Isegi kui tormine meri raevutseb, leiab ta lõpuks rahu. | Eνen when the stοrmy sea rages, tο find a place where eνerything is calm... |
Kuid öödel, mil tuul raevutseb, tunnen ma ikka vere lõhna. | But some nights, when the wind rages, |
Meie tänaõhtune tipp-uudis on: tuli raevutseb Buffalo kesklinnas. | Our top story tonight, fire rages through downtown Buffalo. |
Meie tänaõhtune tipp-uudis on: tuli raevutseb Tokyo kesklinnas. | Our top story tonight, fire rages through downtown Tokyo. |
Nüüd see meri - Kannata koos minuga - Meri enda kontekstis On tõlgendatud poliitika kujutis - meri mis igavesti raevutseb konfliktis, Rahutusega, revolutsiooniga. | Now, the sea - bear with me - the sea in this context has been interpreted as representing politics - the sea which eternally rages with conflict, with turmoil, with revolution. |
Verised kodusõjad raevutsesid aastaid... lihtinimeste ja nende rivaalide aristokraatide vahel... keda juhtis Senaator Marcus Crassus, rikkaim mees maailmas. | Bloody civil wars raged for years... between plebeians and their rivals, the patricians... led by Senator Marcus Crassus, the richest man in the world. |
Verised kodusõjad raevutsesid aastaid... | Bloody civil wars raged for years... between plebeians and their rivals, the patricians... |
Ma ei raevutse ega tunne kurbust. | I feel neither rage nor sorrow. |
Ma ei raevutse. | I don't have rage. |
Raevutse, raevutse, et valgus ei kustuks.' | Rage, rage against the dying of the light." |
Keerutab ja keerutab õhku, kuni taevas öösiti raevutsema hakkab. | Turning, turning the air until the sky itself rages against the night. |
Nad ütlesid seda et vabastatud rõhuvad tundeid ja saadab nad raevutsema, siis palavik ja viimaks... | They said it liberated repressed feelings, sent them into rages, then fever and finally- |
Sa ei tulnudki minuga raevutsema? | What, you haven't come to rage at me? |
Susan tunnetas Juan Cala lõhna ja ta tundis, et tema jalge vahel hakkas raevutsema torm. | "Susan savored Juan Cala's scent "as she felt the storm begin to rage between her thighs. " |
Mul ei ole mingit põhjust 'raevutseda, et valgus ei hääbuks'. | I have no reason to "rage against the dying of the light." |