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Terpental (to bounce) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah terpental
Present perfect tense
sudah terpental
Future perfect tense
akan sudah terpental
Future recent tense
terpental nanti
Future distant tense
terpental kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang terpental
Past distant tense
dulu terpental
Past recent tense
terpental tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja terpental

Examples of terpental

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Tanpa perhitungan yang tepat, kita akan terbang melewati bintang atau terpental terlalu dekat ke supernova dan itu akan akhiri perjalananmu dengan cepat.Without precise calculations... we'd fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova... and that would end your trip real quick.
Pada tingkat ini, mereka nick bumi atmosfer dan terpental ke angkasa.At this rate, they nick the earth's atmosphere and bounce off into space.
Aku tidak tahu mengapa orang ingin terpental sekitar, Anda tahu, jika mereka memiliki mereka sendiri kondominium di Nepal.I don't know why anybody would want to bounce around, you know, ifthey have their own condo in Nepal.
Maksudmu satu peluru datang menembus langit-langit, memantul dan terpental menembus kereta bawah tanah, dan kemudian secara ajaib terkena dada seorang pria begitu saja yang mana, menurut saksi, dia berjalan, berteriak-teriak,You're suggesting that a single bullet came through the skylight, ricocheted and bounced its way through the subway, and then just miraculously hit a man square in the chest... who was, according to witnesses, running, screaming,
Jika kubidik batu itu apa pelurunya akan terpental dan mengenai petugas di sana?If I aim at the rock deliberately will the bullet bounce off and hit the officer over there?

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