"Ma lakun maad, millel sa kõnnid." | "I'll lick the ground you walk on." |
- Ma lakun sind nagu kirjamarki. - Just nii. | - I'm going to lick you like a stamp. |
- Ma lakun sind nagu kirjamarki. | - I'm going to lick you like a stamp. |
- Tüdruk, keda lakun? | -A girl that I lick? |
"Jack Mosley, näri nüüd seda" - hakkad oma sõnu sööma, lakud pärast veel näpud ka puhtaks. | "Jack Mosley, ha-ha-ha, eat this. " Make you eat your words, lick your fingers too. |
"Jack Mosley, näri nüüd seda." Sa hakkad oma sõnu sööma, lakud pärast veel näpud ka puhtaks. | "Jack Mosley, ha-ha-ha, eat this. " Make you eat your words, lick your fingers too. Subject's moving west on Pell. |
- Kui sa lakud mu perseauku. | - If you lick my butthole. |
-"... lakud nende..." -Olgu, aitab Cosmost. | lick their..." Okay, no more cosmo. |
- Ta lakub veel haavu. | He yet licks his wounds. |
Beechwood lakub mune. | Beechwood licks nuts. |
Ja ikka me lakume end. | And yet we continue to lick ourselves. |
Lähem parem välja õhtust sööma. Isutme ja lakume oma haavu. | Why don't we go out and get some dinner, kick back, and lick our wounds? |
Me kas lööme nurru, lakume end ning ootame, kuni mürk meid tapab. Või me karjume, küünistame ja kraabime end sellest karbist välja. | We either purr and lick ourselves and wait for the poison to put us down or we scream and scratch and claw our way right out of the top of that damn box. |
Mina sügan teil selga, teie lakute minu mune. | Kind of like I scratch your back, you lick my balls. |
Te lakute teineteist. | You're licking each other. |
Te lakute üksteist. | You're licking each other. |
"Kõik filmid, mis baseeruvad Jay'l ja Vaiksel Bob'il, lakuvad mune sest nad mõlemad lakuvad mune." | "Any movie based on Jay and Silent Bob "are gonna lick balls "because they both, in fact, lick balls". |
"Kõik filmid, mis baseeruvad Jay'l ja Vaiksel Bob'il, lakuvad mune... ...sest nad mõlemad lakuvad mune." | "Any movie based on Jay and Silent Bob are gonna lick balls..." "because they both, in fact, lick balls." |
Algul lakuvad ja siis raputavad su banaani. | Would give you the old licky-licky, then fry your banana. |
Mind sa ei laku! | You're not licking me. |
- Ma lakkusin kogu tema keha. | - I licked every part of her. |
Kastsin oma käed ta verre ja lakkusin neid. | I soaked my hands in his blood and licked them. |
Kui ma seda nuga lakkusin, Lafayette, tundsin enda sees midagi, mida ma enne polnud tundnud ja pole tundnud ka peale seda. | When I licked that knife, I felt something inside of me that I had never felt before, and I haven't felt it since. |
"ja nii, kuidas sa mind lakkusid... | "'and the way you licked me. |
- Sa lakkusid ja panid tagasi. | You licked and you put. Yeah, so? |
Ja Sietske ja Aafke lakkusid sama kivi... | And Sietske and Aafke also licked that same stone, so... |
- Keegi lakkus metroos mu kaela. | - Somebody on the subway licked my neck ! |
- Ta lakkus mu nägu. | - He licked my face. |
-Oh, ta lakkus seda. | - Oh, he licked it. |
Me lakkusime vahukoort üksteise pealt. | The two of us licked whipped cream off of each other once. |
Mäletad seda korda bändilaagris, kus me lakkusime vahukoort teineteise vi... | Hey, remember that one time at band camp, when we licked whipped cream off each other's... |
Ma lakuksin pigem lõhestatud kabjapaari, enne kui lasen sul kuulata Clarisse'i meie asemel. | I would lick a pair of cloven hooves... before I let you listen to Clarisse instead of us. |
"Kui tahad, et ma lõpetan laku mu nibusid." | "If you want it to be over, lick my nipples." |
- Laku seda. Lihtsalt laku seda. | - Lick on it.Just lick it or somethin'. |
- Milline kergendus on teada, et sa ei laku inimesi oma kareda kiisukese keelega. | - No, no, no. - What a relief to know you're not someone who licks people with their scratchy kitty-cat tongue. |
Kui inimene teid näeb, heitke pikali, keerake selili ja lakkuge oma jalgevahet See neile meeldib! | Now, if a human does happen to see you, just lay down, roll over and give your privates a good licking. They love it. |
Kuulge, kui tahate mind piinata, siis pekske mind, lakkuge - laske käia. | Look, you wanna torture me, spank me, lick me - do it. |
Minge kõik käpukile ja lakkuge talda. | Get down on all fours and lick boot. |
Palun ärge lakkuge midagi ega pissige millegi peale. | Please, don't, ah, don't lick anything or pee on anything. |
Aga me ei saa ainult vaipa lakkuma jääda. On ju nii, Nigel? | - But we can't keep licking the carpet, can we, Alan? |
Aga siis sa pead mu mune lakkuma. | But then you have to lick my balls. |
Doinel, too midagi, millega sodi seinalt maha nühkida või panen su seda puhtaks lakkuma! | Doinel, go to the janitor and... get something to remove that nonsense... or else you'll lick it off! |
"Kas sulle meeldib konni lakkuda?" | "Have you ever like licked a frog?" |
"ja kui sa kukud, ma viin su tagasi bussile ja joodan su täis, et saaksin su nägu lakkuda." | "and if you fall, I'll drag you back to the bus And get you drunk so I can lick your face. " |
"tahan su nibusid lakkuda". | "I want to lick your ear lobe". - Of course, Philippe. |
# Vaja lakkuda konna peo tsoonis # | # Gotta lick a toad in the party zone # |
Hei tibi, on su perset kunagi lakkunud paks mees mantlis? | Yo, baby, you ever have your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat? |
Kas sa konna oled lakkunud? | - You ever licked a frog? |
Näib, nagu ta oleks kodutu mehe perset lakkunud. | The one who looks like she licked a homeless man's ass? |
Oleks võinud olla minu õhtusöögi pidu, kus ma üritasin serveerida tiramisut ja "tira" oli ära lakutud. | Could have been at my dinner party when I tried to serve the tiramisu - and the "tira" had been licked off. |
Seda taldrikut on lakutud. | This plate has been licked. |
Seda taldrikut on lakutud. | This plate has been licked. |
Ma ei suuda endale päeva ilma ennast lakkumata ettegi kujutada. | I can't imagine beginning the day without licking myself. |
Oh, mu jumal, seda perset lakuks küll. | Oh, my god, i would lick that ass clean! |