Nii kaua kui annetused muudkui laekuvad, edendades ebainimlikku öko-religiooni õilsa eesmärgina, kes hoolib tegelikkusest?" | Just as long as the donations keep coming, furthering the antihuman eco-religion as a noble cause, who cares about reality?" |
laekuvad järgmise paari kuu jooksul. | And you know they didn't do that out of love. |
"Kui raha ei laeku, armastus on läbi." | "If the money does not arrive , is the love out . " |
Ma avastasin, et kui laostunud kirikumõisad on kinni pandud, siis selle asemel, et nende varad peaksid laekuma seaduse järgi riigikassasse, on need sageli läinud kusagile mujale. | I have discovered that, when corrupt religious houses are closed down, instead of all their assets going to your exchequer, as they should do, they are often diverted elsewhere. |
Raha peaks kohe laekuma. | They're doing the transfer. |