Ahogarse significa sofocarse en medio de alegría, ternura y nostalgia. | Drowning means to suffocate from joy, tenderness and yearning. |
Empieza a sofocarse. | He's beginning to suffocate. |
O en cuestion de minutos les salen ampollas y quemaduras y empiezan a sofocarse. | otherwise, in a matter of minutes... they will break out in sores and blisters... and begin to suffocate. |
y tú la dejaste sofocarse. | And you left her to suffocate. |
"Ven a ver la maravilla, y sofócate de muerte." | "Come and see the wonder and suffocate to death." |
- Ella se debe haber sofocado ahí dentro. | She may have suffocated in there |
Básicamente fue sofocado. | He basically suffocated. |
De haberme quedado callado, me habría sofocado. | 'If I had kept quiet, I would've suffocated.' |
De pronto no hubo respuesta, pensé que ella se había sofocado | Then there was no reply, I thought she must have suffocated |
Debió haberlo ingerido, y eventualmente morir sofocado. | He might have swallowed up to two liters before he eventually suffocated. |
- O sofocándose, oí. | - Or suffocating, I heard. |
Dispositivos ideados por gente grande con alma de chico y muchas multas de tránsito... Un hombre sofocándose en el baúl... Y una persecución, a veces en tres cilindros y a veces no... | Gadgets dreamed up by overgrown kids with too many parking tickets, a man suffocating in the boot and a chase, sometimes on three cylinders, sometimes not, round some grubby warehouses. |
Ella está sofocándose. | She is suffocating. |
Está sofocándose. | He's suffocating. |
La criatura puede estar sofocándose. | The creature may be suffocating. |