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Debatir (to debate) conjugation

68 examples

Conjugation of debatir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I debate
you debate
he/she/it debates
we debate
you all debate
they debate
Present perfect tense
he debatido
I have debated
has debatido
you have debated
ha debatido
he/she/it has debated
hemos debatido
we have debated
habéis debatido
you all have debated
han debatido
they have debated
Past preterite tense
I debated
you debated
he/she/it debated
we debated
you all debated
they debated
Future tense
I will debate
you will debate
he/she/it will debate
we will debate
you all will debate
they will debate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would debate
you would debate
he/she/it would debate
we would debate
you all would debate
they would debate
Past imperfect tense
I used to debate
you used to debate
he/she/it used to debate
we used to debate
you all used to debate
they used to debate
Past perfect tense
había debatido
I had debated
habías debatido
you had debated
había debatido
he/she/it had debated
habíamos debatido
we had debated
habíais debatido
you all had debated
habían debatido
they had debated
Future perfect tense
habré debatido
I will have debated
habrás debatido
you will have debated
habrá debatido
he/she/it will have debated
habremos debatido
we will have debated
habréis debatido
you all will have debated
habrán debatido
they will have debated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I debate
(if/so that) you debate
(if/so that) he/she/it debate
(if/so that) we debate
(if/so that) you all debate
(if/so that) they debate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya debatido
I have debated
hayas debatido
you have debated
haya debatido
he/she/it has debated
hayamos debatido
we have debated
hayáis debatido
you all have debated
hayan debatido
they have debated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have debated
(if/so that) you have debated
(if/so that) he/she/it have debated
(if/so that) we have debated
(if/so that) you all have debated
(if/so that) they have debated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have debated
(if/so that) you have debated
(if/so that) he/she/it have debated
(if/so that) we have debated
(if/so that) you all have debated
(if/so that) they have debated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera debatido
I had debated
hubieras debatido
you had debated
hubiera debatido
he/she/it had debated
hubiéramos debatido
we had debated
hubierais debatido
you all had debated
hubieran debatido
they had debated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese debatido
I had debated
hubieses debatido
you had debated
hubiese debatido
he/she/it had debated
hubiésemos debatido
we had debated
hubieseis debatido
you all had debated
hubiesen debatido
they had debated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have debated
(if/so that) you will have debated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have debated
(if/so that) we will have debated
(if/so that) you all will have debated
(if/so that) they will have debated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere debatido
I will have debated
hubieres debatido
you will have debated
hubiere debatido
he/she/it will have debated
hubiéremos debatido
we will have debated
hubiereis debatido
you all will have debated
hubieren debatido
they will have debated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's debate!
Imperative negative mood
no debatas
do not debate!
no debata
let him/her/it debate!
no debatamos
let us not debate!
no debatáis
do not debate!
no debatan
do not debate!

Examples of debatir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Tendremos dos de los mejores estrategas de campaña aquí en el estudio para debatir sobre la guerra justo después de esto"."We'll have two top campaign strategists here in the studio to debate the war right after this."
"para debatir en Harvard Crimson "aquí en Cambridge."to debate Harvard Crimson here in Cambridge.
"¿Es usted demasiado gallina para debatir con todos?""Are you too chicken to debate the full field?"
- Me gustaría debatir políticas.- I'd love to debate politics.
- No es el momento para debatir esto.- Now's not the time to debate this.
Así que cuelgo y me debato entre decirle a Don o arrojarme sobre la espada.So I hang up and debate whether or not to tell Don, throw myself on my sword.
Escribo y leo, y debato con mi familia.Write, read and debate with my family.
Pero el debato sobre cómo de costosa se ha propagado por décadas.But the debate over just how costly Has raged for decades.
Y siempre debato mi desición, pero esta no es la solución correcta.And I always debate my decision, but this isn't the right solution.
Yo no debato tu forma de hablar algarabica que suena comoI can't debate you if you talk gibberish that sounds kind of like something a chimney sweep from Mary Poppins would say.
"De los dos partidos mayoritarios para ponerse de acuerdo sobre las propuestas de la comisión a la incertidumbre causada por el tribunal los fallos y el corto periodo de tiempo para programar los debates en máxima audiencia la comisión se enmienda..." Tienen lo que querían por arrastrarse."The two major parties to agree upon earlier commission proposals uncertainty caused by recent court rulings and the shortened time period in which to schedule debates for maximum viewing the commission amends..." He got what he wanted for dragging his feet.
"H.B., cansado por un largo día de debates, decidió ir a tomar algo a una taberna cercana, un curioso lugar llamado:"H. B, tired from a day of endless debate, went for a drink in a nightclub in a nearby street, an odd place called "Chez Dolores et Sandra"
"Todos los candidatos que demuestren seriedad y apoyo suficiente 30 días antes de las elecciones deben participar en los debates"."All candidates who demonstrate seriousness of purpose and significant support "going into the final 30 days of an election "should be included in debates." Unquote.
# ¿Cuántos debates propone la campaña de Vinick? #How many debates is the Vinick campaign proposing?
# ¿Han fijado el número de debates? #Did you agree on a number of debates?
- Aún tenemos un día antes del debate.- We still got a day before he debates.
- Bien dicho. - El país comienza a decir que pelea sus debates como una guerra y la guerra como un debate.- The country is beginning to say he fights his debates like a war and the war like a debate.
- Tuve una entrevista con Brown. - ¿Qué es lo que gana un debate, Oliver?- I had an interview with Brown. - What wins debates,Oliver?
Como soldado se vuelve aburrido escuchar el debate sobre las políticas.From a soldier's perspective and stuff, it gets all listening to the debates on policy.
El Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas debate sobre una resolución de EE.UU. enmendada acerca de las sanciones contra los países que no cooperan.The United Nations Security Council debates on an amended U.S. resolution on sanctions against non-cooperative nations.
Aún debatimos a Immanuel Kant en el desayuno.We still debate immanuel kant over breakfast.
Entonces Shannon, Tomo, y yo, nos juntamos, debatimos y discutimos.So Shannon, Tomo, and I, got together and debated and discussed.
Me ayudaron a darme cuenta de lo que está mal en la forma en que debatimos.Helped me realize what's wrong with how we debate.
Me gusta cuando nos reunimos todos, hablamos sobre todo, debatimos, y se dice de todo. No hay nada privado.I like when we all meet up and discuss all matters, debate, when we reveal everything to each other.
Mientras debatimos nuestra milicia se queda sin municiones sin arma, sin el más mínimo aliento.While we debate, our militia is left without munitions, without arms, without even the slightest encouragement.
Admiro a las personas que debaten bien.- I admire someone who can debate well.
Al subir las bajas entre nuestros soldados, ambos bandos debaten acaloradamente cuándo volverán a casa nuestros muchachos...With the death toll of our soldiers rising, both sides are in hot debate as to when our boys will finally be coming home...
Así mientras los legisladores debaten la legalidad de la acción del Pte.While legislators debate the legality of President Logan's action,
Ellos no quieren extender esto de mayor manera, mientras ustedes debaten el escribir un cheque.They don't want to drag this thing on while you debate writing a check.
Estoy fuera del tribunal federal de Los Ángeles, donde los fiscales y los abogados defensores debaten encarnizadamente las causas, motivos y partes responsables del Ilamado juicio de los milagros postales.I'm outside the LA Federal Court, where lawyers for the prosecution and defence are locked in contentious legal debate over the origins, motives and parties responsible in the so-called Postal Miracle trial.
Me debatí entre venir o no.I debated whether or not to come.
Saben, debatí si las ponía aquí o no.You know, I debated even putting you two on here.
Sentí que ustedes querían sacar el ídolo. Pero algo dentro de mí me dijo que eso no era del todo una mierda. Así que guardé ese ídolo de inmunidad en mi bolsillo, y me debatí largo y duro.I sensed you guys wanted toflush the idol but something inmy gut said that that wasn't totally bull so I kept that immunity idol inmy pocket and I debated long andhard and something told me hang on to it and I was right.
Y luego me debatí durante días si venir a verte o no.And then I debated with myself for days whether to come and see you or not
Ia política que debatiste, la gente que conociste.The politics you debated, the people you knew.
Tengo entendido que debatiste en la universidad como tu padre.I understand that you debated in college like your father.
Cuando el mayor héroe de la historia de mi partido, Abe Lincoln, debatió, no necesitó ninguna norma.When the greatest hero in the history of my party, Abraham Lincoln debated, he didn't need any rules.
Después de los ataques ese Gobierno debatió interminablemente sobre la respuesta.After the attacks, that government endlessly debated our response.
El 15 de diciembre el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU debatió una resolución iniciada por Europa, con un llamamiento a ambas partes a reducir la violencia y y demandando la introducción de supervisores para asistir al monitoreo de la reducción de la violencia.On December 15th the UN Security Council debated a European initiated resolution, calling on both sides to reduce violence and calling for the introduction of international monitors to assist in monitoring a reduction of violence.
El Senado romano debatió todo el día y toda la noche todas las posibles consecuencias militares y diplomáticas hasta que se desplomaron en el suelo.The Roman senate debated all day and into the night every military and diplomatic consequence until they collapsed on the floor.
El comité debatió durante una hora y dijeron que no.The board debated it for an hour and said no.
Hawking se mantuvo en sus siete, y los dos debatieron durante años, hasta que una brillante inspiración inclinó la balanza.Hawking stood his ground, and the two debated for years, until a brilliant insight turned the tide.
Luego de ordenar, el señor Seinfeld y el señor Costanza debatieron sobre si Iron Man usaba ropa interior entre su piel y el traje de hierro.After ordering, Mr. Seinfeld and Mr. Costanza debated on whether Iron Man wore some sort of undergarment between his skin and his iron suit.
Nadie tenía ninguna buena idea y debatieron hasta que se puso la luna.No one had any good ideas and they debated it over and over until morning.
Y debatieron qué hacer con el dado infractor, y, finalmente, acordaron volver a empezar.And they debated what to do about the offending dice, and finally agreed on a do-over.
Y en ese concilio, los cristianos debatieron y votaron sobre todo. Desde aceptación y rechazo de evangelios específicos hasta la fecha para pascua, como administrar los sacramentos y por supuesto, la inmortalidad de Jesús.And at this council the many sects of Christianity debated and voted on, well everything, from the acceptance and rejection of specific gospels to the date for Easter to the administering of the sacraments, and of course the immortality of Jesus.
Si.Es un gran dilema, y se debatirá en los pubs post apocalípticos del futuro.Yes, this is a cracker of a dilemma, and one that scientists will debate in post-apocalyptic pubs for many years to come.
- Es algo que nuestros amigos en el Congreso debatirán.- Is something... something our friends in the Congress will debate.
Hoy en "Friday Night, Saturday Morning", Michael Palin y John Cleese debatirán la película "La vida de Brian" con...Tonight on Friday Night, Saturday Morning, Michael Palin and John Cleese will debate the film The Life of Brian with...
Los candidatos debatirán cuestiones domésticas, económicas, de política externa y de seguridad nacional.The candidates will debate questions on domestic, economic, foreign-policy and national-security issues.
Pequeña niña, debatirías con un hombre moribundo?Little girl, you would debate a dying man?
No dejes que el presidente debata sobre el inglés...Don't let the president debate English...
Que debata estas cosas claramente.You debate these things in the light of day.
Nunca debatas con un estudiante de una beca Rhodes Scholar.[cheers and applause] Uh, never debate a Rhodes scholar.
No debatamos el resto.Let's not debate about the rest.
Quiero decir, podríamos tener trajes que nos queden cuando debatamos.I mean, we could have matching outfits when we debate.
Bueno, otra vez es para que lo debatan los teólogos.Well again, that's for theologians to debate.
Eso es para que lo debatan los teólogos.Well, that's for theologians to debate.
"El mejor coche de primera para los adolescentes se ha debatido durante años."The best first car for teens has been debated for years.
A continuación, han debatido quién iría como representante.Next, they debated on who to send as their representative.
Bueno, aquí estamos hablando con él, debatido ... terminado todo lo que yo le dije: "¡Necio"Well, here we are talking with him, debated ... ended all that I said to him: "You fool!"
De hecho, el mecanismo exacto de cómo las moléculas de ADN en nuestras células interactúan con otras sustancias químicas, todavía es muy debatido por los científicos.In fact, the precise mechanism of how DNA molecules in our cells interact with other chemicals, is still fiercely debated by scientists.
Durante más de 70 años, los físicos han debatido qué significa la teoría cuántica para la realidad.For more than 70 years, physicists have debated what quantum theory means for reality.
- Estoy listo para trabajar pero nuestra estrella Kenny está en su camerino con la dirección debatiendo si hacer o no orinar antes de venir al plató.-I am ready to work. But Kenny is in his trailer with his management... ...debatingwhethertomake numberone before coming to the set.
- Lo que estamos debatiendo. - ...su propio hijo tiene más peso...The exact point that we're debating.
- Los jueces siguen debatiendo.- The judges are still debating, milady.
- No estoy debatiendo esto.- I am not debating this.
- debatiendo si debería venir o no.- debating whether or not I should come.

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