Hvis jeg ikke klarer meg, så husk at jeg er kry som en kamphane for at jeg har ridd med deg. | If I don't make it I want you to know I'm prouder than a game rooster to have rid with you. |
Han ser ikke særlig kry ut, vel? | He doesn't look very perky, does he? |
Snart kryr det av villhunder som folk vil skyte. | Soon you got packs of wild dogs, big, hungry and not so cute. |
Snart kryr det av folk. | We're down to a tew hours before the whole tucking world shows up. |
Det kryr av politi. | So many cops, you'd think they were giving away donuts. |
Hvis det kommer ut at vi gjør sånt, kryr det snart av syke her. | This is a public relations nightmare. Folk think our staff do that kind of thing around here, this place will be crawling with sick people. |
-Det kryr av dem her. | They're a dime a dozen around here. |