Representar (to represent) conjugation

114 examples

Conjugation of representar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I represent
you represent
he/she/it represents
we represent
you all represent
they represent
Present perfect tense
he representado
I have represented
has representado
you have represented
ha representado
he/she/it has represented
hemos representado
we have represented
habéis representado
you all have represented
han representado
they have represented
Past preterite tense
I represented
you represented
he/she/it represented
we represented
you all represented
they represented
Future tense
I will represent
you will represent
he/she/it will represent
we will represent
you all will represent
they will represent
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would represent
you would represent
he/she/it would represent
we would represent
you all would represent
they would represent
Past imperfect tense
I used to represent
you used to represent
he/she/it used to represent
we used to represent
you all used to represent
they used to represent
Past perfect tense
había representado
I had represented
habías representado
you had represented
había representado
he/she/it had represented
habíamos representado
we had represented
habíais representado
you all had represented
habían representado
they had represented
Future perfect tense
habré representado
I will have represented
habrás representado
you will have represented
habrá representado
he/she/it will have represented
habremos representado
we will have represented
habréis representado
you all will have represented
habrán representado
they will have represented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I represent
(if/so that) you represent
(if/so that) he/she/it represent
(if/so that) we represent
(if/so that) you all represent
(if/so that) they represent
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya representado
I have represented
hayas representado
you have represented
haya representado
he/she/it has represented
hayamos representado
we have represented
hayáis representado
you all have represented
hayan representado
they have represented
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have represented
(if/so that) you have represented
(if/so that) he/she/it have represented
(if/so that) we have represented
(if/so that) you all have represented
(if/so that) they have represented
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have represented
(if/so that) you have represented
(if/so that) he/she/it have represented
(if/so that) we have represented
(if/so that) you all have represented
(if/so that) they have represented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera representado
I had represented
hubieras representado
you had represented
hubiera representado
he/she/it had represented
hubiéramos representado
we had represented
hubierais representado
you all had represented
hubieran representado
they had represented
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese representado
I had represented
hubieses representado
you had represented
hubiese representado
he/she/it had represented
hubiésemos representado
we had represented
hubieseis representado
you all had represented
hubiesen representado
they had represented
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have represented
(if/so that) you will have represented
(if/so that) he/she/it will have represented
(if/so that) we will have represented
(if/so that) you all will have represented
(if/so that) they will have represented
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere representado
I will have represented
hubieres representado
you will have represented
hubiere representado
he/she/it will have represented
hubiéremos representado
we will have represented
hubiereis representado
you all will have represented
hubieren representado
they will have represented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's represent!
Imperative negative mood
no representes
do not represent!
no represente
let him/her/it represent!
no representemos
let us not represent!
no representéis
do not represent!
no representen
do not represent!

Examples of representar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Arquímedes tenía una forma para representar adecuadamente, con un sólo dispositivo, los variados y diferentes movimientos de los cinco planetas con sus distintas velocidades, así como los eclipses de Sol que ocurrirían en una regíon del globo"Archimedes had thought up a way to represent accurately, "by a single device, those various and divergent movements "of the five planets with their different rates of speed,
"De acuerdo con la ley de sucesión, l ahora entrar en su posición y se comprometen a representar a Alemania tanto en los asuntos internos y externos "."According to the law of succession, l will now step into your position and will undertake to represent Germany both in internal and external matters."
"Debido al comportamiento del Sr. Van Damme y por asuntos éticos mi firma y yo mismo, dejaremos de representar a Jean Claude Van Damme. ""Because of Mr. Van Damme's behavior and for ethical purposes, my firm and myself hereby, immediately cease to represent Jean Claude Van Damme."
"Estimado Sr. Munday, me contrataron para representar los intereses de la Srta. Ginger Farley."Dear Mr. Munday, l have been retained to represent the interests of Miss Ginger Farley.
"Estoy orgulloso de estar aquí hoy para representar al pueblo que no siempre tienen una voz ""I am proud to be here today to represent the people who don't always have a voice,"
"... yo represento la historia completa de la evolución, yo estaba presente en el comienzo, en el primer Big Bang, y yo estaré aquí por billones de años aún."I represent the entire history of evolution." "I was present in the beginning, in the first Big Bang." "..and I'll be here for billions of years to come" [Audience Claps]
"Muchachos, yo represento a Anne Murray, y ella va a tocar en el Troubadour"."Boys, I represent Anne Murray, and she will play at the Troubadour".
"No sé negarle nada a mi familia, visto que puedo permitírmelo, desde que represento a Efestion."I can't deny anything to my family, as I can afford it.. since I have the Efestion representation."
"Su trabajo es dar de puntapiés a los neocolonialistas que yo represento.""Your job is to kick out the neocolonialists who I represent."
#La música es la vida Yo represento todo esoMusic is life, I represent all of that
- Nos representas, no a un activista hubot.- You represent us, not a hubot activist.
- Tú representas al tío.- You represent the guy.
- Ya sé a quién representas.- I've found out who you represent.
- Yurka, amigo, recuerda que nos representas a todos nosotros.- Yurka, friend, remember, you represent all of us.
- ¿A quién representas?- Who do you represent?
" que una mayor presencia de EEUU en el reino representa un riesgo."That any additional American presence on kingdom soil represents reckless risk.
"1963 guión 2038" Y ese guión representa tu vida, y lo que se seguro es, que por estas cuatro personas de aquí, mi familia...- And that dash represents your life, and the thing I know for sure is, 'cause of these four people right here, my family...
"Ballena... soñar con una ballena representa tu intuición y conciencia."Whale... to see a whale in your dream represents your intuition and awareness.
"Bueno, este representa que a las 3 am ya no puedo sostener mi licor""Well, this one represents I can't hold my liquor at 3 a. m."
"Deben preguntarse a ustedes mismos quién representa""You must ask yourselves who represents"
"Amamos la ciudad que representamos""We love the town we representing"
"No representamos a ningún gobierno, ni recibimos órdenes de ningún partido, ""We represent no government or party and take orders from no one."
- Pues eso, que todos representamos a los que nos eligieron.- My point is... we all represent our electorate.
- Sra. Fleming, representamos al Club de campo Eastdale.Ms. Fleming, we represent the Eastdale Country Club.
- Sí, representamos a su esposa.- Yes, we represented his wife.
- Y vosotros, ¿a quién representáis?And what do you represent?
El libro no es sobre vosotros, representáis arquetipos de la sociedad.The book isn't about any of you. You--you represent archetypes of american voters.
O nadie sabrá quiénes sois... ni a quién representáis.Whereas nobody will know who you are and nobody will know who you represent.
Para mí, representáis lo mejor de este país. Generosos, inteligentes, entregados, sin pretensiones.For me, you represent the best of this country... generous, smart, dedicated, unpretentious.
Porque representáis una parte de mi vida que realmente... murió.Because you represent a part of my life that really did... Die.
" hecho, juntos, representan la segunda mayor fuerza aérea del mundo" fact, together you currently represent the second largest combat airforce anywhere in the world.
"...y representan el pico de prevalencia del trastorno psiquiátrico de la mujer"?"and represent the peak prevalence for psychiatric disorders for women."
"Cada uno de los protagonistas existentes solamente se representan a ellos mismos;'Every bit player represents only himself.
"Como las películas no representan la visión artística de George.""As the films do not represent George's artistic vision. "
"El 60% de las mujeres trabaja en 6 oficios en Francia. que sólo representan el 30% del mercado laboral.Today in France, 60% of women work in 6 professions which represent only 30% of the labour market:
Alguna vez los representé a ustedes.Once, I represented you boys.
Cuando era defensor público, representé a un mal tipo acusado de cortar en pedazos a su novia.When I was a public defender, I represented a bad guy accused of cutting up his girlfriend.
De acuerdo, sí, también la representé cuando la DEA la llamó para interrogarla por lo del túnel.O-okay, yes, I also represented her when the D.E.A. called her in for questioning about the tunnel.
Es de un agente de bolsa que representé una vez.It belongs to a stockbroker I once represented.
Hasta representé a Neech Manley.Actually, l represented Neech Manley.
Aquí representaste al comprador y al vendedor, pero solo declaraste la comisión recibida por uno de ellos.You represented the buyer and the seller here, but you only declared commission for one of 'em.
Escogiste a tu esposa sobre mí porque no podías conseguirme. Y me representaste a mí sobre ella porque yo tenía más talento.You chose your wife over me cos you couldn't get me, and you represented me over her cos I had more talent.
Porque tu ya representaste a tu escuela en ese programa..When you had represented your school in such a program l had seen you on TV.
Probablemente representaste a médicos así.You've probably represented doctors like that.
Que estaba en una pelea de bar ... y que representaste a un cliente de la firma ... en un tribunal de justicia ... frente a un juez?That I was in a bar fight... and that you represented a client of the firm's... in a court of law... in front of a judge?
- Ella representó a los niños -- - ¿Ella?- She represented to the children-- - She?
- En la apelación lo representó el Centro de Recursos de Georgia el cual dijo en una declaración que el trabajo que hacían por él era equivalente a un triaje.- On appeal he was represented by the Georgia Resource Center, which stated in an affidavit that the work that they were doing on his behalf was akin to triage.
- Se representó a sí misma.She represented herself.
- representó un-un lazo de confianza entre nosotros.- represented a-a bond of trust between us.
A todos los representó un abogado, llamado Art Blank. - ¿Y logró su absolución?They were all represented by a lawyer named Art Blanc.
Creo que los años 60 representaron... la última especie de ser humano antes de la extinción. Y esto es el principio del futuro... y a partir de ahora sólo habrá robots por ahí... que no sienten ni piensan.See, I think it's quite possible that the 1960s... represented the last burst of the human being before he was extinguished... and that this is the beginning of the rest of the future, now... and that from now on there'll simply be all these robots walking around... feeling nothing, thinking nothing.
Las mierdas que representaron a mi hermana... y ahora representan a su asesino.The dirtbags that represented my sister are now representing her murderer.
Porque ustedes representaron al ferrocarril.Because you gentlemen represented the railroad. - We did?
Ustedes representaron a Gordon Goody en su juicio por el robo al aeropuerto BOAC.You represented Gordon Goody at his trial for the BOAC airport robbery.
¿Qué tal Vinson Elkins, ...los abogados que nos representaron?What about Vincent and Elkins, the lawyers that represented us?
- Lo representaré. Esas son muy buenas noticias.I will represent him.
Lo representaré con una universidad.l will represent it using a university.
No voy a representar a Jackie Williams, pero te representaré en tu audiencia de exclusión.I'm not gonna reesen Jackie Williams, But I will represent you in your disbarment hearing
Si insistes en que vaya a juicio representaré a la Sra. Cole responsablemente.If you insist that I take it to trial, I will represent Mrs. Cole aggressively and ethically.
Yo representaré a la acusación.I will represent the prosecution.
Tú me representarás, ¿verdad?Listen, you will represent me? You will, okay?
Y tú me representarás en el Pabellón Real,And you will represent me at the Royal Pavilion,
"¿Te gusta el camarada Tito y por qué?"... representará a nuestra escuela... en la "Marcha a través del hogar de Tito. ""Do You Love Comrade Tito and Why?"... will represent our school... on the "March Around Tito's Homeland. "
- representará a Al Gore.- that will represent Al Gore.
- ¿Quién representará a la Sra. Darling?Who will represent mrs.Darling?
...quien reciba más aplausos representará a la escuela.Whoever gets the most applause will represent the school.
2º), un ensayo oral en dónde un delegado representará al equipo.Second, the oral essay... where one member of the delegation will represent your team.
Devin y yo representaremos los intereses de la Srta. Pittman en este acuerdo.Devin and I will represent Ms. Pittman's interests in this deal.
Los mismos políticos a quienes ayudé a forjar... para que lograran que el público los aceptara... tuvieron la osadía de reunirse y decir: "No queremos incluirla... porque es mujer, pero nosotros representaremos a las mujeres".these same politicians whom I helped to keep put together... in order for them to be acceptable to the public... had the nerve to get together and say, "We don't want to put her in... because she is a woman, but we will represent the women--"
Nos comprometemos con nuestras fuentes de que representaremos su material ante el público tan bien como podamos, y lograr máximo impacto político por los riesgos que tomen.We make a commitment to our sources that we will represent their material to the public to the best of our ability. And achieve maximum political impact for the risks that they take.
Y, al final, representaremos a Jaguar, y valdrá la pena.And in the end, we will represent Jaguar, and it will be worth it.
Después de dos rondas, las seis mejores representarán a USA en los mundiales.After two rounds, the six best will represent the us at worlds.
Esos dos delegados nos representarán en la Convención Territorial del Estado.These two delegates will represent us in the territorial convention for statehood.
Estos 25 representarán a Brasil, en Nueva York en Abril.Those 25 will represent Brazil in New York in April.
Estoy segura que las mejores representarán a nuestra gran nación.I'm confident the very best among you will represent our great nation.
Las 100 mujeres seleccionadas por la lote- ría, representarán a cada uno de nosotros.The 100 women selected by the lottery will represent each and every one of us.
A primera vista, parece que sólo es un surtido de matraces y tubos, pero todo está cuidadosamente diseñado, en primer lugar, tienen un matraz que representaría la evaporación de un océano, y está conectado a otro matrazAt first glance, it looks like just an assortment of flasks and tubes, but this was carefully designed to, first of all, have a flask that would represent an evaporating ocean, and that was connected to a flask
Ahora, cuando planeaba nuestro tradicional primer baile... pensé mucho en la canción... que representaría la siguiente fase de nuestro matrimonio.Now, in planning our traditional first dance... I gave a lot of thought to the song... that would represent the next phase in our marriage.
Ben representaría un individuo de alto riesgo y alta recompensa.Ben would represent a high-risk, high-reward individual.
Brzezinski que reflexionar en 1997 que la geo-estratégica de éxito representaría un legado adecuado del papel de Estados Unidos como la primera, única y última verdaderamente global superpotencia.Brzezinski would muse in 1997 that geo-strategic success would represent a fitting legacy of America's role as the first, only and last truly global super-power.
Caballeros. La compresión y la estratificación de la configuración... en relación con la angiografía... representaría una superestructura... con " fundigrafismos esplengústicos".Gentlemen... if we were to take the compaction and stratification of the configuration... in confirmation to the angiography... it would represent a superstructure...
Si Mr. Fries es condenado, los intereses que su señoría tiene... representarían una participación mayoritaria.If Mr. Fries is convicted, the interest your honor has in it would represent a controlling interest.
Si los comparamos con los números de la actualidad, los 50 o 100,000,000 de personas que murieron durante ese brote de la enfermedad representarían unos 300 o 400,000,000 de personas hoy.LAN LIPKIN: Thinking in terms of today's numbers, the 50 to 100 million people who died during the course of that outbreak would represent perhaps 300 to 400 million in today's terms.
Sus jugadores representarían más del 10% de nuestro negocio.His players would represent over 10 percent of our business. Okay.
"Que este hermoso árbol represente su amor creciente,"May this beautiful tree represent your growing love
"Queremos que un hombre de familia nos represente"."We want a family man to represent a family business."
"Seleccionad a un amigo que os represente, elegid al más pequeño.""Select a friend to represent, choose the one most small.
"Si los Robinson no pueden quedarse en un hotel que se queden en un lugar que represente algo"."If the Robinsons can't stay at the hotels they should stay someplace that represents something."
"Su solicitud para que Jim, alias James, Burke nos represente en Patusan ha sido rechazada"."Your request for Jim, alias James, Burke to represent us in Patusan is denied."
- Quiero que me representes.- I want you to represent me.
- Te prohíbo que lo representes.I forbid you to represent this man.
Ahora necesito que me representes.I now need you to represent me.
Así es que quiero que me representes.So L want you to represent me
A menos que también representemos al vendedor.Unless we represent the seller, as well.
Claudia quiere que la representemos.Claudia wants us to represent her.
Muy bien, mira, no quieres que nosotros te representemosAll right, look, you don't want us to represent you --
Pero, doctora, ¿qué quiere que representemos Sandro y yo?But, doctor, what do you want me and Sandro to represent?
Quería, tipo... Como si fuese reunir a mis amigos, ¿entendiste? Mis amigos MC 's, que formaron parte... de esta campaña para que representemos a la familia del rap.I want to get my friends together, those who took part... in this campaign so they will represent the rap family.
Me da igual que me representéis.I don't care if I'm not represented by the firm.
...presos de California esperando la ejecución, de los cuales 140 no tienen abogados que los representen.... awaiting execution in California prisons, 140 of whom no longer even have lawyers to represent them.
Asi que como chef, queremos que representen el lugar de dónde son en sus platos.So as a chef, we want you to represent where you're from in your dish.
Aunque no creo que la gente de nuestro país... quiera que ustedes representen sus intereses... si ustedes lo hicieran en vez de hablar de salvar las vidas... de millones de niños... que morirán seguro el año próximo si ustedes no solucionan esto.Though I don't believe for a moment that people in our country... would want you to represent their interests... if you were doing it instead of talking about saving the lives... of millions and millions of children... who will definitely die next year if you all don't sort things out.
BIENVENIDOS CONSEJO NACIONAL DE DEPORTES ...y que todos los equipos deportivos que representen a Sudáfrica sean conocidos inmediatamente...and that all sports teams representing South Africa shall be known forthwith as the Proteas.
Bueno, nos gustaría que usted y sus amigas representen a la ciudad En su nueva campaña mediática, "Todo el mundo comparte el coche. "Well, we'd like you and your friends to represent the city in its new media campaign, "Everybody into the car pool."
- habría representado a mí mismo.I'd have just represented myself.
- Bueno, preferiría ser representado por alguien que no comete ningún error.Well, I'd prefer to be represented by someone who doesn't make any mistakes in the first place.
- Considéralo representado.- Consider him represented.
- Durante años, Halloween ha representado todo lo que es malo en Haddonfield.For years ... Halloween has represented everything that's wrong with Haddonfield.
- El acusado será representado.The accused will be fully represented.
"En el último día, "jueces representando a 30 instituciones de Ballet élite" On the last day, 30 judges representing" elite institutions ballet
"Es irónico cómo estoy aquí representando a mis compañeros cuando durante los últimos--It's ironic that I stand up here... representing my classmates when, for the past-
"Es irónico que esté aquí parada representando a mis compañeros, cuando durante los últimos tres años la mayoría de ellos me trataron como si fuera invisible. Es mi culpa.It's ironic that I stand up here representing my classmates... when, for the past three years... most of them have treated me like I'm invisible.
"Los pacientes con cáncer de hígado avanzado que no hayan recibido quimioterapia previamente fueron asignados al azar a tres diferentes regímenes, representando tratamientos citotóxicos mínimos, convencionales e intensivos.There's a... picture of Dr Wolfstein there. 'Patients with advanced liver cancer who had not previously received chemotherapy were randomly allocated to three different regiments... representing minimal, conventional and intensive cytotoxic treatments.
- A continuación, representando a Max Owens y Robin Pretnar, Robin Pretnar.Next up, representing Max Owens and Robin pretnar, is Robin pretnar.

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