Mengurangi (to decrease) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mengurangi

Present tense
I decrease
Past tense
sudah mengurangi
I decreased
Present perfect tense
sudah mengurangi
I have decreased
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mengurangi
I will have decreased
Future recent tense
mengurangi nanti
I will decrease
Future distant tense
mengurangi kelak
I am going to decrease
Present continuous tense
sedang mengurangi
I decrease
Past distant tense
dulu mengurangi
I (a long time ago) decreased
Past recent tense
mengurangi tadi
I (recently) decreased
Past very recent tense
baru saja mengurangi
I (just now) decreased

Examples of mengurangi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Mari kita secara diam-diam mengurangi lalu lintas udara sementara FBI menyelidiki hal ini.Let us quietly decrease air traffic while the bureau works their leads.
Kamu telah mengurangi jumlah kita pada waktu penting di dalam sejarah kita.You decreased our numbers at a critical time in our history.
Kalau begitu biarkan saja dan itu bisa mengurangi kelebihan penduduk.Then they had better do it and decrease the surplus population.
Kadar oksigen di perairan terpengaruh akan mengurangi sampai dengan 40-60 persen, akan membunuh semua kehidupan tumbuhan dan hewan.The oxygen levels in the affected waters will decrease by 40 to 60 percent, killing all plant and animal life.
Itu akan menghemat biaya tenaga kerja sebesar 15 persen.. ..dan mengurangi antrian pelanggan.. ..selama beberapa menit dan 30 detik rata-rata..That'll save on labour costs by 15 percent and decrease customer wait times by a minute and 30 seconds on average.

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