..que la almohada utilizado para sofocar el Sr. Mahendra .. | ..that the pillow used to suffocate Mr. Mahendra.. |
Ahora, en un incendio, esos docena de tanques alrededor del edificio lanzar arena a través de los tubos de la derecha dentro de sofocar las llamas. | Now, in a fire, those dozen tanks around the building launch sand through those pipes right inside to suffocate the flames. |
El verdadero Yo se comienza a sofocar a medida que siente la falta de contacto con el mundo externo y el falso Yo se vuelve gradualmente el único que interactúa con los otros Yo. | The true self begins to suffocate in as much as it is starved of contact with the outside, and the false self gradually becomes the only self to interact with other selves. |
Los forenses eventualmente lo encontraron, probablemente es transferido del objeto usado para sofocar a las victimas. | Forensics eventually found it, probably transferred from the object used to suffocate the victims. |
Siento como si me fuera a sofocar. | I feel like I'm going to suffocate. |
! Casi nos sofoco y te dejo hambriento. | She nearly suffocated ours, and starved you! |
- ¡Me sofoco aquí! | - I suffocate in here! |
- ¿Te sofoco? | - Do I suffocate you? |
Alguien la sofoco. | Somebody suffocated her. |
Después de lo que nos ha costado tener un bebé no voy a permitir que le dé un sofoco | It took us this long to have a baby. I'm damned if I'm gonna let her suffocate. |
Eres un ataúd, la sofocas. | You suffocate her. |
Nos sofocas a todos. | You suffocate us all. |
O enfrentas las cosas en casa o te sofocas con tu propia orina. | You either go home and face the music or you suffocate in your own pee. |
Tú la sofocaste, sofocas a todos. | You suffocated her. You suffocate everyone. |
Vaya. ¿Cuándo te diste cuenta por fin que lo sofocas? | Wow. When'd you finally realize that you suffocate him? |
- Si él se sofoca, ¿te parecerá mejor? | - So he suffocates, will that suit you better? |
Al golpear la garganta, puede aplastarse y luego la persona se sofoca, que es exactamente lo que pasó. | By hitting the throat, you can make it collapse... and then the person suffocates, which is exactly what happened. |
Calienta las frazadas en frias noches de invierno y sofoca a las pulgas. | It warms the blankets on cold winter nights and suffocates the fleas. |
LA CARTA A SU MADRE Movido por esta situación... y por la desesperación que sofoca nuestra gente... | LETTER TO H IS MOTH ER Moved by this situation... and by the despair which suffocates our people... |
Lo que él llama respirar... Me sofoca. | What he calls breathing, suffocates me. |
Entonces nos sofocamos en una nube gigante negra de muerte. | Then we suffocate in a giant black cloud of death. |
Mira, es eso o nos quedamos aquí nos sofocamos. | Look, it's either that or we stay here and suffocate. |
Negativo. 20 horas, nos sofocamos. | Negative. 20 hours, we suffocate. |
Nos dormimos y sofocamos sin sentirlo. | We fall asleep and suffocate without feeling it. |
Incluso, aquí donde permanecen indefensos, sn poder hacer nada en su defensa, en el piso, son vicerados con machetes, y se sofocan, lentamente. Contorneándose y convulsionando lentamente en su mar de agonía, los colegiales pasan desapercibidos. | Yet here, as they lay stricken and needful, wreathing helplessly on cement floors, they are cut open with machetes and left to slowly suffocate convulsing and contorting in the throes of agony ... while school children walk on by. |
Mientras me oculto en la radiante luz de la isla de Athos, miles se sofocan en la oscuridad. | While i hid in the radiant Light of athos' island, Thousands suffocated In darkness. |
Porque las contracciones sofocan al feto. | Because the contractions suffocate the fetus. |
Se sofocan cuando se colocan unos sobre otros en cajones sobrepopulados y sobrecargados. | And they suffocate when other animals pile on top of them in overcrowded, poorly loaded cages. |
Se sofocan mutuamente. | They suffocate each other. |
Lo sofoqué con mis propias manos. | I suffocated him with my own hands. |
Señora, sofoqué a tres persona de las que ni siquiera estaba cerca. | Lady, I suffocated three people I wasn't even near. |
Lo sofocaste con tantas limitaciones. | You're the one who suffocated him with limitations. |
Sé que sofocaste esos gatitos a los 13 años. | I know you suffocated those kittens when you were thirteen. |
Sí, justo hasta que la sofocaste. | Yeah, right up until you suffocated her. |
Tú la sofocaste, sofocas a todos. | You suffocated her. You suffocate everyone. |
- En otras palabras, se sofocó. | In other words, he suffocated. |
- Se sofocó. | She suffocated |
Basado en que creo que la sofocó, junto con todas las otras chicas que vi. | Based on, I saw her tied to his bed. Based on,I think he suffocated her, along with all the other girls I saw. |
El forense dice que la arteria carótida no se reabrió y se sofocó. | Coroner says carotid artery didn't reopen and he suffocated. |
El se sofocó... hasta que finalmente el ruido cesó. | He suffocated... and then finally the noise stopped. |
- Sip, los tumores crecieron tanto que obstruyeron sus vías respiratorias, y la sofocaron. | The tumors got so large they obstructed her air passage, suffocated her. |
De acuerdo con Phlox, los Insectoides no murieron en el choque. ¿Se sofocaron? | According to Phlox, the Insectoids we found weren't killed in the crash... they suffocated? |
La envenenaron, estrangularon, sofocaron y le dispararon, y no pueden establecer cómo murió. | She's been poisoned, strangled, suffocated, and shot, and they can't figure out how she died. |
La forma de los moretones sugiere que la sofocaron. | Petechial hemorrhaging suggests she was suffocated. |
Un día Jojo atoró su cabeza en la caja del correo Spike quiso ayudarle a liberarse y se atoró también Los dos se sofocaron | One day JoJo got his head stuck in the mailbox, and Spike went over to try to help him and got his head wedged in there too and they both suffocated. |
Abigail permanecerá en el purgatorio, y tú te sofocarás en esa caja de pino en la cual te enterré, allá en la Tierra. | Abigail will remain in purgatory, and you will suffocate in that plain pine box I buried you in, back on Earth. |
Sólo la negativa te sofocará. | - Hey! Only denial will suffocate you. |
Háganlo ya o se sofocarán. | Do it now, or you will suffocate. |
Transfiere 8 millones a las siguientes cuentas en Gran Caimán o se sofocarán. | Wire transfer $8 million to the following Grand Cayman accounts or they will suffocate to death. |
Es demasiado gas de una sola vez, sofocaría a todos los animales en kilómetros a la redonda. | If enough of this gas were to escape at one time, it would suffocate the animals for miles around. |
Eso será lo que haremos, el traje de goma te sofocaría. | The neoprene would suffocate you. |
Debí, um... su cara contra el asiento... y, er, lo sofoque. | I must have, um... pressed his face into the seat... and, er, suffocated him. |
Puede haber fricción entre médico y paciente, ¡Pero no esperas que tu médico te sofoque... a menos que estés realmente molesto! | There may be friction between doctor and patient, but you wouldn't expect your doctor to suffocate you unless you'd REALLY upset her! |
Que esa musaraña con la que se casará lo sofoque con su hiel. | May that shrew you are to marry suffocate you with her bile. |
Que ninguna corbata de cáñamo sofoque la flauta de su gaznate, pero York ha dictado la sentencia de muerte por una paz de poco precio. | Let not hemp his windpipe suffocate, but York hath given the doom of death for loot of little price. |
Sí, bueno, quizá no me sofoque pero podría oxidarme hasta la muerte. | - Well, I may not suffocate, but I could rust myself to death. |
La lengua se te hinchará hasta que te sofoques. | Your tongue will swell until you suffocate. |
Quiero que te sofoques. | I want you to suffocate. |
A no ser que sofoquemos antes. | I was hoping we'd suffocate to death first. |
Vamos, abran esas puertas antes que nos sofoquemos! | SUPERVISOR: Now, get these doors open in here before we all suffocate. |
Si queréis volver allí, os dejaré salir antes de que os sofoquéis. | If you guys want to go back there, I'll totally let you out before you suffocate. |
Es más probable que las mujeres envenenen o sofoquen a sus víctimas, y casi siempre son cercanas a ellas... miembros de la familia o amigos. | Women are more likely to poison or suffocate their victims, and their victims are usually close to them - family members or friends. |
Los esposan, los hacen tragar la llave... los amordazan, les ponen una bolsa en la cabeza... y dejan que se sofoquen. | You're handcuffed, forced to swallow the key. Your mouth is taped, and a bag is sealed around your head... and you're left there to suffocate. |
Para que se sofoquen. | Let them suffocate. |
- Ella se debe haber sofocado ahí dentro. | She may have suffocated in there |
Básicamente fue sofocado. | He basically suffocated. |
De haberme quedado callado, me habría sofocado. | 'If I had kept quiet, I would've suffocated.' |
De pronto no hubo respuesta, pensé que ella se había sofocado | Then there was no reply, I thought she must have suffocated |
Debió haberlo ingerido, y eventualmente morir sofocado. | He might have swallowed up to two liters before he eventually suffocated. |
- Me estás sofocando. | - You're, like, suffocating me. |
- Nos estamos sofocando. | - (Lux) We're suffocating. |
- Se está sofocando. | - He's suffocating. |
Bien, te estamos sofocando ahora. | All right, we are suffocating you now. |
Creo que se está sofocando | I think he's suffocating. |