- Juryen vil gjerne frifinne ham. | - The jury's instinct is to acquit. |
Kanskje juryen vil frifinne deg, og da går du ut herfra alene, eller det motsatte skjer. | We can't argue that you didn't do any of that, so, one day, it goes to the jury and maybe they acquit, you walk out of here on your own. Or maybe it goes the other way. |
Helt siden rettssaken din her, til tross for at du ble frifunnet, har kristne vært under konstant mistanke. | Since you were tried, even though you were acquitted, Christians are under constant suspicion. |
Jeg ble frifunnet. | I was acquitted. |
7. mars blir du frifunnet og 8. mars... | March 7th you'll be acquitted. |
Jeg trodde at jeg var frifunnet. | I thought I was acquitted. |
Men i dag kan vi fortelle at vi har mottatt høyesteretts dom, som helt har frifunnet Filip. Dere har sikkert noen spørsmål. | But today, the Supreme Court acquitted Philip of all charges. |