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Daigner (to deign) conjugation

17 examples

Conjugation of daigner

Present tense
je daigne
I deign
tu daignes
you deign
il/elle/on daigne
he/she/it deigns
nous daignons
we deign
vous daignez
you all deign
ils/elles daignent
they deign
Present perfect tense
j’ai daigné
I deigned
tu as daigné
you deigned
il/elle/on a daigné
he/she/it deigned
nous avons daigné
we deigned
vous avez daigné
you all deigned
ils/elles ont daigné
they deigned
Past impf. tense
je daignais
I was deigning
tu daignais
you were deigning
il/elle/on daignait
he/she/it was deigning
nous daignions
we were deigning
vous daigniez
you all were deigning
ils/elles daignaient
they were deigning
Future tense
je daignerai
I will deign
tu daigneras
you will deign
il/elle/on daignera
he/she/it will deign
nous daignerons
we will deign
vous daignerez
you all will deign
ils/elles daigneront
they will deign
Past perfect tense
j’avais daigné
I had deigned
tu avais daigné
you had deigned
il/elle/on avait daigné
he/she/it had deigned
nous avions daigné
we had deigned
vous aviez daigné
you all had deigned
ils/elles avaient daigné
they had deigned
Past preterite tense
je daignai
I deigned
tu daignas
you deigned
il/elle/on daigna
he/she/it deigned
nous daignâmes
we deigned
vous daignâtes
you all deigned
ils/elles daignèrent
they deigned
Past anterior tense
j’eus daigné
I had deigned
tu eus daigné
you had deigned
il/elle/on eut daigné
he/she/it had deigned
nous eûmes daigné
we had deigned
vous eûtes daigné
you all had deigned
ils/elles eurent daigné
they had deigned
Future perfect tense
j’aurai daigné
I will have deigned
tu auras daigné
you will have deigned
il/elle/on aura daigné
he/she/it will have deigned
nous aurons daigné
we will have deigned
vous aurez daigné
you all will have deigned
ils/elles auront daigné
they will have deigned
Present subjunctive tense
que je daigne
that I deign
que tu daignes
that you deign
qu’il/elle/on daigne
that he/she/it deign
que nous daignions
that we deign
que vous daigniez
that you all deign
qu’ils/elles daignent
that they deign
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie daigné
that I have deigned
que tu aies daigné
that you have deigned
qu’il/elle/on ait daigné
that he/she/it have deigned
que nous ayons daigné
that we have deigned
que vous ayez daigné
that you all have deigned
qu’ils/elles aient daigné
that they have deigned
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je daignasse
that I would deign
que tu daignasses
that you would deign
qu’il/elle/on daignât
that he/she/it would deign
que nous daignassions
that we would deign
que vous daignassiez
that you all would deign
qu’ils/elles daignassent
that they would deign
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse daigné
that I had deigned
que tu eusses daigné
that you had deigned
qu’il/elle/on eût daigné
that he/she/it had deigned
que nous eussions daigné
that we had deigned
que vous eussiez daigné
that you all had deigned
qu’ils/elles eussent daigné
that they had deigned
Conditional mood
je daignerais
I would deign
tu daignerais
you would deign
il/elle/on daignerait
he/she/it would deign
nous daignerions
we would deign
vous daigneriez
you all would deign
ils/elles daigneraient
they would deign
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais daigné
I would have deigned
tu aurais daigné
you would have deigned
il/elle/on aurait daigné
he/she/it would have deigned
nous aurions daigné
we would have deigned
vous auriez daigné
you all would have deigned
ils/elles auraient daigné
they would have deigned
Imperative mood
let's deign!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie daigné
have deigned
ayons daigné
let's have deigned
ayez daigné
have deigned

Examples of daigner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Alors, vous prétendez avoir un handicap plutôt que de daigner avoir une conversation avec une autre personne.Ergo, you fake a handicap rather than deign to have a conversation with a fellow human being.
Cette grande star de l'écran, cet étranger qui a joui de notre hospitalité pendant presque 30 ans sans daigner demander la nationalité américaineThis great star of stage and screen, this alien, who has enjoyed the hospitality of our country for nearly 30 years without ever once, ever once, deigning to apply for American citizenship.
On ne courtise pas une dame en espérant qu'elle va daigner vous parler un jour.Now, you can't woo a lady by hoping she'll deign... to speak to you.
Si on est mordus, tu pourrais daigner nous soigner.So if we get bitten, you might deign to cure us.
Abigail était si belle, et la fortune de son père si immense que les tabloïds anglais ont daigné couvrir l'affaire.Abigail was so beautiful, and her father's fortune so vast that the UK tabloids actually deigned to cover the case.
Bonnes nouvelles, gentlemen, puisque Mr. Truman a daigné nous honorer de sa présence, nous avons à présent assez de serveurs pour faire le service en ballet.Good news, gentlemen, since Mr. Truman has deigned to grace us with his presence, we now have enough waiters to do ballet service.
Diane a-t-elle finalement daigné reconnaitre notre existence ?Has Diane finally deigned to acknowledge that we exist?
Donc, vous avez daigné revenir, avez-vous?So you've deigned to come back, have you?
Et dans sa majestueuse charité, l'empereur a daigné offrir au peuple de Rome un combat final historique.And in his majestic charity... the Emperor has deigned this day to favour the people of Rome... with an historical final match.
"et daigne nous envoyer ton saint ange des cieux"and deign to send us thy holy angel from heaven...
Ce que vous mangez, ce que je daigne vous donner.What you eat, I deign to give you.
De penser qu'un homme de votre statut daigne visiter mon humble maison.To think that a man of your position would deign to set foot in my humble house.
Dois-je attendre que Monsieur daigne rentrer?Why should I wait until his lordship deigns to come?
Face à face avec l'Eternel en contemplant Dieu... qui à travers son fils, notre Seigneur Jésus Christ... est mort pour nous sur la croix. qui daigne prendre soin de nous, pauvres mortels... plein d'amour, d'une infinie pitié... pour les malades, les souffrants, les mourants.who deigns to look down upon us poor mortal creatures, full of love, infinitely merciful, the sick, the suffering, the dying.
Je tiens aussi à vous dire que si Ia prévision d'Anne se réalisait, si un sentiment plus fort grandissait un jour entre MurieI et vous, et si vous daignez vous en apercevoir, tous Ies deux, je n'aurais rien contre votre personne... bien que j'aie des doutes sur Ies chances de bonheurI also want to say this... If Anne's prediction comes true... if one day a strongerfeeIing grows between you and MurieI... and you both deign to recognize it... I'II not be against it, personally... though I have my doubts about intemationaI marriages.
Vous daignez vous joindre à nous ?Oh, you're deigning to join us now?
Imaginez : vos anciens amis daignant à nouveau vous baiser la main.Imagine... old friends deigning to kiss your hand again.

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