Lucrar (to profit) conjugation

66 examples

Conjugation of lucrar

Present tense
I profit
you profit
he/she profits
we profit
you all profit
they profit
Present perfect tense
tenho lucrado
I have profited
tens lucrado
you have profited
tem lucrado
he/she has profited
temos lucrado
we have profited
tendes lucrado
you all have profited
têm lucrado
they have profited
Past preterite tense
I profited
you profited
he/she profited
we profited
you all profited
they profited
Future tense
I will profit
you will profit
he/she will profit
we will profit
you all will profit
they will profit
Conditional mood
I would profit
you would profit
he/she would profit
we would profit
you all would profit
they would profit
Past imperfect tense
I used to profit
you used to profit
he/she used to profit
we used to profit
you all used to profit
they used to profit
Past perfect tense
tinha lucrado
I had profited
tinhas lucrado
you had profited
tinha lucrado
he/she had profited
tínhamos lucrado
we had profited
tínheis lucrado
you all had profited
tinham lucrado
they had profited
Future perfect tense
terei lucrado
I will have profited
terás lucrado
you will have profited
terá lucrado
he/she will have profited
teremos lucrado
we will have profited
tereis lucrado
you all will have profited
terão lucrado
they will have profited
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha lucrado
I have profited
tenhas lucrado
you have profited
tenha lucrado
he/she has profited
tenhamos lucrado
we have profited
tenhais lucrado
you all have profited
tenham lucrado
they have profited
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have profited
(if/so that) you will have profited
(if/so that) he/she will have profited
(if/so that) we will have profited
(if/so that) you all will have profited
(if/so that) they will have profited
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver lucrado
I will have profited
tiveres lucrado
you will have profited
tiver lucrado
he/she will have profited
tivermos lucrado
we will have profited
tiverdes lucrado
you all will have profited
tiverem lucrado
they will have profited
Imperative mood
let's profit!
Imperative negative mood
não lucres
do not profit!
não lucre
let him/her/it not profit!
não lucremos
let us not profit!
não lucreis
do not profit!
não lucrem
do not profit!

Examples of lucrar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Gente má", disse ela, "para lucrar com um bebê.""Rough type of people," she said, "to profit from the baby."
A Construtora Fanniker não hesita em lucrar com a guerra.Fanniker Construction did not hesitate to profit from the war as well.
A ideia de que era aceitável lucrar â custa dos judeus não era comum apenas em Auschwitz, mas espalhou-se por todas as zonas de extermínio-This attitude that it was acceptable to profit personally from the Jews wasn`tjust common at Auschwitz, it became entrenched throughout the area of the killings.
Admiro o seu zelo, Sr. Stevens, e já tentei lucrar com o seu exemplo.I admire your zeal, Mr. Stevens and I have tried to profit from the example of it, but
Ainda que pareça que não são os únicos a tentar lucrar com isto.Though it seems they're not the only ones to try to profit from this.
"Deus e lucro.""In God... and profit."
"Irving, o embusteiro, obtém um belo lucro".This is a headline in London's Sunday times: "Hoaxer Irving makes a handsome profit."
"Os grandes interesses bancários estiveram na raiz da Grande Guerra, por causa das grandes oportunidades lucro.""The large banking interests were deeply interested in the world war, because of the wide opportunities for large profits."
"Por isso, as margens de lucro serão mais reduzidas do que a combinação da Louise Brooks.""So, profit margins will be thinner "than Louise Brooks' negligee. "
"Preservação e lucro," é o nosso lema, não é, Kirsten?"Preservation and profit," that's your motto, right, Kirsten?
- Melhor ainda, lucras mais.All profit.
Eles trabalham, enquanto tu lucras.They toil while you profit.
Quanto mais produzires, mais lucras.This means you got to cook a little more, for a lot more profit.
E quanto a ti, Tommmy? Quando eu crescer, vou ser um empresário, rico e elitista que trabalha em Wall Street e lucra com o colapso das economias estrangeiras.When I grow up, I'm going to be a rich, elitist businessman who works on Wall Street and profits off of the collapse of foreign economies.
Ela infringiu a lei, lucra com isso, e ganha uma palmadinha no ombro.That kid breaks the law, profits from it, and gets a slap on the wrist.
Ele lucra, pessoalmente, com uma moeda livremente flutuante.He personally profits from a free-floating currency.
Este tem, mas quem é que lucra com ele?Now, this is not purposeless, but who is it that profits by it?
Eu não consigo perceber os desvios morais necessários para mudar um homem que ama todas as criaturas, grandes ou pequenas, num homem que lucra com o seu abate.I simply cannot fathom the journey, the moral detours necessary to change a man who cherished all creatures great and small into one who profits from their slaughter.
Ganhemos ou não, nós lucramos.Win or lose, we profit.
Nós não lucramos com os artefactos.We just do not profit from the artifacts.
Por anos, nós todos lucramos nesse lugar, Comercializando sobre a estabilidade do nome da minha famíliaFor years, we've all profited in this place, trading on the stability of my family's name.
Creio que houve um "Enron Desmascarada!" sentimento imediato de raiva em relação a Lay (ex-Presidente), Skilling (ex-CEO) e Fastow (ex-Director Financeiro) quando as pessoas se aperceberam... de como eles tinham lucrado... e de como era tão artificial esta empresa.I think there was just an immediate sense of outrage at Lay and Skilling and Fastow when people realized how much they had profited, and how completely artificial the appearance of this company had been.
Há quem no país tenha lucrado por nos manter afastados.There are people in this country who have profited from keeping us apart.
A maioria dos novos negócios não lucram nada, no mínimo, durante dois anos.Most new businesses, they don't make a profit till at least two years.
A verdade é que os Beau Randolphs do mundo lucram ao degradar a nossa cultura e todos nela.The truth is that the Beau Randolphs of this world profit by degrading our culture and everyone in it.
Amigos que lucram mais com ele solto.Friends that profit more when he's not in custody.
Com os traficantes. Pessoas que lucram com a escravização de outros.The traffickers-- people who profit from the enslavement of others.
E lucram ainda mais quando essa mesma mercadoria não custa a ganhar.And they profit most when that cargo is least costly to win.
Se achas que lucrei injustamente contigo fica com isto.You think I profited unfairly, you- you take this.
- Algum problema em falar que lucraste?You have a problem with us thinking that you profited?
Mesmo assim levaste a cópia... e distribuíste-a e lucraste com a sua morte.You still took a copy and distributed it and profited from her death.
Cada uma dessas empresas lucrou com algum tipo de cataclismo.Every one of these companies has profited from some sort of cataclysm or another.
Então, como ele nunca lucrou com a sua alegada morte... e como nós condenámos outra pessoa pelo assassínio com o qual o tentávamos ligar ...tivemos de o deixar ir.Because he never profited from his alleged death and we convicted someone else of the murder we tried to pin on him we had to let him go.
Fazer parecer que ele sabia sobre o ataque em Copenhaga, que lucrou com isso, que tinha conhecimento interno.To make it look like he knew about the attack in Copenhagen-- like he profited from it, that he had inside knowledge.
Foi assim que o meu velho ficou rico, ele lucrou de ser fiador de outros.–lt's in the family, you know. That's how my old man got rich, he profited from dodgy guarantees.
Já se esqueceu do que é? Das coisas das quais lucrou?Have you forgotten what you are, what you've profited from?
"Idiotas Úteis" Tão perturbador como a má conduta da Enron é a crescente evidência que importantes instituições financeiras americanas não apenas tomaram parte nas práticas enganosas da Enron, mas também as desenharam, desenvolveram e lucraram com elas.As disturbing as Enron's own misconduct, is the growing evidence that leading U.S. Financial institutions not only took part in Enron's deceptive practices, but at times designed, advanced and profited from them.
- Os Hazard lucraram com a guerra. E, graças a mim, temos alguns fundos no Sul que podemos investir em terrenos muito baratos.- All the Hazards profited from the war... and thanks to me, we have some funds in the South... that can be invested in some very cheap land.
As companhias que lucraram com o ataque.The companies that profited in the wake of the attack.
Até ajudaram os nazistas antes deles tomarem o poder e ainda lucraram com isso.Hell, they even helped the Nazis before they came into power, and they profited from all of it.
Depois de todo o processo, teremos milhares de apartamentos vazios em que pessoas que não conhecemos lucraram e que nem sequer vivem aqui.After the whole process, we will have thousands of empty flats which profited people we don't know and who don't even live here.
Acredito que a minha proposta vencerá e você e eu lucraremos quando as propriedades que partilhamos explodirem em valor.I believe my proposal will win the day, and you and I will profit as the properties we share will explode in value.
Caso contrário, um novato lucraria de algo para o qual não contribuiu.Otherwise the newcomer would profit from something he did not contribute to.
As linhas amarelas são aquelas que lucrariam com o teu desaparecimento, mas para eles é menos pessoal.Yellow lines are people who would profit from your demise, but for whom it's less personal.
E não é melhor ter paz... mesmo que aquele safado do Lex Luthor lucre com isso?And isn't it better to have peace even if that scoundrel Lex Luthor profits from it?
Permito a Vossa Graça que lucre da forma que entender.Your Lordship has my permission to profit what way he may.
Precisamos de encontrar alguém que lucre com isto.We need to look at anyone who could profit from this.
Quero que Deus lucre com isto.I want God to profit from it, too.
Suponho que o Roger Hobbs não se importe com as suas razões ou práticas, desde que ele lucre com as suas descobertas.I suppose Roger Hobbs doesn't care about your motives or practices, as long as he profits from your findings.
- Encontra o padrão e coloca-te numa posição em que lucres quando o padrão se repete.- Find the pattern... and put yourself in a position of profit when the pattern repeats itself.
Fica em San Miguel e é possível que lucres com a experiência.Stay here and you may just profit from the experience. No, thanks.
Sabes, não acho que seja justo que lucres com algo que eu desenhei.You know, I don't really think it's fair that you should profit from something that I designed.
Imagino que vender fantasias seja um negócio lucrativo, um com o qual tu, claramente não estás lucrando.I imagine selling fantasies is a very profitable business, one you are clearly not profiting from.
Apenas fica a saber que eu não faço intenção nenhuma de deixar aqueles idiotas lucrarem às custas do David Clarke.Just know that I have no intention of letting those bastards profit off David Clarke.
Até onde essas forças podem ir para lucrarem?How far will these forces go, to make a profit?
Hoje, uma das abelhas local, Barry Benson, tenciona processar os humanos, por roubarem o nosso mel, e lucrarem com ele, ilegalmente.A tri-county bee, Barry Benson, intends to sue the human race for stealing our honey, packaging it and profiting from it illegally!
Mas a Lei 'Filho do Sam " não proíbe criminosos condenados de lucrarem com os seus crimes?Doesn'tthe "Son of Sam" law prohibit convicted criminals... from profiting from their crimes?
Não é ilegal aos funcionários do departamento lucrarem com coisas como as máquinas de venda?Isn't it illegal for department employees to profit from things like vending machines?
Não quero saber quem és, e eu não te vou deixar dar-me o golpe no último minuto e lucrares com um erro feito por alguém que eu mal conheço.I don't care who you are. And I'm not going to let you swoop in at the last minute and profit from a mistake made by somebody I hardly know.
Obrigado por lucrares com a minha infância.- Well, thank you for profiting on my childhood.
Se não lucrares, outra pessoa vai lucrar.And if you don't profit, someone else will.
A Hera tem a missão de criar problemas para o Império... e lucrarmos com isso.It's hera's job to find missions that create problems for the empire and profit for us.
A situação nem sequer tem de aquecer para lucrarmos. Operações Especiais - Irmandade SinghThe situation doesn't even have to get hot for us to profit.
A situação nem sequer tem de aquecer para lucrarmos.The situation doesn't even have to get hot for us to profit.
As pessoas trabalham aqui para lucrarmos todos.People work here to make profits. But -
Já que estamos a tentar matá-lo mais vale lucrarmos alguma coisa.Since we're killing him, might as well profit.

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