Administrer (to administer) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of administrer

Present tense
I administer
tu administres
you administer
il/elle/on administre
he/she/it administers
nous administrons
we administer
vous administrez
you all administer
ils/elles administrent
they administer
Present perfect tense
j’ai administré
I administered
tu as administré
you administered
il/elle/on a administré
he/she/it administered
nous avons administré
we administered
vous avez administré
you all administered
ils/elles ont administré
they administered
Past impf. tense
I was administering
tu administrais
you were administering
il/elle/on administrait
he/she/it was administering
nous administrions
we were administering
vous administriez
you all were administering
ils/elles administraient
they were administering
Future tense
I will administer
tu administreras
you will administer
il/elle/on administrera
he/she/it will administer
nous administrerons
we will administer
vous administrerez
you all will administer
ils/elles administreront
they will administer
Past perfect tense
j’avais administré
I had administered
tu avais administré
you had administered
il/elle/on avait administré
he/she/it had administered
nous avions administré
we had administered
vous aviez administré
you all had administered
ils/elles avaient administré
they had administered
Past preterite tense
I administered
tu administras
you administered
il/elle/on administra
he/she/it administered
nous administrâmes
we administered
vous administrâtes
you all administered
ils/elles administrèrent
they administered
Past anterior tense
j’eus administré
I had administered
tu eus administré
you had administered
il/elle/on eut administré
he/she/it had administered
nous eûmes administré
we had administered
vous eûtes administré
you all had administered
ils/elles eurent administré
they had administered
Future perfect tense
j’aurai administré
I will have administered
tu auras administré
you will have administered
il/elle/on aura administré
he/she/it will have administered
nous aurons administré
we will have administered
vous aurez administré
you all will have administered
ils/elles auront administré
they will have administered
Present subjunctive tense
que j’administre
that I administer
que tu administres
that you administer
qu’il/elle/on administre
that he/she/it administer
que nous administrions
that we administer
que vous administriez
that you all administer
qu’ils/elles administrent
that they administer
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie administré
that I have administered
que tu aies administré
that you have administered
qu’il/elle/on ait administré
that he/she/it have administered
que nous ayons administré
that we have administered
que vous ayez administré
that you all have administered
qu’ils/elles aient administré
that they have administered
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’administrasse
that I would administer
que tu administrasses
that you would administer
qu’il/elle/on administrât
that he/she/it would administer
que nous administrassions
that we would administer
que vous administrassiez
that you all would administer
qu’ils/elles administrassent
that they would administer
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse administré
that I had administered
que tu eusses administré
that you had administered
qu’il/elle/on eût administré
that he/she/it had administered
que nous eussions administré
that we had administered
que vous eussiez administré
that you all had administered
qu’ils/elles eussent administré
that they had administered
Conditional mood
I would administer
tu administrerais
you would administer
il/elle/on administrerait
he/she/it would administer
nous administrerions
we would administer
vous administreriez
you all would administer
ils/elles administreraient
they would administer
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais administré
I would have administered
tu aurais administré
you would have administered
il/elle/on aurait administré
he/she/it would have administered
nous aurions administré
we would have administered
vous auriez administré
you all would have administered
ils/elles auraient administré
they would have administered
Imperative mood
let's administer!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie administré
have administered
ayons administré
let's have administered
ayez administré
have administered

Examples of administrer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Et si cette personne appelait le Samu qui lui indiquerait comment administrer l'EpiPen à la victime, ce serait presque de la complicité.-And if that person called 999, and they talked them through administering that pen to the victim, it's almost collusion in the crime with the Emergency Services.
- Je vais administrer une goutte de ceci à chacun... juste par mesure de précaution.- I administered a drop of this to them all... just as a precaution.
- Olivia. ... de lui administrer une posologie inadéquate de soluté.When I told a nurse to administer an incorrect dosage of hypertonic saline.
- Tu peux administrer le A.T.3. - Addison, t'as intérêt à avoir raison.You can administer the A.T.3. Addison, you better be right about this.
A-t-elle eu l'occasion de le lui administrer ?Did she have an opportunity of administering it?
"...qui, s'il est administré dans les 32 heures, "stoppera la maladie."...which, if administered within 32 of infection, "will eradicate the disease.
- Il allait mieux dès que je lui ai administré.He started improving almost as soon as I administered it.
Ainsi, les créanciers ont administré vos biens et il ne reste plus rien.In your letter, you said the creditors had administered... and nothing was left for you?
Alors, rien ne prouve que mon client a administré cette drogue, n'est-ce pas ?Then there's no way to prove that my client administered this drug?
Après que vous ayez administré l'Héparine, j'ai vu sur la feuille qu'il avait été autorisé à sortir, et pourtant le patient n'est jamais parti.After you'd administered the Heparin, I see there was a discharge order on the chart, and yet the patient never left.
- Et qui administre ce fonds ?- And who administers this trust?
- J'administre l'atropine.- I'm administering atropine.
C'est moi qui administre le traitement.I'm the one that's going to be administering the treatment.
Celui qui administre ce site haineux est un proprietaire d'arme enregistré.Whoever administers that hate site Is a registered gun owner.
D'abord, on administre le vaccin qu'on a mis au point, puis un V.E. inactif.First, we administer the vaccine we have developed, then an inactive EV inside the body.
Déplacez-le... et administrez-lui un sédatif.Move him... then administer a sedative.
Emmenez cette femme et administrez-lui le châtiment que mérite son faux témoignage.And take this woman hence and administer to her punishment to fit her perjury.
Et c'est de cette façon que vous administrez les injections létales ?And this is how you administer the lethal injections?
Infirmière, administrez le sédatif.- Dr. Coleman? - Nurse, administer the sedative.
N Dans le cadre de candeurs initiation vous administrez un sérum de vérité.No. As part of Candors initation you administer a truth serum.
Avec notre découverte du L-dopa, nous pouvons enfin promettre au patient Parkinsonien une vie normale en lui administrant du...With our development of the drug L-dopa, we can for the first time promise the Parkinsonian patient a more normal life by administering L...
Bon, j'étais en mission pour Médecins Sans Frontières, on montait une petite clinique à Kinshasa administrant le vaccin ROR aux enfants.So, I'm doing this stint at Doctors Without Borders, setting up a small clinic in Kinshasa administering the MMR vaccine to children.
Donc, avant l'interview, vous allez serrer la main de Kim, administrant une dose mortelle de poison avec ceci, une bande de ricine transdermique temporisé.So, preceding the interview, you are going to shake Kim's hand, administering a fatal dose of poison with this, a transdermal time-delayed ricin strip.
Et pour notre chère infirmière Violet, elle s'épanouie dans son role de femme-- à moitié femme fatale controlant son destin et administrant sa dose de mauvaise médecine.And as for our sweet Nurse Violet, she's blossomed into quite a woman-- a newly-minted femme fatale in control of her own destiny and administering her own dose of bad medicine.
La meilleure idée que nous avons eue jusqu'a présent est d'essayer de recomposer son organisme au niveau génétique, en lui administrant un traitement massif de cellules souches embryonnaires clonées.The best idea we've had so far is to try to repair his system on the genetic level, by administering a massive clone, embryonic stem cells treatment.

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