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Forutse (to anticipate) conjugation

25 examples
This verb can also mean the following: foresee, predict
Bokmål present tense
Bokmål past tense
Bokmål future tense
vil forutse
Bokmål conditional tense
ville forutse
Bokmål imperative tense
Bokmål present perfect tense
har forutsett
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde forutsett
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha forutsett
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha forutsett

Examples of forutse

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
- Se Mr. Bigglesworth. Det var umulig å forutse dette problemet ved katteopplivningen.But, Dr. Evil, we were unable to anticipate feline complications due to the reanimation process.
Du må lære deg å forutse motstanderen.But you'll learn to anticipate your opponent.
Det som gjorde mannen min, Paul Young, til en så god investor, var hans evne til å forutse fremtiden.What made my husband, Paul Young, such a good investor was his uncanny ability to anticipate the future.
Snart vil du klare å forutse det.Pretty soon you'll be able to anticipate it, and when you do?
Lett å forutse.Easy to anticipate.
Jeg er redd vi må forutse et ubehagelig dokument.I'm afraid we must anticipate an ugly document.
For da kan han forutse ting... og hindre dem i å skje.BUFORD: 'Cause then he can anticipate things... and prevent them from happening.
Jeg kan forutse dine trinn.I can anticipate your lead.
- Se Mr. Bigglesworth. Det var umulig å forutse dette problemet ved katteopplivningen.But, Dr. Evil, we were unable to anticipate feline complications due to the reanimation process.
Så lenge vi kan forutse problemene, skal alt gå bra. Jeg har ikke sett enger på svært lang tid, doktor. Så lenge vi kan forutse problemene, skal alt gå bra.It'll take some adjustment but as long as we anticipate all of the problems then everything should be fine.
De forutser små problemer som dette.They anticipate little problems like this.
- Den forutser dette.It knows what I know. It might anticipate this move.
Jeg forutser hva du vil før du sier det.I can anticipate you.
Og vi forutser og feirer de år med glede de vil dele med hverandre.And we anticipate and celebrate the years of joy they will share together from this day on.
Får jeg minne om at USA er ansvarlige for 2/3-deler av hele verdens diamanthandel. Jeg forutser ikke at etterspørselen vil synke.May I remind you that the U.S. is responsible for two-thirds of all diamond purchases worldwide and I don't anticipate that demand diminishing.
Vel, oberst, de har gjort alt vi forutså. Så langt.Well, Colonel, they've done everything we've anticipated... so far.
Utrolig at faren din forutså det trekket.You know, it's amazing how your father anticipated the pump fake like that.
Han forutså salgsoppgangen for vann på flaske.He even anticipated the surprising boom in bottled water.
Solstorm målingene er mye høyere enn vi forutså ved denne avstanden.The solar wind reading is much higher than we'd anticipated at this distance.
Jeg blir kanskje værende her lenger enn jeg forutså.I may be stuck here longer than I anticipated.
Han kunne ikke ha forutsett at herr Fergusons svakhet... hans høydeskrekk... ville gjøre ham maktesløs, da det var mest behov for ham.He could not have anticipated that Mr.Ferguson's weakness his fear of heights would make him powerless when he was most needed.
Fordi jeg har forutsett ethvert tenkelig mottrekk.Because I have anticipated every possible variation of countermove.
Hadde du fortalt om planene dine, kunne vi forutsett den ulogiske oppførselen din.If you'd told us your plans, we may have anticipated your irrational behaviour.
Jeg var så sikker på at jeg hadde forutsett alt som kunne gå galt.I was so sure that I had anticipated everything that could possibly go wrong.
Men hun hadde ikke forutsett nattskiftet.What she hadn't anticipated was the night shift.

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