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Valer (to be worth) conjugation

79 examples

Conjugation of valer

Present tense
I am worth
you are worth
he/she is worth
we are worth
you all are worth
they are worth
Present perfect tense
tenho valido
I have been worth
tens valido
you have been worth
tem valido
he/she has been worth
temos valido
we have been worth
tendes valido
you all have been worth
têm valido
they have been worth
Past preterite tense
I was worth
you were worth
he/she was worth
we were worth
you all were worth
they were worth
Future tense
I will be worth
you will be worth
he/she will be worth
we will be worth
you all will be worth
they will be worth
Conditional mood
I would be worth
you would be worth
he/she would be worth
we would be worth
you all would be worth
they would be worth
Past imperfect tense
I used to be worth
you used to be worth
he/she used to be worth
we used to be worth
you all used to be worth
they used to be worth
Past perfect tense
tinha valido
I had been worth
tinhas valido
you had been worth
tinha valido
he/she had been worth
tínhamos valido
we had been worth
tínheis valido
you all had been worth
tinham valido
they had been worth
Future perfect tense
terei valido
I will have been worth
terás valido
you will have been worth
terá valido
he/she will have been worth
teremos valido
we will have been worth
tereis valido
you all will have been worth
terão valido
they will have been worth
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha valido
I have been worth
tenhas valido
you have been worth
tenha valido
he/she has been worth
tenhamos valido
we have been worth
tenhais valido
you all have been worth
tenham valido
they have been worth
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have been worth
(if/so that) you will have been worth
(if/so that) he/she will have been worth
(if/so that) we will have been worth
(if/so that) you all will have been worth
(if/so that) they will have been worth
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver valido
I will have been worth
tiveres valido
you will have been worth
tiver valido
he/she will have been worth
tivermos valido
we will have been worth
tiverdes valido
you all will have been worth
tiverem valido
they will have been worth
Imperative mood
be worth!
be worth!
let's be worth!
be worth!
be worth!
Imperative negative mood
não valhas
do not be worth!
não valha
let him/her/it not be worth!
não valhamos
let us not be worth!
não valhais
do not be worth!
não valham
do not be worth!

Examples of valer

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Deve valer pelo menos... - Eu sei o que é.It's got to be worth at least...
- Isto deve valer 50 libras.This lot's got to be worth 50 quid.
- Isto deve valer... - Biliões de dólares.This has got to be worth billions of dollars.
- É... - Deve valer milhões.- Got to be worth millions.
Agora quero valer alguma coisa.I want to be worth something now.
"Sou uma vaca arrogante porque no fundo, eu sei que não valho nada.""I'm a stuck-up bitch because deep down, I believe I am worthless."
...e não valho nada....and I am worthless.
Devo ter confundido com os 900 triliões que eu valho.I must've confused it with the 900 trillion I am worth myself!
E, querido, eu valho a maçada.And, darling, I am worth the trouble.
Por que eu valho mais do que imaginas.Because I am worth so much more than I know.
Dás mais problemas do que vales a pena.You are more trouble than you are worth.
E tu vales cada moeda de dez... cinco e um cêntimos.And you are worth every dime... Nickel, and penny.
Estou confiante, contudo, que vales muito mais para o teu pessoal que um homem aleijado, velho e cego.I'm confident, however, that you are worth far more to your people than a crippled old blind man.
Eu vou correr o risco. Porque tu vales a pena. Porque tu és importante para mim.I'll accept the risk because you are worth it, because you matter to me.
Eu? Neste país, ou tens dinheiro ou não vales nada.In this country, either you have money, or you are worth nothing.
! Esta coisa vale mais que o seu carro.This thing is worth more than your car.
" Dizem batendo, que vale a pena viver " e que querem mais vida.""They say life is worth living, and they want more of it.
" Um segredo guardado, vale um milhão"" A secret kept is worth a million"
- É o que todos valemos.- It's all any of us are worth. - Yeah.
Absolutamente nada. Mas penso que bem lá no fundo todos sabemos que valemos um pouco mais do que isso.Nothing, but I think at least we know that we are worth a little more than that.
E nós valemos mais para eles intactos.And we are worth more to them undamaged.
Eles acham que temos dinheiro, ou... que valemos dinheiro.They think we have money or... or that we are worth money.
Não acho que tu e eu valemos por isso.I just don't think... you and me are worth fighting for.
"Teria valido a pena Ter comprimido o universo numa bola, Fazê-lo rolar no sentido duma questäo esmagadora,'Would it have been worth while... 'to have squeezed the universe into a ball... 'to roll it towards some overwhelming question?
-Espero qeu tenha valido a pena.I hope it's all been worth it.
As tuas promessas não têm valido de grande coisa, ultimamente.Your promises haven't been worth much lately. You'll have to do better.
E ele teria valido cada centavo, mas você estragou tudo.And it would've been worth every nickel, but you screwed me.
E quando o Walt voltar... talvez tenhas valido o trabalho todo.And when we get Walt back... You might just have been worth all the trouble.
Vós... valeis tudo.- You are worth everything.
"As liberdades do nosso país, a liberdade da nossa Constituição Civil, valem a pena serem defendidos de todos os perigos."The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards.
"Pessoas ricas valem mais que as pobres."Rich people are worth more than poor people.
"Sabemos o que as promessas de Stalin's valem. ""We know what Stalin's promises are worth. "
- Algumas pessoas não acham que as agências - (Três semanas)? de encontros valem a pena. Mas acho que o dia de hoje prova estarem todos errados.Some people don't think dating agencies are worth the cash, but I think today has proved them all wrong.
- Alguns papéis que valem muito de dinheiro, exatamente como você.- Some papers that are worth a lot of money, just like you.
Não quero que fiques a pensar se eu vali a pena.I don't want you to ever wonder if I was worth it.
Megan, tu valeste cada centavo.Megan, you were worth every penny.
"Salvá-lo valeu o risco"?Saving you was worth that risk?
"mas valeu a pena ver o rosto da Lilly""but it was worth it to see the look on Lily's face
- 20, valeu a pena esperá-las.Well that was worth waiting for...
- Acho que valeu a pena correr o risco.- It was worth the risk.
- Acho que valeu a pena ver.-l guess that was worth seeing.
As vossas descobertas valeram cada cêntimo.Your findings were worth every penny.
De todas as coisas que eu tive... as que mais me valeram, as que mais sinto falta... são as coisas que não se pode tocar... são as coisas que não estão ao alcance das nossas mãos... são as coisas que não fazem parte do mundo da matéria.Of all the things I've ever had... those that were worth anything, the ones I miss the most... are the things you can't touch... the things that are out of reach of our hands... the things that don't belong in the material world.
Durante a guerra, 900 soum valeram 30 dólares.During the war, 900 soum were worth 30 dollars.
Mas as jóias e as carruagens que ele podia dar-lhe valeram mais que o meu amor, a minha devoção, a minha vida.When it came to a choice, the jewels and carriages he could give you were worth more than my love, my devotion, my life.
O tipo que precisa de trabalhar, graças aos seus dois divórcios... que valeram cada centavo.The guy who's got to work for a living, thanks to his two divorces which were worth every penny.
Acredite em mim, valerá a pena.Believe me, this will be worth your while.
Aquele ouro valerá mihões quando eu sair.That gold will be worth millions when I get out.
Bem... se a rapariga for tudo o que prometeu, valerá a pena.Well, if this girl's everything you promise, it will be worth it.
Cada dólar bison valerá cinco Libras britânicas.Every Bison dollar will be worth... five British pounds.
Com o caminho-de-ferro aqui quanto valerá este terreno?When the railroad comes through here, how much do you think this property will be worth?
Em pouco tempo não valerão nada para si. Porque não aceitar algum dinheiro pelo seu trabalho? - Quanto?Soon they will be worthless to you, Why not take some money for your work?
Essas descobertas valerão uma fortuna.Those agricultural patents will be worth a fortune.
Quando as vossas acções foram para cima de 200 o que irão as nossas opções valerão bilhões e eu possuirei 51% da Biocyte.When your stock goes north of 200, which it will, those options will be worth billions, and I will own 51% of Biocyte.
Sei que estes sacrifícios valerão a pena se eu puder ser mãe.I know all of these sacrifices will be worth it if I can be a mom.
- Esse vídeo valeria milhões. - Encontra-o.Footage like that would be worth millions.
- Se tivesse feito, este contrato valeria seis vezes mais.Well, if she'd done one Sci-Fi, this contract would be worth six times as much!
-Ele valeria $1 .000, por noite.- He would be worth $1,000 a night.
A bandeira valeria uma fortuna nos dias de hoje.That flag would be worth a fortune today.
A cibertecnologia por si só valeria uma pequena fortuna.You know, the cyber-technology alone would be worth a small fortune.
- Bem, por outro lado, as tuas cópias autografadas do "Deadly Heat" valeriam mais. - Não tem graça, Castle.But on the bright side, your autographed copies of "deadly heat" would be worth way more.
Prometemos um ao outro... que essas assinaturas valeriam milhões, um dia.Man we promised each other those signatures would be worth millions one day.
Sabíamos que poderia ser uma viagem só de ida, mas os achados que aqui faríamos valeriam o risco. - E valeram?We knew that it was probably going to be a one-way trip, but we thought what we would find here would be worth the risk.
Se essas terras fossem de regadio, valeriam, certamente, o dobro.If there were a water source, it would be worth double.
- Espero que valha a pena.- This better be worth it.
- Espero que valha o meu tempo.I got it from here. This better be worth my time.
- Talvez valha a pena tentar.It might be worth the trying.
- Talvez valha a pena.Might be worth it.
- É melhor que valha a pena!Grinder: This better be worth it!
Martin Gleason, é bom que valhas esta trabalheira toda.Oh, Martin Gleason, You better be worth all this damn trouble.
Muito bem, filme, espero bem que valhas a pena.All right, movie, you better be worth it.
Muito bem, mas é melhor que valhas a pena, porque esta coisa já se tornou num pesadelo burocrático.All right, but you'd better be worth it, 'cause this thing has already turned into a bureaucratic nightmare.
Pois foi. É melhor que valhas a pena.So you had better be worth it.
Talvez valhas o risco.You might be worth the risk.
Estima-se que só os diamantes valham, actualmente, 50 milhões.The diamonds alone are thought to be worth 50 million on today's market.
Os sobreviventes desta tempestade esperam que as fêmeas valham a espera, quando elas, finalmente, decidirem aparecer.The survivors of this storm must hope that the females prove to be worth the wait when they finally decide to turn up.
Pode ser que valham a pena os seus dentes, Dwight.Might even be worth those front teeth of yours, Dwight.
Pode ser que valham muito dinheiro um dia.It might be worth a lot of money someday.
Quero seis e que valham a pena. Mas que valham a pena.Six, and they had better be worthy... and the place worthy.

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