Ja kuristan Listeriini On aeg Max'ile | And gargle heavily With Listerine It's time for Max |
Ja kuristan Listeriini | And gargle heavily With Listerine |
Sa kisud ta selgroo hammastega välja, siis närid peeneks ja kuristad sellega kurku. | You're going to destroy him. I'm going to wipe the floor with his face. You're going to rip out his spine with your teeth, and then chew it up and gargle with it. |
Iga päev on ta duši all 27 minutit, peseb hambaid 4, kuristab kurku 8 ja puhastab hambaid niidiga 7 minutit. | Everyday he showers for 27 minutes... brushes for 4... - gargles for 8... - Ahh! and flosses for 7. |
Ja kurista sellega. | You gargle with it. |
Ja kurista. | [ Giggling ] And gargle. |
Siis kurista seda. | Then gargle this. |
- Kas ma saan kuristada, see kurk ajab mu hauda. | - without the immediate and proper treatment.. - Will I get the gargle, |
Napas, on meil komme mõnikord kuristada ja sülitada. | Back in Napa, we're known to gargle and spit on occasion. |
Tahan vaid kurku kuristada. | - All I want is the gargle. |