Forvise (to banish) conjugation

25 examples
This verb can also mean the following: expel, deport

Conjugation of forvise

Bokmål present tense
I banish
Bokmål past tense
I banished
Bokmål future tense
vil forvise
I will banish
Bokmål conditional tense
ville forvise
I would banish
Bokmål imperative tense
I banish
Bokmål present perfect tense
har forvist
I have banished
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde forvist
I had banished
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha forvist
I will have banished
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha forvist
I would have banished

Examples of forvise

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Profeten Muhammed påkalte den for å forvise Javna.It says that the prophet Muhammad invoked it centuries ago to banish Javna back to wherever the hell he came from.
- Pga. deg, ble jeg nødt til å forvise min toppskremmer!Because of you, I had to banish my top scarer!
Har makt fremdeles å forvise forsvarerne dine, før omsider din uvitenhet, som finner ikke før det føles, gjør men reservasjon av dere selv, fremdeles dine egne fiender levere degHave the power still to banish your defenders, till at length your ignorance, which finds not till it feels, making but reservation of yourselves, still your own foes deliver you as most abated captives to some nation
Jeg forteller deg hva, tosk, ! Hadde du håndverket å forvise ham som rammet flere blåser for Roma enn du har talt ord?I tell thee what, fool, hadst thou craft to banish him that struck more blows for Rome than thou hast spoken words?
Det er vanskelig å forvise en ånd, men ikke umulig.It's difficult to banish a spirit, but not impossible.
En lort av et menneske, som burde forvise seg selv:A turd of a person, should be banished by his own admission
Herr prosten kan likevel ikke et øyeblikk forvise meg fra Guds rike.The father still can't banish me from the Kingdom of God.
Profeten Muhammed påkalte den for å forvise Javna.It says that the prophet Muhammad invoked it centuries ago to banish Javna back to wherever the hell he came from.
Vi må forvise dem til underverdenen.Quick, we have to banish them back to the underworld.
- Pga. deg, ble jeg nødt til å forvise min toppskremmer!Because of you, I had to banish my top scarer!
Geg forviser deg og dine tilhengere fra England så lenge jeg lever.I banish you and your followers from England for the remainder of my lifetime. Take them away.
Vi forviser ham.We'll banish him!
Vel, jeg av-forviser deg.Well,I un-banish you.
Vi forviser deg! I jomfru Marias navn, Jesu Kristi mor, Guds sønn. Det er ham vi lever og beveger oss i.We banish you, we cast you out in the name of the Virgin Mary, mother of Christ, the son of the living God in whom we live, and move, and have our being.
Så Catherine dør tragisk, eller hva, forviser og Sofia swoops i og dårlig Buffy her.So Catherine dies tragically, or whatever, and Sofia swoops in and banishes poor Buffy here.
Og ennå vet jeg ikke hvorfor kirken forviste deg til denne avkrok av verden.Six months now, and I still haven't figured out... why the Church banished you out here to the land of Never-Never.
Han laget visstnok så mye bråk at Odin forviste ham fra Valhall for alltid.Supposedly he caused such trouble that Odin banished him from Valhalla forever.
Han forviste ham til en iskald borg Gjennom en dør som ikke tillot noen tilbakekomstSo he banished him to an icy fortress... sending him through a door from which there was no return.
Gledens dag da den julianske solen forviste Pompeius' natt for godt.Happy day on which the Julian sun has risen and banished Pompeian night forever!
Men Gud krevde at han skulle bøye kne. Da han nektet, forviste Gud ham.But god demanded that he bow down before man, and when he refused, god banished him.
Og fordi han elsker meg, ble han forvist til verden utenfor.And for love of me, he was banished to the outer world.
Pengelens og forvist fra hjemmet mitt.l am penniless. l am banished my home.
Døden er forvist for alltid.Death is banished forever.
Dessuten fikk jeg hans mor forvist.Besides, he knew I'd had his mother banished.
Sikker på at jeg ble "forvist"?You're quite sure I have been banished?

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