Ystävilläni on tiukat mummit. | Some of my friends have some pretty tough grandmothers. |
- Saitko Sandyn mummin seurakseni? | You got me a hot date with Sandy's grandmother. |
-Paige ja Tali tuovat mummin sormusta. | Paige and Tali went to get her grandmother's ring. |
Asun mummin ja vaarin luona. | I live with my grandmother and grandfather. |
Haluan antaa mummin maalauksen. | I wanted you to have this. It was your grandmother's. |
Ja mun mummin hautajaisissa, kun sä kerroit sukulaisille, että puvun alta näkyivät hänen nänninsä, annoin asian olla. | And even when we were at my grandmother's funeral and you told my relatives... that you could see her nipples through her burial dress, I let it slide. |
Bill ei tappanut mummia. | - Bill did not kill my grandmother. |
Minä en rakasta "mummia." | I don't love "grandmother." |
Uhkaako Cindy-mummia 15 vuoden tuomio väärästä valasta? | Now, listen, all of you mothers and grandmothers out there. I don't know if you feel like me, but if my little girl were facing the Florida death penalty, i would roll this sleeve up right here and say, |
Teidän mummista ja teidän... Emme olekaan tavanneet. Olen tohtori Dorian. | Your grandmother, your... l'm sorry, we haven't met. |
Mun täytyy käydä kotona katsomassa - että mummilla on kaikki hyvin. | I gotta see my grandmother, make sure she's all right. |
Eihän se nyt sovi, että poika saa joskus mummilta lahjan! | God forbid he should have a present from his grandmother once in a while. |
Mene kysymään mummilta, missä tyttö asuu. | So why don't you go back to that grandmother.. - ...and ask her where she lives? |
Te hipsterit kuulette tämän vain mummilta tai homokaverilta. | And second of all, I will tell you what all you modern hipster chicks are afraid to admit and what nobody but your grandmother or your gay best friend will tell you... |
- Vie tämä mummille. Ihan tosi. | - Take this in to your grandmother. |
Hän sanoi mummille, että minun pitäisi jättää sinut rauhaan. | She told my grandmother I should leave you alone. |
Joku soitti mummille, ja hän kertoi minulle. | I did know that. My grandmother told me at lunch. Somebody called her. |
Kai olet jo kertonut mummille? | Well, you have told grandmother that you're pregnant, right? |
Sano äidille, että jäätte mummille vielä yhdeksi yöksi. | One important thing. Can you tell mom that you need... to spend one more night with grandmother. |
Haluatko sinä mummiksi? | Do you want To become a grandmother? |
- Esther, sinusta tulee upea mummi. | Esther, you're going to make a wonderful grandmother. |
- Tulin sanomaan, että mummi löytyi. | - I wanted to tell you your grandmother is fine. |
-Kyllä, mummi. | -Yes, grandmother. |
-Tuleeko minusta mummi? | Am I going to be a grandmother? - Yes, Mum. |
8000 dollarin hääpuvun vetskari on rikki, - sulhaspojat ahdistelevat morsiusneitoja, - mummi paloi, isän polvi hajosi. | The zipper on my $8,000 dress is broken, the groomsmen are accosting my bridesmaids, my grandmother's burned from head to toe, my dad's knee is shredded. |