Sanoit, että muut makit auttavat häntä. | No, you said the other lemurs rally around and help him. |
Tasan kahden minuutin ja 17 sekunnin kuluttua makit katkaisee virran. | OK. In exactly two minutes and 17 seconds, the lemurs will cut the power. |
Ja kummituseläinten, ja useiden makien. | And monkeys. And tarsiers, and several lemurs. |
Kiitäjät ovat tärkeitä hiirimakeille. Ne kasvattavat makien rasvakerrosta, jota tarvitaan kuivan kauden ajan. | The moths are very important to the lemurs for they will replenish the fat reserves that the lemurs need to survive the barren dry season. |
Nuo ovat makeja. | Those are lemurs. |
Tämä paikka oli ennen täynnä Munkkeja, makeja ja biisoneja.. | This place used to be full of monks and lemurs and bison. |
- Odota. - Miksi makin pitää edes lähteä puusta? | Why does the lemur need to leave the tree anyway? |
Jätitkö sen makin? | You broke up with that lemur pretty quick. |
Aang, en aikonut tosissani syödä sitä makia, okei? | Aang, I wasn't really going to eat the lemur, okay? |
- Koska se on ahdistava, - ja Lindalla on unelma. Tarkoitan, makilla on unelma - ja minä, hän tietää, että elämässä on muutakin. | Because the tree is stifling and the Linda has a dream... the lemur... the lemur has a dream, and she... me... he knows there's more to life. |
Kuulostat makilta. | You sound like a lemur. |
Minä puhuin makille | I was talking to the lemur! |
- Missä on maki? | - Where's the lemur? |
- Näyttelit tosi hyvin poliisia - leffassa, jossa etsit kadonnutta joka olikin maki. | I loved you in that movie When you were a cop, And you were on That missing persons case, Only it was a lemur From the zoo. |
-Se maki on pulassa. | Wait a minute... Yeah, that lemur is hosed. |
Koska hän on maki! | Exactly, because he's a frickin lemur! |
Merkitsen hänet hajullani, kuin maki. | She's the siren, bro. I want to mark her with my scent like a lemur. |