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S’avouer (to realize) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of s’avouer

Present tense
je m’avoue
I realize
tu tu t’avoues
you realize
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’avoue
he/she/it realizes
nous nous nous avouons
we realize
vous vous vous avouez
you all realize
ils/elles ils/elles s’avouent
they realize
Present perfect tense
je me suis avoué
I realized
tu t’es avoué
you realized
il/elle/on s’est avoué
he/she/it realized
nous nous sommes avoués
we realized
vous vous êtes avoués
you all realized
ils/elles se sont avoués
they realized
Past impf. tense
je m’avouais
I was realizing
tu tu t’avouais
you were realizing
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’avouait
he/she/it was realizing
nous nous nous avouions
we were realizing
vous vous vous avouiez
you all were realizing
ils/elles ils/elles s’avouaient
they were realizing
Future tense
je m’avouerai
I will realize
tu tu t’avoueras
you will realize
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’avouera
he/she/it will realize
nous nous nous avouerons
we will realize
vous vous vous avouerez
you all will realize
ils/elles ils/elles s’avoueront
they will realize
Past perfect tense
je m’étais avoué
I had realized
tu t’étais avoué
you had realized
il/elle/on s’était avoué
he/she/it had realized
nous nous étions avoués
we had realized
vous vous étiez avoués
you all had realized
ils/elles s’étaient avoués
they had realized
Past preterite tense
je m’avouai
I realized
tu tu t’avouas
you realized
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’avoua
he/she/it realized
nous nous nous avouâmes
we realized
vous vous vous avouâtes
you all realized
ils/elles ils/elles s’avouèrent
they realized
Past anterior tense
je me fus avoué
I had realized
tu te fus avoué
you had realized
il/elle/on se fut avoué
he/she/it had realized
nous nous fûmes avoués
we had realized
vous vous fûtes avoués
you all had realized
ils/elles se furent avoués
they had realized
Future perfect tense
je me serai avoué
I will have realized
tu te seras avoué
you will have realized
il/elle/on se sera avoué
he/she/it will have realized
nous nous serons avoués
we will have realized
vous vous serez avoués
you all will have realized
ils/elles se seront avoués
they will have realized
Present subjunctive tense
que je m’avoue
that I realize
que tu t’avoues
that you realize
qu’il/elle/on s’avoue
that he/she/it realize
que nous nous avouions
that we realize
que vous vous avouiez
that you all realize
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’avouent
that they realize
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois avoué
that I have realized
que tu te sois avoué
that you have realized
qu’il/elle/on se soit avoué
that he/she/it have realized
que nous nous soyons avoués
that we have realized
que vous vous soyez avoués
that you all have realized
qu’ils/elles se soient avoués
that they have realized
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je m’avouasse
that I would realize
que tu t’avouasses
that you would realize
qu’il/elle/on s’avouât
that he/she/it would realize
que nous nous avouassions
that we would realize
que vous vous avouassiez
that you all would realize
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’avouassent
that they would realize
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse avoué
that I had realized
que tu te fusses avoué
that you had realized
qu’il/elle/on se fût avoué
that he/she/it had realized
que nous nous fussions avoués
that we had realized
que vous vous fussiez avoués
that you all had realized
qu’ils/elles se fussent avoués
that they had realized
Conditional mood
je m’avouerais
I would realize
tu tu t’avouerais
you would realize
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’avouerait
he/she/it would realize
nous nous nous avouerions
we would realize
vous vous vous avoueriez
you all would realize
ils/elles ils/elles s’avoueraient
they would realize
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais avoué
I would have realized
tu te serais avoué
you would have realized
il/elle/on se serait avoué
he/she/it would have realized
nous nous serions avoués
we would have realized
vous vous seriez avoués
you all would have realized
ils/elles se seraient avoués
they would have realized
Imperative mood
let's realize!

Examples of s’avouer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Artie a avoué son rêve à Tina et réalisé que c'était infaisable. Ca se dit "infaisable" ?Artie told Tina what his greatest dream was, then realized that not every dream is achievable.
Dietz a dit avoir été piégé par le FBI, mais quand il a compris que ça ne marcherait pas, il a avoué.Initially, Dietz claimed he'd been framed by the FBI, but when he realized it wasn't gonna work, he confessed.
Ils savent qu'il y a un pouvoir quelque part si organisé, si subtil, si vigilant, si imbriquées, si complet, si envahissant, qu'il valait mieux ne pas parler ci-dessus leur souffle quand ils parlent à la condamnation de celui-ci. Avant sa mort en 1924, le président Wilson a réalisé toute l'étendue des dommages qu'il avait fait à l'Amérique, où il a avoué :Before his death in 1924, President Wilson realized the full extent of the damage he had done to America, when he confessed:
Quand elle a été reprise, elle a compris ne pas aimer Brian, mais être amoureuse de vous. - Et elle a tout avoué.But once she got unrejected, she realized that she wasn't in love with Brian in the first place, that she was in love with you, and she confessed the whole thing.
Une fois que j'ai avoué à Christy avoir couché avec Jess, je savais que ce n'était qu'une question de temps avant qu'elle ne réalise la vérité.Once I told Christy that I slept with Jess, I knew it was only a matter of time before she realized the truth and I would lose my family.

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