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Admettre (to admit) conjugation

32 examples

Conjugation of admettre

Present tense
I admit
tu admets
you admit
il/elle/on admet
he/she/it admits
nous admettons
we admit
vous admettez
you all admit
ils/elles admettent
they admit
Present perfect tense
j’ai admis
I admitted
tu as admis
you admitted
il/elle/on a admis
he/she/it admitted
nous avons admis
we admitted
vous avez admis
you all admitted
ils/elles ont admis
they admitted
Past impf. tense
I was admitting
tu admettais
you were admitting
il/elle/on admettait
he/she/it was admitting
nous admettions
we were admitting
vous admettiez
you all were admitting
ils/elles admettaient
they were admitting
Future tense
I will admit
tu admettras
you will admit
il/elle/on admettra
he/she/it will admit
nous admettrons
we will admit
vous admettrez
you all will admit
ils/elles admettront
they will admit
Past perfect tense
j’avais admis
I had admitted
tu avais admis
you had admitted
il/elle/on avait admis
he/she/it had admitted
nous avions admis
we had admitted
vous aviez admis
you all had admitted
ils/elles avaient admis
they had admitted
Past preterite tense
I admitted
tu admis
you admitted
il/elle/on admit
he/she/it admitted
nous admîmes
we admitted
vous admîtes
you all admitted
ils/elles admirent
they admitted
Past anterior tense
j’eus admis
I had admitted
tu eus admis
you had admitted
il/elle/on eut admis
he/she/it had admitted
nous eûmes admis
we had admitted
vous eûtes admis
you all had admitted
ils/elles eurent admis
they had admitted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai admis
I will have admitted
tu auras admis
you will have admitted
il/elle/on aura admis
he/she/it will have admitted
nous aurons admis
we will have admitted
vous aurez admis
you all will have admitted
ils/elles auront admis
they will have admitted
Present subjunctive tense
que j’admette
that I admit
que tu admettes
that you admit
qu’il/elle/on admette
that he/she/it admit
que nous admettions
that we admit
que vous admettiez
that you all admit
qu’ils/elles admettent
that they admit
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie admis
that I have admitted
que tu aies admis
that you have admitted
qu’il/elle/on ait admis
that he/she/it have admitted
que nous ayons admis
that we have admitted
que vous ayez admis
that you all have admitted
qu’ils/elles aient admis
that they have admitted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’admisse
that I would admit
que tu admisses
that you would admit
qu’il/elle/on admît
that he/she/it would admit
que nous admissions
that we would admit
que vous admissiez
that you all would admit
qu’ils/elles admissent
that they would admit
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse admis
that I had admitted
que tu eusses admis
that you had admitted
qu’il/elle/on eût admis
that he/she/it had admitted
que nous eussions admis
that we had admitted
que vous eussiez admis
that you all had admitted
qu’ils/elles eussent admis
that they had admitted
Conditional mood
I would admit
tu admettrais
you would admit
il/elle/on admettrait
he/she/it would admit
nous admettrions
we would admit
vous admettriez
you all would admit
ils/elles admettraient
they would admit
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais admis
I would have admitted
tu aurais admis
you would have admitted
il/elle/on aurait admis
he/she/it would have admitted
nous aurions admis
we would have admitted
vous auriez admis
you all would have admitted
ils/elles auraient admis
they would have admitted
Imperative mood
let's admit!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie admis
have admitted
ayons admis
let's have admitted
ayez admis
have admitted

Examples of admettre

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Ingénierie, rapport à admettre."Engineering, report to admitting.
" Tu as peur de l'admettre "You're afraid to admit it...
" de nombreuses années en tant qu'institution mixte, elle a décidé de n'admettre que des femmes.""many years as a coed institution, she has decided to admit only women."
"C'est comme au début, "Quand personne ne voulait admettre qu'il se passait quelque chose."Just like in the beginning, when no one would admit something was happening."
"Elle devait enfin admettre qu'elle était en colère."what she finally had to admit was that she was angry.
"Les hommes ont admis que coucher avec une divorcée ressemble à coucher avec la femme d'un autre.""men admitted that sleeping with a divorcee felt like sleeping with another man's wife."
"Nous avons poursuivi notre inventaire personnel "et promptement admis nos torts "dès que nous nous en sommes aperçus"."We conducted our personal inventory, and promptly admitted when we were wrong."
"Thomas à été admis en salle d'urgence...""Thomas was admitted to the emergency room..."
"nous vous informons que vous êtes admis au MIT,"to inform you... (ALL SHOUTING EXCITEDLY) "...that you have been admitted
* Personne n'a été admis.No one's been admitted.
"Au mariage des cœurs aimants, je n'admets pas d'obstacles.""Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments."
"Ex-étudiante de Steinmetz" Je l'admets.I admit it. I cheated.
"J'admets que je mérite la mort et l'Enfer."I admit that I deserve death and hell.
"Mais au défi d'une société dont je respectais la morale" "J'admets que le jeune femme en rouge,avait embrasé ma conscience"I respected the morals of our society... but I have to admit that the young woman in red occupied my thoughts.
"Oui, Votre Honneur, j'admets que depuis 20 ans, j'ai menti, j'ai joué un double jeu..."Yes, Your Honor, I do admit for the last 20 years I've been a lying, double-crossing, two-faced...
Nous disons tous que nous rêvons que d'amour, mais, admettons le, ce que nous voulons vraiment, c'est de l'amour et des richesses.We all say what we dream of is love, but, let's admit it, what we really want is love and riches.
Pete, admettons une chose.Pete, let's admit something.
"hey, nous allons vous laisser partir que si vous admettez la culpabilité.""hey, we'll let you go only if you admit guilt."
"j'ai tué mon père", admettez-le."I killed my father." I want you to admit it.
- Allons, Watson... admettez que vous avez tendance à être trop romantique.Oh, come now, Watson. You must admit you have a tendency to overromanticize.
- Alors vous admettez aimer Mme Randall?- Then you admit that you love Mrs Randall?
- Alors vous admettez que vous savez qu'ils ont été poussés?- So you admit that you know they were pushed?
... en échange d'une lettre venant de moi, admettant ma culpabilité dans la mort d'Alex.- ... in exchange for a letter from me admitting my guilt in Alex's death.
C'est vrai qu'on vous a sur une vidéo admettant avoir passer le faux appel aux secours?Is it true that you've been caught on tape admitting to setting up the false 911 call?
Cinq : Waldron a passé des aveux admettant sa culpabilité.Fifth, Waldron made a statement in writing... admitting the crime.
Comment, en admettant que tu as tiré sur ta femme ?What, by admitting that you shot your wife?
Célébrons sa vie et sa mort de manière honnête, pas en jouant les hypocrites autour d'un cercueil, mais en admettant que nous sommes des monstres et récupérer joyeusement un peu de son pognon.Let's celebrate his life and death in the honest way, not by saying fake nice things around a casket, but by admitting we're monsters and clawing joyfully for some of his cash.
# It's a crime to admit that she ain't ten times legit# It's a crime to admit that she ain't ten times legit
# You tryin', admit it# You tryin', admit it
- Des aveux partiels. Nathan Cole a admit avoir démembré le corps de Samantha Matthew post-mortem.Nathan Cole admitted to dismembering Samantha Matthew body pomortem.
- Il a admit avoir été là, il te l'a dit.He's admitted to being there. He's told you.
-"Let me not the marriage of true minds..." -"...admit impediments love is not love..." -"Let me not the marriage of true minds..." -"...admit impediments love is not love..." -"...but bears it out till the edge of doom.""... admit impediments love is not love but bears it out till the edge of doom."

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