Personifiera (to personify) conjugation

11 examples

Conjugation of personifiera

Present tense
I personify
Future tense
ska personifiera
I will personify
Conditional mood
skulle personifiera
I would personify
Past perfect tense
har personifierat
I have personified
Future perf.
ska ha personifierat
I will have personified
Conditional perfect tense
skulle ha personifierat
I would have personified
Imperative mood
Preterite past tense
I personified
Past pluperfect tense
hade personifierat
I had personified

Examples of personifiera

Example in SwedishTranslation in English
- Ingen annan kan kanske bättre personifiera musikens mysterier än vår sista kompositör.Perhaps there's no one else who can better personify the mystery that is music than our final composer.
Folk som personifierar samma girighet... -...som kostade hennes man livet.People who personify the same greed that cost her husband his life.
Du kan hälsa änglarna att mannen som dödade dig var ondskan personifierad.You can tell the angels you never saw evil so singularly personified as in the face of the man who killed you.
Jag säger inte att ur askan av fångenskap har aldrig i mänsklighetens historia en större metafor av Phoenix fågeln varit personifierad.I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity never has a greater Phoenix metaphor been personified in human history.
Jag är moderniteten personifierad.I am modernity personified.
Sanning och rättvisa personifierad.Truth and justice personified.
Solen, med dess livsnödvändiga egenskaper, var personifierad som en representant för den osedda skaparen eller Gud.The sun, with its life-giving and life-saving qualities was personified as a representative of the unseen creator or god.
Med andra ord följde de tidiga civilisationerna inte bara solen och stjärnorna, de personifierade dem med myter om deras- rörelser och förhållanden.In other words, the early civilizations did not just follow the sun and stars, they personified them with elaborate myths involving their movements and relationships.
Termen Zodiaken relaterar till att stjärnbilderna var personifierade som figurer eller djur.The term Zodiac relates to the fact that constellations were anthropomorphized, or personified, as figures, or animals.
Faktum är, man kan säga att Langoljärerna är syftet personifierat.In fact, you could say that the langoliers are purpose personified.
Jag hade personifierat honom som en slags skämtfigur.I had personified him. That was like a comic character.

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