Ehkä hän sisustaa rakastajattarensa asuntoa. | He's the richest man in Paris, you know. With his mistress. Perhaps he's furnishing an apartment for her. |
En ole ehtinyt sisustaa. | I haven't had a chance to, uh, furnish the place. |
Haluamme sisustaa Jonainpäivänä veneemme kokonaan vedenalaisilla asioilla. | We wanna furnish our Someday Boat with things entirely from under the sea. |
Meidän täytyy sisustaa koko talo. | - (Jane) An entire house to furnish. |
Niin, ja tämän voi sisustaa, kuten haluaa. | You can furnish it as you like. |
Sinä sisustat, minä kalustan, hän maksaa. | We had a contract. You decorate, me furnish, him pay. |
Monet asiakkaani sisustavat ja voisivat haluta ostaa taidetta. | l always have clients who are furnishing places. Some might be interested in buying art. |
Hän varmaan sisusti toimistonkin jo uusiksi. | She's probably refurnished his office already. |
...Ginny olisivat täällä, he sisustaisivat koko makuuhuoneesi minkä Marsellus-setäsi tekee hyvin mielellään. | - Ginny. - Ginny were here, they would furnish you with a whole bedroom set, which your Uncle Marsellus is more than happy to do. |
- Et ole koskaan sisustanut kotia. | You've never furnished a home. |
- Olen sisustanut useita koteja. | I have furnished a bunch of homes. |
Minä olen sisustanut talon. | I've furnished it. |