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Retroceder (to retreat) conjugation

60 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: go back, recoil, to recoil

Conjugation of retroceder

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I retreat
you retreat
he/she/it retreats
we retreat
you all retreat
they retreat
Present perfect tense
he retrocedido
I have retreated
has retrocedido
you have retreated
ha retrocedido
he/she/it has retreated
hemos retrocedido
we have retreated
habéis retrocedido
you all have retreated
han retrocedido
they have retreated
Past preterite tense
I retreated
you retreated
he/she/it retreated
we retreated
you all retreated
they retreated
Future tense
I will retreat
you will retreat
he/she/it will retreat
we will retreat
you all will retreat
they will retreat
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would retreat
you would retreat
he/she/it would retreat
we would retreat
you all would retreat
they would retreat
Past imperfect tense
I used to retreat
you used to retreat
he/she/it used to retreat
we used to retreat
you all used to retreat
they used to retreat
Past perfect tense
había retrocedido
I had retreated
habías retrocedido
you had retreated
había retrocedido
he/she/it had retreated
habíamos retrocedido
we had retreated
habíais retrocedido
you all had retreated
habían retrocedido
they had retreated
Future perfect tense
habré retrocedido
I will have retreated
habrás retrocedido
you will have retreated
habrá retrocedido
he/she/it will have retreated
habremos retrocedido
we will have retreated
habréis retrocedido
you all will have retreated
habrán retrocedido
they will have retreated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I retreat
(if/so that) you retreat
(if/so that) he/she/it retreat
(if/so that) we retreat
(if/so that) you all retreat
(if/so that) they retreat
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya retrocedido
I have retreated
hayas retrocedido
you have retreated
haya retrocedido
he/she/it has retreated
hayamos retrocedido
we have retreated
hayáis retrocedido
you all have retreated
hayan retrocedido
they have retreated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have retreated
(if/so that) you have retreated
(if/so that) he/she/it have retreated
(if/so that) we have retreated
(if/so that) you all have retreated
(if/so that) they have retreated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have retreated
(if/so that) you have retreated
(if/so that) he/she/it have retreated
(if/so that) we have retreated
(if/so that) you all have retreated
(if/so that) they have retreated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera retrocedido
I had retreated
hubieras retrocedido
you had retreated
hubiera retrocedido
he/she/it had retreated
hubiéramos retrocedido
we had retreated
hubierais retrocedido
you all had retreated
hubieran retrocedido
they had retreated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese retrocedido
I had retreated
hubieses retrocedido
you had retreated
hubiese retrocedido
he/she/it had retreated
hubiésemos retrocedido
we had retreated
hubieseis retrocedido
you all had retreated
hubiesen retrocedido
they had retreated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have retreated
(if/so that) you will have retreated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have retreated
(if/so that) we will have retreated
(if/so that) you all will have retreated
(if/so that) they will have retreated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere retrocedido
I will have retreated
hubieres retrocedido
you will have retreated
hubiere retrocedido
he/she/it will have retreated
hubiéremos retrocedido
we will have retreated
hubiereis retrocedido
you all will have retreated
hubieren retrocedido
they will have retreated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's retreat!
Imperative negative mood
no retrocedas
do not retreat!
no retroceda
let him/her/it retreat!
no retrocedamos
let us not retreat!
no retrocedáis
do not retreat!
no retrocedan
do not retreat!

Examples of retroceder

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Pero, al atardecer, el avance de las tropas aliadas... los había obligado a retroceder.""But by evening, the advance of the allied troops" "had forced them to retreat."
- Tenemos que retroceder.- We need to retreat.
1:22. El príncipe Charles, paralizado de indecisión, no ha dado orden ni de avanzar, ni de retroceder.Prince Charles Stuart, paralyzed with indecision, still has given no order, either to advance or to retreat.
A medida que las nubes se ciernen más y más el equipo se ve obligado a retroceder.With the storm clouds closing in, the team are forced to retreat.
Bien, a él Ie gustó Ia idea y-- quería ir a cenar, aunque eso estaba-- debíamos retroceder unas horas.Well, he liked the idea and- he wanted to be going to have dinner, still that that was- we had to retreat some hours.
O avanzas o retrocedes.You're either advancing or retreating.
Te vuelven a presionar, y retrocedes aún más.Pushed again, you retreat further.
- Chapaev nunca retrocede.- Chapayev never retreats.
Bear retrocede.Bear retreats.
Carpentier retrocede.Carpentier retreats.
El caballero del arcabuz se enfrenta con la muerte, pero no retrocede nunca.A rifleman fights to the death, but never retreats
El glotón, porque jamás retrocede. La osa, porque protege a sus crías. Y el caballo, sagrado para el dios de la guerra.The wolverine, because he never retreats, the sheba, because she protects her young, and the horse, because it is sacred to the war god.
Al marchar jamás retrocedemos pues perseguimos a un dulce enemigo.When we're marching we never retreat for we're charging a foe that is swift.
Dentro de nosotros, la muerte se convierte diariamente en derrota de todo lo que empleamos, Al paso como vamos retrocedemos.Inside us, death becomes the failure of our daily employment, as we advance, we retreat.
Nosotros retrocedemos y ellas bloquean el escape.We retreat and they block our escape.
Si retrocedemos, la moral decaerá. Y si Mendu nos persigue en ese momento, sufriremos grandes pérdidas.If we retreat, morale will drop, and if Mendu pursues us at this time, we will suffer great losses
Teniente, ¿retrocedemos?Lieutenant, should we retreat?
Si veis a Wolfe, retrocedéis, lo encerráis y esperáis al resto.If you find Wolfe you retreat, you seal it in and you wait for the rest of us.
Atacan y retroceden sin honor.Their strike and retreat tactics lack honor.
Bueno, para empezar, el exordio, la invocación ritual... Luego el elogio de los jueces: de noble cuna, atenienses de raza... depositarios de una sabiduría de origen divino, herederos de los héroes de la Grecia homérica, de tal majestad que, sólo verlos, las potencias maléficas retroceden,Well , first of all the preamble, the ritual information, then praise for your judges, of noble birth, Athenian race, keepers of an entirely divine wisdom, heirs of the heroes of Homeric Greece, of such majesty that just on seeing them evil powers retreat,
Las Wehrmacht retroceden hacia Prusia del Este Dejando detrás varios miles de bajas .The Wehrmacht retreats towards East Prussia, leaving behind many thousands of casualties.
Las sombras retroceden ante la luz.Shadows retreat from the light.
Las tropas rojas retroceden poco a poco hacia Tampere.The red troops retreat gradually towards Tampere.
Aquí, en Raja Ampat, en Indonesia, apareció la tierra cuando el océano retrocedió hace 2.000 millones de años.Here at Raja Ampat in Indonesia, land appeared when the ocean retreated two billion years ago.
Finalmente retrocedió.(CLEARING THROAT) Eventually, it retreated.
La mitad del regimiento cargó la otra mitad retrocedió.Half the regiment charged, the other half retreated.
Él intentó olerle la nariz, pero ella retrocedió tímidamente."He tried to sniff noses with her, but she retreated coyly.
Al principio, los ingleses presionaron a los franceses a retroceder hacia su campo, y entonces, batidos por el mayor número, los ingleses retrocedieron.First of all, the english pushed the french back up into their ground, and then, beated by superior numbers, the english retreated.
Cuando los hielos retrocedieron, este intrépido predador amplió su ámbito.As the glaciers retreated, this fearless predator expanded its range.
Durante millones de años, este paisaje estubo inundado, y las capas de piedra caliza se formaron en la parte inferior cuando los océanos retrocedieron.For millions of years, this landscape was drowned, and layers of limestone formed underwater. When the ocean finally retreated, this is what was left.
Había una piel de microbios sobre la superficie del planeta, y estaban estos organismos que vivían entre donde, los glaciares tocaban la roca, y eso era suficiente vida que se iba filtrando, así que cuando esas condiciones retrocedieron, y todo fue más favorable,You had a skin of microbes on the surface of the planet, and you had these organisms living between where the, the glaciers contacted the rock, and that was enough life trickling over so that when those conditions retreated, and it became more favourable,
Matar a todos los generales que retrocedieron y a sus jefes de tropas.Shoot all the other generals who have retreated and their chiefs of staff too.
Si el enemigo avanzara... el regimiento retrocederá al pueblo de Borne. Entréguelo enseguida. Sí, Majestad.should the enemy advance... the regiment will retreat to the village Borne should the enemy advance the regiment will retreat to the village Borne
Normalmente, la Tiranosaurio retrocedería pero no abandonará a sus jóvenes.Normally, Tyrannosaurus would retreat, but she will not abandon her young.
Dispararemos a todo aquel que retroceda.Those who retreat will be shot.
No debe tomar el mando mientras el ejército retroceda.With our armies in retreat, you must not take command.
No retroceda más.You must retreat no further. "
Sabes... cuando una mujer llega a ese punto, es difícil que retroceda.You know, Stephane, usually when a woman gets that far, she's unlikely to retreat.
No retrocedas, Kaji.Don't retreat, Kaji.
No retrocedas.Just don't retreat.
¡No retrocedas!Do not retreat!
Muy bien, retrocedamos.- Ok, let's retreat.
No retrocedamos, nada de rendirse.No retreat, no surrender.
Posiblemente...bueno, si estamos listos, tengamos el botón a mano y retrocedamosQuite possibly. So, if we're ready let's get the button and retreat.
Propongo que retrocedamos.I propose a retreat.
Cubranse y retrocedan!Covers and retreat!
Mataremos a los que retrocedan.- Those who retreat...will be shot.
Quizás retrocedan.Perhaps they'll retreat.
¡Compañía, retrocedan!Company retreat!
¡No retrocedan!No more retreating!
Ahora, ese glaciar ha retrocedido por 400 metros de la playa.Now that glacier has retreated by 400 meters away from the beach.
Durante los últimos 500 años, la costa ha retrocedido más de un kilómetro.Over the last 500 years, the coast has retreated more than a kilometre.
El hielo finalmente ha retrocedido hasta la playa y ahora el regreso a la colonia es lo más corto posible.The sea ice has finally retreated all the way back to the beach, so the walk back to the colony is as short as it will ever be.
El príncipe debe haber retrocedido.The prince must have retreated
Kate ha retrocedido a un estado infantil.Now Kate has retreated into a childlike state.
- ? No estamos retrocediendo? - !-We're.., not retreating?
- Capitán, estamos retrocediendo.- Captain , we are retreating.
Alvin, los dragones salvajes están retrocediendo.Alvin, the wild dragons are retreating. Oh!
El capellán dijo que los alemanes están retrocediendo en el frente oriental.The chaplain said the Germans are retreating on the eastern front.
Esa fue la razón del porqué el ejército musulmán fue derrotado tan facilmente cuando fue golpeado por la carga cristiana retrocediendo en una derrota precipitadaThat was why the Muslim army shattered so readily when struck by the Christians charge, retreating in headlong defeat.

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