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Valere (to be worth) conjugation

65 examples

Conjugation of valere

Present tense
I am worth
you are worth
he/she/it is worth
we are worth
you all are worth
they are worth
Present perfect tense
ho valso
I have been worth
hai valso
you have been worth
ha valso
he/she/it has been worth
abbiamo valso
we have been worth
avete valso
you all have been worth
hanno valso
they have been worth
Past preterite tense
I was worth
you were worth
he/she/it was worth
we were worth
you all were worth
they were worth
Future tense
I will be worth
you will be worth
he/she/it will be worth
we will be worth
you all will be worth
they will be worth
Conditional mood
I would be worth
you would be worth
he/she/it would be worth
we would be worth
you all would be worth
they would be worth
Past impf. tense
I used to be worth
you used to be worth
he/she/it used to be worth
we used to be worth
you all used to be worth
they used to be worth
Past perfect tense
avevo valso
I had been worth
avevi valso
you had been worth
aveva valso
he/she/it had been worth
avevamo valso
we had been worth
avevate valso
you all had been worth
avevano valso
they had been worth
Future perfect tense
avrò valso
I will have been worth
avrai valso
you will have been worth
avrà valso
he/she/it will have been worth
avremo valso
we will have been worth
avrete valso
you all will have been worth
avranno valso
they will have been worth
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I am worth
(if/so that) you are worth
(if/so that) he/she/it be worth
(if/so that) we are worth
(if/so that) you all are worth
(if/so that) they are worth
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia valso
I have been worth
abbia valso
you have been worth
abbia valso
he/she/it has been worth
abbiamo valso
we have been worth
abbiate valso
you all have been worth
abbiano valso
they have been worth
Imperative mood
are worth!
be worth!
let's be worth!
are worth!
are worth!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei valso
I would have been worth
avresti valso
you would have been worth
avrebbe valso
he/she/it would have been worth
avremmo valso
we would have been worth
avreste valso
you all would have been worth
avrebbero valso
they would have been worth

Examples of valere

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
- Beh, deve valere 300, 400.000 dollari, almeno, giusto?Well, it's got to be worth 300, 400 grand easy, right?
- Deve valere qualche dollaro.It's got to be worth a few bucks.
- Deve valere una fortuna!- It must be worth a fortune.
- Deve valere una fortuna.- Must be worth a fortune.
- Chissa' quanto valgo...I wonder what I'd be worth.
- Cosa? Beh, io valgo di piu'.Well, I'd be worth more.
Forse io non valgo nulla, ma mio figlio sì.I might not be worth it, but my son is.
Oh, beh, forse tu no, ma io valgo.Oh, well, you may not be worth it, but I am.
Per perdere molto bisogna valere molto e io non valgo nulla.To lose a lot you have to be worth a lot. I've got nothing.
E tu, e' meglio che ne vali la pena.And you, you'd better be worth the trouble.
Forse vali qualcosa, dopotutto.You might be worth something after all.
Ne vali la pena, mai cara.You'll be worth it, my darling.
"Il piu' piccolo atto di bonta' vale piu' dell'intenzione piu' grandiosa."The smallest good deed is worth more than the grandest intention.
"La cintura di oro e avorio vale 250.000 dollari.The golden ivory studded belt is worth 250.000 dollar.
"La vita di un adulatore dipende da chi lo ascolta, questa lezione vale un formaggio senza dubbio.""A flatterer lives at the expense of others, "this lesson is worth a cheese no doubt."
"La vita non vale niente!""Life is worth nothing"
"Nessuna opera d'arte vale la vita di un uomo".Now no piece of art is worth a human life.
Magari non valiamo lo sforzo.We might not be worth it.
"Se fosse stato nelle condizioni originali, sarebbe valso 1.000 sterline, ma per colpa di qualcosa che lei ha fatto, non vale nemmeno tre pence e mezzo"."it would have been worth £1,000 but because of something YOU'VE done,
- Sarebbe valso 10.000 sterline."It would have been worth £10,000." Sadly...
E pensavo che se non fosse sopravvissuto nessuno, a cosa sarebbe valso tutto?And I thought if nobody survives this, what will it all have been worth?
Sarebbe valso molto di piu'.It would have been worth a whole lot more.
- Cara, i tacchi ne valgono la pena.Honey, the heels will be worth it.
C'e' un totale di 18 carati, tutti valutati come VVS-1 come minimo, ed il gemmologo che ho consultato ha detto che valgono almeno 75,000 dollari.There's a total of 18 carats, all rated a VVS-1 at least, and the gemologist I consulted with said they'd be worth at least $75,000.
Forse valgono qualcosa.They ought to be worth something.
Non valgono a nulla?That's got to be worth something.
Probabilmente valgono come l'oro.They must be worth their weight in gold.
Ha detto che sono la migliore che abbia mai avuto. E che tutti quei soldi sarebbero valsi la pena... E queste sono le sue parole...He said I was the best he'd ever had, and it was worth that much money for... and these are his words... another ride on the sensual merry-go-round that is my body.
Spero che i soldi offerti da Clyde Mason per disonorare il suo giuramento da poliziotto ne siano valsi la pena, signor Valentine.I hope the money that Clyde Mason offered you to dishonour your police oath was worth it, Mr Valentine.
- Esatto. Beh, ne valse la pena.- Well, that was worth it.
Ma fu uno sforzo che ne valse la pena.But it was worth the effort.
Ma ne valse la pena, e la mia performance fece una buona impressione comunque, che ci crediate o meno.It was worth the effort. "Village Child A" was a hit. Believe it or not.
Quindi loro si ammalarono e noi fummo mandate dalla direttrice che ci mise in punizione, il che, convenimmo, ne valse la pena perché fu divertentissimo.So, they were all sick and we got sent to the head teacher and got detention, which we all agreed afterwards was worth it because it was so funny.
Spero che siano valse la pena...I hope it was worth it.
Cioè, un giorno questo progetto varrà miliardi per la società.I mean, this project will be worth billions to the company one day.
E quando lo farà, un confratello infiltrato nella sua armata, varrà come 1000 che lo combattono.When he does, one brother inside his army will be worth 1,000 fighting against him.
E quando lo farà, un fratello infiltrato nella sua armata, varrà come 1000 che lo combattono.When he does, one brother inside his army will be worth 1,000 fighting against it.
Il che significa che le sue quotazioni andranno alle stelle e il tuo quadro varrà un bel po' di dollari adesso.Which means that his prices will go through the roof and your painting will be worth quite a few dollars now.
La tua vita varrà meno del velluto su questo coniglietto, se scoprirò di aver fatto male a riporre in te la mia fiducia.Your life will be worth less than the velveteen on this little rabbit if I find my faith in you has been misplaced.
E certi brevetti agricoli varranno una fortuna.Those agricultural patents will be worth a fortune.
Ma in cambio della rinuncia ai vostri salari... vi offriamo delle azioni dell'azienda che varranno molto di più nel lungo periodo.But in exchange for you forgoing your salaries, we're offering you shares of the company, which will be worth a lot more in the long run.
Quando il suo capitale supererà i 200, il che... sarà presto, queste opzioni varranno miliardi e il 51% della biocyte sarà mio.When your stock goes north of 200, which it will, those options will be worth billions, and I will own 51% of Biocyte.
Quei terreni varranno una fortuna, signora Thompson.That land will be worth a fortune, Mrs. Thompson.
Sapete, quando Laramie diventerà il nuovo polo ferroviario della Union Pacific, i terreni acquistati oggi varranno...You know, when Laramie becomes the new hub of the Union Pacific Railroad, land bought today will be worth...
A quanto pare, uno con quell'abilita' - varrebbe di piu' vivo che morto.Seems like someone with that ability would be worth more alive than dead.
Allora sì che varrebbe la pena di vivere.Life would be worth living then.
Anche se dovessi pagarlo io, ne varrebbe la pena... per l'occasione.Even if I had to pay, it would be worth it. Just for the occasion.
Beh, varrebbe ogni centesimo.Well, it would be worth every penny.
Che ne dici, ne varrebbe la pena se non fosse stato perso in un'incendio?But what do you reckon it would be worth if it hadn't been lost in a fire?
Guardate il lato positivo. Le vostre copie autografate di "Deadly Heat" varrebbero di più.But on the bright side, your autographed copies of "deadly heat" would be worth way more.
La sua famiglia possiede ancora delle terre appena fuori la riserva, terre che varrebbero centinaia di milioni di dollari, ma solo se il casino' andasse avanti.Your family still owns land just outside the reservation, land that would be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but only if the casino went forward.
Per legge, queste scarpe in città varrebbero 4O o 5O lire.How much do I owe you? Well.. by law, these shoes in the city would be worth about 40 or 50 lire.
Proiettili che si distruggono varrebbero una fortuna per il giusto compratore, come una gang o un cartello della droga.Dissolving bullets would be worth a fortune for the right buyer, like a gang or a drug cartel.
S), beh, ne valeva la pena un tempo.Come down for one night, can't you? Yeah, well, it used to be worth it.
Una volta valeva la pena minare.Mining used to be worthwhile, you know.
- E' meglio che ne valga la pena- This better be worth it.
- Maya Stewart, spero ne valga la pena.- Maya Stewart better be worth it.
- Sara' meglio che ne valga la pena!You better be worth it.
- Sara' meglio che ne valga la pena.- This had better be worth it.
- Sarà meglio che ne valga la pena!GRINDER: This better be worth it! TRIPOD:
Sara' meglio che valiate qualcosa.- You better be worth it.
- il nostro primo omicidio. - Credo... che dei coltelli del genere per te valgano... - diecimila dollari.I should think knives like those of yours would be worth $10,000 to you.
Avro' i soldi domani, ma mi aspetto che le informazioni li valgano.I'll have the money tomorrow, but I expect the information to be worth it, please...
Quali che siano le vostre ragioni... e' bene che ne valgano la pena.Whatever your reasons, they'd better be worth it.
Sarà meglio che quelle armi ne valgano la pena.Those weapons better be worth it.

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