm hungry. And i would do anything for you.
Desculpa se ficaste zangada por ter escolhido a minha mulher, mas representei muito bem o teu talento durante muito tempo.I'm sorry if you're bitter because I chose my wife over you, but I represented your talent pretty well for a long time.
Eu representei a McCall family por vários anos antes do sr. McCall desaparecer há sete anos atraz.I represented the McCall family for several years before Mr. McCall disappeared seven years ago.
Eu representei a sua tia Belle Fletcher.I represented your Aunt Belle Fletcher.
Eu representei-a durante... ...algum tempo.I've represented her for some...
- E digo que tive uma briga num bar e que tu representaste um cliente da firma em tribunal?Explain what? That I was in a bar fight... and that you represented a client of the firm's... in a court of law... in front of a judge?
Escolhes a tua mulher porque não me podias ter e representaste-me a mim e não a ela porque eu tinha mais talento.You chose your wife over me cos you couldn't get me, and you represented me over her cos I had more talent.
Soubemos que nos representaste, Herrmann.We heard you represented, Herrmann.
Tu representaste-o.You represented him.
- Porque os representou.Because you represented them.
A Michelle representou as esposas deles em divórcios e alguns destes maridos furiosos ameaçaram-na.Michelle represented all their wives in ongoing divorces,
A Serena representou a Ameri-mill numa aquisição hostil da fábrica Primrose.Serena represented ameri-mill in a hostile takeover of primrose paper.
A Sra. Florrick já representou o maior traficante de droga de Chicago.Mrs. Florrick has represented the biggest drug dealer in Chicago.
A defensora pública que o representou está em licença de maternidade.The public defender who represented Paulson is out on maternity leave.
Arthur Andersen... Que tal a Vinson Elkins, os advogados que nos representaram?What about Vincent and Elkins, the lawyers that represented us?
Elas representaram a tentação de Eva, o pecado original.They've represented the temptation of Eve, original sin.
Eles representaram a primeira "contra-cultura" juntamente com a OZ Magazine.They represented the first counter-culture with it and Oz Magazine, and it was very romantic.
Igualmente, as 12 constelações representaram lugares de viagem para o Filho de Deus e foram nomeados, e normalmente representados por elementos da natureza que aconteciam nesses períodos de tempo.Likewise, the 12 constellations represented places of travel for God's Sun and were identified by names, usually representing elements of nature that happened during that period of time.
Os frangos já representaram alguém num julgamento sem cobrar?Has a chicken ever represented you in court?
"Segundo a lei da sucessão, tomarei agora o seu lugar "e representarei a Alemanha nas questões internas e externas.According to law of the succession, I will take its place now e I will represent Germany in the internal and external questions.
E prometo que representarei as prioridades e valores desta grande cidade, enquanto combato a paralisia política que está a sufocar Washington.And I promise that I will represent the priorities and values of this great city, while cutting through the partisan paralysis that's choking Washington.
Eu representarei a Sra. Cole agressivamente e eticamente.I will represent Mrs. Cole aggressively and ethically.
A parte física representará a força necessária para remar tanto.So the physical will represent the sheer strength needed to make the paddle.
DURANTE O FIM-DE-SEMANA Esta cabana representará as raízes fortes do Partido Republicano que o senhor fundou.This log cabin will represent the strong roots... of the Republican Party you founded, Mr. Lincoln.
Quando a maioria de vós, escumalha inútil, se juntar a eles na morte esta tarde, representará uma subida significativa na vossa posição.When most of you worthless scum join them in death this afternoon, it will represent a significant rise in your station.
As 100 mulheres escolhidas pelo sorteio representarão todos e cada um de nós.The 100 women selected by the lottery will represent each and every one of us.
Comando uma frota de barcos que representarão uma Grécia unida.I am commanding a fleet of ships that will represent a united Greece.
O que estas cartas representarão será história e factos.What these letters will represent is history, facts...
Os nove primeiros pilotos a passarem a linha de chegada, representarão a Corrida Doce como os avatares de amanhã.The first nine racers across that finish line will represent Sugar Rush as tomorrow's avatars!
Tenho plena confiança que representarão o nosso grande país com bravura e que serão um exemplo vivo do nosso espírito guerreiro.I'm sure you will represent our country with pride and demonstrate the best of our warrior spirit.
A supremacia régia sobre a nossa Santa Igreja representaria o despedaçar do indiviso manto de Cristo.Regal supremacy over our Holy Church would represent a tearing asunder of the seamless coat of Christ.
As autoridades americanas dizem que quebrar barreiras regionais e nacionais para o fluxo de bens e serviços representaria um benefício espetacular para as economias ao redor do mundo.American officials say breaking down regional and national barriers to the flow of goods and services would represent a spectacular benefit to economies around the world.
E quem representaria Ashoka nesse tribunal, Almirante?And who would represent Ahsoka in this tribunal, Admiral?
Ela representaria o centro do mundo.It would represent the center of the world.
Estou a dizer-vos que a aceitação da supremacia régia sobre a nossa Santa Igreja representaria o despedaçar do indiviso manto de Cristo.I say to you that the acceptance of regal supremacy over our Holy Church would represent a tearing a thunder, of the seamless coat of Christ.
"Se os Robinsons não podem ficar nos hotéis, devem ficar num sítio que represente alguma coisa.""If the Robinsons can't stay at the hotels they should stay someplace that represents something."
- Então... represente.So... represent.
- Sim, mas a Universidade quer que eu represente o jogador de futebol e eu... não posso responder até saber sobre o Sam.I know, but the university wants me to represent the football player, and I... I can't give them an answer until I know about Sam.
A Galeria Grierson, na Califórnia, precisa de quem represente o nosso museu.The Grierson Gallery of California needs a representative of our great gallery.
A essência da tradição é que agora te vá comprar um presente de valor proporcional e que represente o mesmo nível de amizade que o presente que me deste representa.The essence of the custom is that I now have to go and purchase a gift of commensurate value and representing the same level of friendship as that represented by the gift you've given me.
Espero... que não representes o futuro da América. Estaríamos muito mal.I sincerely hope you do not represent the future of this country, because if you do we are in sad shape.
Eu só estava a dizer, não o representes.l'm just saying, don't represent him.
Mac, esta é uma ordem para que representes Peter Thomason... no caso do homicídio da Hightower.Mac, here's an order appointing you to represent Peter Thomason... in the Hightower murder case.
Mas, querida, preciso que me representes agora.But, baby, I need you to represent me now, okay?
Não podes pensar que o casamento abrange todo o universo ou que tu representes todos os tipos de homens!You can't say that marriage encompasses the universe or that you represent all types of men.
E quero que o representemos, com as cores da selecção nacional no maior acontecimento desportivo do mundo.And I ask you to represent the colors of that country the biggest event in the world.
E também é importante que representemos os interesses da gente do nosso país.But it's also important that we represent the interests of people in our own country.
- Isto será divertido, mas primeiro, não permito que pessoas representem a si mesmos em minha corte, portanto, o que primeiro vamos fazer, é lhe conseguir um advogado.Oh, it will be fun, but first, I don't let people represent themselves in my courtroom, so the first thing we're going to do is get you an independent lawyer.
Acho que devemos ter políticos que nos representem e não a grupos de interesses.We should have politicians who represent us and not special-interest groups.
Crê-se que os símbolos peculiares no próprio Anel representem os nomes de deuses, no entanto, ninguem conseguiu decifrar o seu significado exacto.It's thought that the peculiar symbols on the Ring represent the names of the gods. But no one has been able to decipher... ..exactly what they mean.
Embora os adultos representem a maior parte do poder de compra de qualquer comunidade, as crianças têm definitivamente muita influência na compra de produtos do dia-a-dia.Though grown-ups represent the greater part of any community's purchasing power, children very definitely are an influence in the purchasing of everyday commodities.
Mesmo não acreditando que a gente do nosso país... queira que os senhores representem os seus interesses... se os senhores o fizerem em vez de falar em salvar as vidas... de milhões de crianças... que morrerão certamente no próximo ano se os senhores não solucionam isto.Though I don't believe for a moment that people in our country... would want you to represent their interests... if you were doing it instead of talking about saving the lives... of millions and millions of children... who will definitely die next year if you all don't sort things out.
- E representando os homens, o adorável Fez!- And representing the guys: the lovely Fez!
- Estás representando quem?Who you representing here?
- Por que eu estou representando você?- Why I'm representing you.
- É uma honra partilhar este palco com os nossos parceiros na recuperação, com Rene Oswin, representando a HUD, que é sem dúvida um dos parceiros mais importantes neste esforço de reconstrução, e o Mayor Nagin de Nova Orleães, cujos desafios são enormes.[applause] - So it's an honor to share the stage with our two partners in recovery, with Rene Oswin, representing HUD, who's definitely one of our most important partners in this rebuilding effort, and Mayor Nagin of New Orleans, whose challenges are enormous.
A gente era muito prolífico e não tinha pressa, podendo deixar cada disco nosso no ponto certo, representando a gente muito bem no período específico.We were really prolific and we'd take our time to get each and every record right, representing who we were at that time.
O Bluestone era uma das 19 pedras que se acredita representarem o ciclo de 19 anos da Lua.The Bluestone was one of 19... believed to represent the 19-year cycle of the moon.
Por isso, deste a volta a todos os bons advogados para não me representarem?So you polluted all the decent lawyers in New Jersey so they can't represent me?
Talvez por representarem o declínio desta outrora gloriosa cidade que agora se tornou as novas Sodoma e Gomorra para universitários ricos, que vêm fumar haxixe, fornicar com pegas venezuelanas ou defecar nas nossas históricas ruas empedradas.Maybe because they represent a decline of this once glorious city which has become a new Sodom and Gomorrah for rich college kids to smoke hash, to fornicate with Venezuelan hookers or to defecate on our historic cobblestone streets.
Você nota na Casa Branca uma falta de ética ou algum conflito ...pelo ex-presidente Bush e o ex-secretário de defesa James Baker representarem um dos maiores negociantes de armamentos militares o Grupo Carlyle?In the White House view, there is no ethical conflict in former President Bush and former Secretary of State Jim Baker using their contacts with world leaders to represent one of the most well-known military arms dealers, the Carlyle Group?
- Se te representares, és um idiota.You represent yourself, you're an idiot.
Até estou surpreendido de ele ser contra tu me representares.You know, I'm actually kind of surprised he's so against you representing me.
Big, obrigado por representares os manos que trabalham nas esquinas.Yo, Big. Thanks for representing for the brothers hustling on the corners, man.
E obrigado por representares a malta.And thanks for representing all the homeboys.
Eu escolhi-te para me representares, certo?I picked you to represent me, right?
A natureza tem de conduzir todas as vossas pinceladas. Só se a representarmos como ela é, sem seleccionar nem rejeitar nada, revelaremos a verdade de Deus.Nature must rule every stroke of your brush, only representing her as she truly is, selecting nothing, stalling nothing.
Eu e o meu mano a representarmos o campo do rio.Me and my boy representing For the river court.
Se representarmos Cuesta, ele terá de se retirar de futuros casos que tivermos com ele.We represent Cuesta, he'll have to recuse himself from any future cases we have before him.
Sim, se os representarmos.- Yeah, only if we represent them.
Eles disseram que enquanto eu o representasse, não trabalharia para eles.They said as long as I was representing him, I wasn't working for them.

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