Bé, però si estiguessis malament del cap, fossis una solitària que va patir abusos la fe de la qual t'obligués a continuar i algú en qui confiaves et digués que aquesta era la forma de redimir-te als ulls de Déu, és a dir... | Well, but if you were a messed-up, abused loner whose faith compelled you to belong and somebody that you trusted told you that this was the way to redeem yourself in the eyes of God, I mean... |
Un home que odia el seu pecat se'n pot redimir, fins i tot si no el pot evitar. | A man who hates his sin can be redeemed from it, even if he can't turn away from it. |
Has de redimir-te. | You must redeem yourself. |
El noi ha de tenir algunes qualitats que el redimeixin. | The guy must've had some redeeming qualities. |