Socavar (to undermine) conjugation

63 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: burrow, to burrow

Conjugation of socavar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I undermine
you undermine
he/she/it undermines
we undermine
you all undermine
they undermine
Present perfect tense
he socavado
I have undermined
has socavado
you have undermined
ha socavado
he/she/it has undermined
hemos socavado
we have undermined
habéis socavado
you all have undermined
han socavado
they have undermined
Past preterite tense
I undermined
you undermined
he/she/it undermined
we undermined
you all undermined
they undermined
Future tense
I will undermine
you will undermine
he/she/it will undermine
we will undermine
you all will undermine
they will undermine
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would undermine
you would undermine
he/she/it would undermine
we would undermine
you all would undermine
they would undermine
Past imperfect tense
I used to undermine
you used to undermine
he/she/it used to undermine
we used to undermine
you all used to undermine
they used to undermine
Past perfect tense
había socavado
I had undermined
habías socavado
you had undermined
había socavado
he/she/it had undermined
habíamos socavado
we had undermined
habíais socavado
you all had undermined
habían socavado
they had undermined
Future perfect tense
habré socavado
I will have undermined
habrás socavado
you will have undermined
habrá socavado
he/she/it will have undermined
habremos socavado
we will have undermined
habréis socavado
you all will have undermined
habrán socavado
they will have undermined
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I undermine
(if/so that) you undermine
(if/so that) he/she/it undermine
(if/so that) we undermine
(if/so that) you all undermine
(if/so that) they undermine
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya socavado
I have undermined
hayas socavado
you have undermined
haya socavado
he/she/it has undermined
hayamos socavado
we have undermined
hayáis socavado
you all have undermined
hayan socavado
they have undermined
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have undermined
(if/so that) you have undermined
(if/so that) he/she/it have undermined
(if/so that) we have undermined
(if/so that) you all have undermined
(if/so that) they have undermined
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have undermined
(if/so that) you have undermined
(if/so that) he/she/it have undermined
(if/so that) we have undermined
(if/so that) you all have undermined
(if/so that) they have undermined
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera socavado
I had undermined
hubieras socavado
you had undermined
hubiera socavado
he/she/it had undermined
hubiéramos socavado
we had undermined
hubierais socavado
you all had undermined
hubieran socavado
they had undermined
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese socavado
I had undermined
hubieses socavado
you had undermined
hubiese socavado
he/she/it had undermined
hubiésemos socavado
we had undermined
hubieseis socavado
you all had undermined
hubiesen socavado
they had undermined
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have undermined
(if/so that) you will have undermined
(if/so that) he/she/it will have undermined
(if/so that) we will have undermined
(if/so that) you all will have undermined
(if/so that) they will have undermined
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere socavado
I will have undermined
hubieres socavado
you will have undermined
hubiere socavado
he/she/it will have undermined
hubiéremos socavado
we will have undermined
hubiereis socavado
you all will have undermined
hubieren socavado
they will have undermined
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's undermine!
Imperative negative mood
no socaves
do not undermine!
no socave
let him/her/it undermine!
no socavemos
let us not undermine!
no socavéis
do not undermine!
no socaven
do not undermine!

Examples of socavar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Bueno tiene el potencial de socavar todo el progreso que hice con Barb y Marge ayudándolas en su búsqueda de la salvación.- Well... she has the potential to undermine all the progress I've made with Barb and marge... helping them in their struggles for salvation.
- Cuando un grupo de accionistas trata de socavar una gran empresa ...When one group of stockholders tries to undermine a great corporation...
- Sheriff Reyes, no pretendía socavar su autoridad, de ninguna manera.- Sheriff Reyes, I did not mean to undermine you in any way.
... Del Nuevo Orden Mundial, eso es lo que está pensando en que hay, es socavar la moneda de EE.UU. y es justo, es realmente triste....New World Order, that's what they're planning in there is, is to undermine the U.S. currency and it's just, it's just really sad.
15 años de planeamiento meticuloso, una fortuna desarrollando la tecnología para socavar sus intereses petroleros, en vano.15 years of meticulous planning, A fortune developing a technology to undermine their petroleum interests, wasted.
Si los socavo y te secundo en frente de ellos, pierdo todo eso.If I'm undermined and second-guessed in front of them, I lose that.
Gee, ¿por qué me socavas a mi?Gee, why would I undermine you?
Intentando culpar a un superior por el suicidio de un débil soldado, socavas nuestras más valiosas tradiciones militares.By blaming a superior for a weak soldier's suicide, you undermine our finest military traditions.
Por ejemplo tu socavas nuestra fe.For example you undermines our faith.
Si cuestionas mis decisiones socavas mi autoridad.Question my judgment, you undermine my authority.
Tú la socavas con sólo ir a trabajar todos los días, Sean.You undermine her just by going to work every day, Sean.
- Eso socava mi autoridad.- It undermines my authority.
- Sí, y luego le dijiste a Max, quien nos socava completamente para tomar la decisión por nosotros mismos.- Yes, and then you told Max, which completely undermines us making the decision on our own.
Ahora, si eso socava la fe en Cristo entonces...Now if that utterly undermines my faith in Christ then...
Alguien que hace el perfil de nuestros encargados de hacer perfiles socava la eficacia de todo lo que hacemos y voy a seros sincera... Tanto el director como el fiscal quieren que os saque del caso, y no puedo decir que discrepe del todo con ellos. ¿Por qué?Someone profiling our profilers undermines the efficacy of everything you do, and I'm going to be frank with you-- both the Director and the Attorney General want to take you off this case, and I can't say I totally disagree.
Antípatro a diario socava tu autoridad.Antipater daily undermines your authority.
- Con él socavan nuestro bienestar.-Is used to undermine our well-being!
Ellos socavan la vida tradicional y desarraigan la sociedad.They undermine traditional life and they deracinate society.
Elsistemajusdicialavecesfalla , y se cometen errores de procedimiento, con consecuencias de largo alcance, que socavan la confianza en el sistema.The justice system does sometimes fail and procedural errors are made with far-reaching consequences that undermine confidence in the system.
Era bastante feliz viviendo en casa, quiere a sus padres, pero le obligaron a ir al colegio, ellos constantemente socavan su empleo.He was quite happy to live at home, loves his parents, but they forced him to go to school, they constantly undermine his employment.
Es sólo que estos feos rumores socavan su autoridad.It's just that these ugly rumors undermine your authority.
Sí, como ya te separé de tu hermana y socavé la posibilidad financiera del negocio familiar creo que ya he cumplido con mi deber.l figure since l've alienated you from your sister and undermined the financial viability of your family business my work here is done.
¿La autoridad de quién socavé...?Whose authority I undermined...?
Tú socavaste la seguridad nacional y traicionaste los deseos expresos del presidente ¡debido a tu relación personal con el objetivoYou undermined national security and betrayed the president's express wishes 'cause of your personal relationship with the target!
¡Me socavaste frente al jurado!You undermined mein front of the jury.
De esa manera socavó la confianza del pueblo y su régimen totalitario.That way we undermined the people's confidence and their totalitarian regime.
Ella nos socavó, Bill.She undermined us, Bill.
La deslealtad socavó nuestra resistencia... y no se me ha otorgado el conducir a mi pueblo... hacia la victoria.Disloyalty has undermined our resistance... and it has not been granted for me to lead my people... to victory.
Mi propaganda para socavar la moral del enemigo socavó la moral de nuestro servicio.My propaganda to undermine the enemy's morale undermined the staff's morale instead.
¿Quién socavó la atención médica de nuestro doctor con sus pociones?Who is it who has undermined the medical care of our good doctor by peddling her potions?
Wow, me sentí como que socavaron por completo.Wow, I feel like you have completely undermined me here.
Creyeron que el pánico consiguiente socavaría la estructura nacional.They believed the ensuing panic would undermine the fabric of the nation.
De mantenerse en pie, la evidencia socavaría la afirmación de Finkelstein de que la antigua Judea, la base de operaciones de David, era una un páramo rural.If it stands up, the evidence here would undermine Finkelstein's claim that ancient Judah, David's base, was a rural backwater.
De ser cierto, socavaría la afirmación de Israel Finkelstein de que no había un imperio de David en el siglo X.If true, it would undermine Israel Finkelstein's claim that there was no empire of David in the 10th Century.
Hacerlo antes de tiempo socavaría la colaboración necesaria para mantenerlos con vida el tiempo suficiente para que los rescataran.Doing so beforehand would undermine the very collaboration that was required to keep them alive long enough to be rescued in the first place.
Tenemos que acabar con todo aquel que socavaría la monarquía.We must stamp out whoever would undermine the monarchy.
Lo único que los turcos y los georgianos socavarían con su oleoducto es el monopolio ruso de gas de Europa Oriental.The only thing that the Turks and the Georgians would undermine with their pipeline is Russia's monopoly on the Eastern European natural gas market. We both know that.
Se iba a convertir en una liberación de fuerzas que en el futuro socavarían todo por lo que Roosevelt había trabajado: su convencimiento de que los políticos deberían hacer uso de su poder de forma planificada para dar forma al mundo.For it was going to unleash forces that in the future would undermine everything that Roosevelt had worked for - his belief that politicians should use their power in a planned way to reshape the world.
Espero que esto no socave su confianza en nosotros.I hope this doesn't undermine your confidence in us.
Este no es momento para que nada socave mi prestigio o el del observatorio... y tú sabes el problema que tenemos desde que Harper abrió su bocota.This is no time for anything that undermines me or the prestige of the observatory and you know the trouble we're in since Harper shot his mouth off.
Me pides que socave al Presidente.You're asking me to undermine the president.
No permitiré que la tragedia de mi esposo socave todos nuestros logros.I will not allow the tragedy of my husband's death to undermine all that I've done.
No permitiré que se socave este gobierno con políticas y actos partidarios.I will not have this government undermined by party politics and acts!
- No me socaves frente a mi equpo.- Don't undermine me in front of my team. - What?
Con tal de que no me socaves.As long as you don't undermine me.
Mira, no te estoy pidiendo que socaves a tu jefe.Look, I'm not asking you to undermine your boss.
No socaves nuestra forma de vida.Don't undermine our way of life.
No te dejaré que me socaves.I will not let you undermine me.
Le dije al Sr. Shore y le diré a usted que no haga comentarios que socaven mi sala de tribunal.I have instructed Mr. Shore, I will so instruct you... not to make comments to undermine my courtroom.
No me gusta que socaven mi posición.I don't appreciate being undermined.
No podemos dejar que el ego de unos tontos socaven todo eso.We can't let the unbecoming egos of a few assholes undermine all that.
Y no permitiré que socaven mi autoridad.And I will not have my authority undermined.
¡No es modo de trabajar! Trabajé demasiado como para que me socaven así.I have worked too hard to be undermined like this.
- ¡Me ha socavado!He's undermined me!
Agradezco a su excelencia sus palabras, pero la verdad de esto es, que fui socavado y atacado desde el principio de mi comandancia en Boloña.- I thank your Grace for your words, but the truth of it is, I was undermined and attacked from the start of my command in Boulogne.
Bueno, probablemente porque está siendo socavado desde dentro, señor.Well, probably because it's being undermined from within, sir.
El miedo de Europa que había privado de derechos a londinenses y había socavado la sociedad.The fear of Europe... that had disenfranchised Londoners and undermined their society.
Este mundo es un incierto reino lleno de peligros... el honor socavado por el ansia de poder sacrificando la libertad cuando los débiles son oprimidos por los fuertes.This world is an uncertain realm, filled with danger... honour undermined by the pursuit of power... freedom sacrificed when the weak are oppressed by the strong.
- está socavando básicamente...- is essentially undermining... - Outside.
Ahora estás socavando un caso que yo empujé.You're undermining a case I pushed for.
Alguien lo está socavando, destruyendo las bases de este país su fortuna, los departamentos, la ropa, los perfumes y las heladeras son como un virus que reside en el esqueleto de este país.someone is undermining him, destroying the foundation of this country. Their fortune, apartments, clothes, perfumes and iceboxes are like a virus residing on the mere skeleton of this country.
Creía que estábamos de acuerdo en que yo dirigiría este caso, y estás socavando cada uno de mis movimientos, así que o me dejas hacer mi trabajo...I thought we agreed that I would be the lead on this case, and you're undermining my every move, so either you let me do my job...
Cuando animamos, derribamos al otro equipo... socavando su confianza, así creen que son malos.Well, in cheer, we usually tear down the other team, by undermining their confidence, makin' 'em feel lame,

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