Annatko ventovieraan tukehduttaa sinut suullaan? | You let some random guy suffocate you with his mouth? |
Etkö voi huuhdella niitä pois tai tukehduttaa? | Can't you flush them out... or... or suffocate them? |
Fisk olisi pitänyt tukehduttaa muovipussilla, ei kuristaa solmiolla. | And Fisk should've been suffocated by a plastic bag, Not strangled with a necktie. |
Haluaisin tukehduttaa sen pirteyden tyynyllä. | She's perky. She makes you wanna sneak up behind her with a pillow and suffocate her. |
He yrittävät tukehduttaa meidät. | They're trying to suffocate us. |
Vedän sen ison hupun hänen pienen päänsä päälle sidon nyörin ja tukehdutan hänet. | I am gonna pull that big hood over his little head tie the strings and suffocate him. |
Ne laittavat painonsa sarviinsa, tukehduttavat uhrinsa. | They put all their weight into their antlers and suffocate a victim. |
Ne tukehduttavat ihmisen unissaan. | They suffocate people in their sleep. PHONE RINGS |
Ne tulevat päällemme ja ahdistavat ja tukehduttavat meidät. | They lay on us, press on us, suffocate us. |
- Minä tukehdutin Jennifer Millerin. | I suffocated Jennifer Miller. |
Melkein tukehdutit minut. | You almost suffocated me. |
Tiedän, että 13 vuotiaana tukehdutit kissanpennut. | I know that you suffocated those kittens when you were 13. |
Tiedän, että tukehdutit ne kissat kolmentoista vanhana. | I know that you suffocated those kittens when you were 13. |
- Hän tukehdutti meidät. Hän tappoi meidät. | - He suffocated us. |
- Hän tukehdutti teidät. | She suffocated you. Do to Claude what she did to us. |
-Hän tukehdutti veljen tyynyllä. | - Yes. She suffocated him. |
Hukutti, tukehdutti, ja pisti heidät painekammioihin. | Drowned them, suffocated them, put them in pressure chambers. |
Hän tukehdutti Briania pussilla. | He suffocated him with a bag. |
- Kunnes tukehdutitte hänet. | Regardless, I acted in self-defense. Yeah, right up until you suffocated her. |
- He tukehduttivat apinat. | They suffocated the monkeys. |
Eli he tukehduttivat apinat, näyttivät tulokset ja totesivat, että kannabis tuhoaa aivosoluja. | So what they did is they suffocated the monkey, showed all these dead brain cells, and then went on to associate it by saying that cannabis use causes your brain cells to die. |
Kun Ted ei kuollut tarpeeksi nopeasti, toinen heistä peitti hänen suunsa ja nenänsä käsillään toisen istuessa hänen rintansa päällä, ja he tukehduttivat hänet. | And when Ted didn't die fast enough, one of them covered his mouth and his nose with their hands, while the other sat on his chest, and they suffocated him. |
Miten suojaavat vaistonne tukehduttivat minua. | How your protective instincts suffocated me. |
Veteen kastetut liinat tukehduttivat hänet | Tissues soaked with water suffocated him |
Heidät tukehdutettiin. | They were suffocated. |
Molemmat naiset tukehdutettiin, tapettiin ja vietiin puun alle. | Jessi's autopsy reads a lot like Lindsey's. Both women were suffocated, killed elsewhere, and propped under a tree. |
Raymond, tukehduta korpraali Baker. | Now, Raymond, suffocate Private Baker. Kill him. |
Tappaja piti uhria pinnan alla toisella kädellä - murtaen solisluun ja rintalastan - ja tukehduttaen hänet toisella kädellä. | With one hand, the killer held the victim down... fracturing the clavicle and the sternum... while suffocating her with the other hand. |
Se kusipää. Presidentti on tukehduttava kusipää. | That president, he is a suffocating son of a bitch. |
Hänen tietokoneensa on sylkenyt printtejä hänen päälleen ja tukehduttanut. | At her computer, suffocated under a pile of printouts. |