Cal esbrinar on cau l'ombra de la branca a la mitja nit, i alla és on s'ha de cavar! | You got to find out where the shadow of the limb falls at midnight, and that's where you dig!" |
Volia esbrinar més coses. | I wanted to find out more about them. |
¿van esbrinar finalment què va fer el teu pare amb tot aquest diners que va robar? | Did they ever find out what your father done with all that money he stole? |
Capità, tracti d'esbrinar el que està succeint. | Captain, try to find out what's happening. |
Hem d'esbrinar qui o què ens envia el missatge. | We've got to find out who or what's sending that message. |
El Sr. Carson no tolerarà aquesta mena d'actes i es posarà furiós si esbrina que tu ho sabies i no vas dir res. | Mr Carson won't tolerate these sort of shenanigans and he'll be furious if he finds out you knew and said nothing. |
Si el Dr. Bishop ho esbrina, ens encantaria aprendre qualsevol cosa que puguem d'això. | If Dr. Bishop finds out, we'd love to learn anything we can about it. |
Jo decideixo qui esbrina la meva identitat. | I decide who finds out my identity. |
Perquè no ho esbrinem? | Why don't we find out? |
Quan ho esbrinem, podem dur la Misty per tal que ens ajudi a reviure'l. | Once we find out, we can get Misty to help us bring him back. |
He anat a veure Sereny Harper, com una vella bleda, esperant que li faria creure totes les beneiteries d'aquell somni, quan (ja us podeu ben amanir!) em trobo que ella havia esbrinat per Joe que vós fóreu aquí i sentíreu tota la nostra conversa d'aquella nit. | Here I go over to Sereny Harper, like an old softy, expecting I'm going to make her believe all that rubbage about that dream, when lo and behold you she'd found out from Joe that you was over here and heard all the talk we had that night. |
-Aixo és el que he esbrinat, Huck. | "That's what I've found out, Huck. |
Mon pare va marxar una tarda, fa algun temps, potser una mica més, i encara no hem esbrinat, exactament, en quin indret del Carib llançar-li flors. | My father left one afternoon, some time ago, maybe a little longer and we still haven't found out, exactly, in which part of the Caribbean to lay flowers. |
Em esbrinat que Heather va comprar un cotxe de segona mà. | We found out Heather was buying a used car. |
Tens una endevinalla per a mi? He esbrinat que en Bale ha estat accedint a Internet A traves del tallafocs en un PC de la biblioteca de la presó. | I found out Bale has been accessing the internet by getting around a fire wall that's set up on a prison library computer. |
Serà pitjor si esbrinen que els hi has amagat. | If they find out that you've kept this from them. |
Els hi has de dir ara. Serà pitjor si esbrinen que els hi has amagat. | It's gonna be worse if they find out that you've kept this from them. |
I esbrinarem el que ens amagues. | And we will find out what you're hiding. |
Necessito que algú esbrini seus plans i quan atacaran. | Thank you, madame. I need a volunteer! Someone who can find out their plan and when they will attack. |
Només necessitem que et reuneixis amb el teu contacte, que esbrinis que sap. | We just need you to go meet with your asset, find out what she knows. |
Vull que esbrinis tot el que puguis d'aquesta llibreta. | I want you to find out all you can about that notebook. |
Felicity, vull que esbrinis tot el que puguis sobre aquest llibre. | Felicity, I want you to find out all you can about that book. |
Vull que ho esbrinis. | I want you to find out. |
Et sorprendràs quan ho esbrinis. | Oh, you're going to be surprised when you find out. |
Perquè ara és probable que els Executors i els rastrejadors d'ADN esbrinin de tu. | Cos now it is probable that the Enforcers and the DNA sniffers will find out about you. |
Està esbrinant d'on surt. | He's finding out where they go from. |