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Mengotori (to pollute) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mengotori

Present tense
I pollute
Past tense
sudah mengotori
I polluted
Present perfect tense
sudah mengotori
I have polluted
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mengotori
I will have polluted
Future recent tense
mengotori nanti
I will pollute
Future distant tense
mengotori kelak
I am going to pollute
Present continuous tense
sedang mengotori
I pollute
Past distant tense
dulu mengotori
I (a long time ago) polluted
Past recent tense
mengotori tadi
I (recently) polluted
Past very recent tense
baru saja mengotori
I (just now) polluted

Examples of mengotori

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Tapi itu cukup untuk mengotori seorang bocah yang polos.But even that was enough to pollute an innocent boy.
Getahnya akan mengotori air dan kemudian bunga ini mati dua kali lebih cepat.The sap pollutes the water and then they die twice as fast.
Bagaimana cara kita mempercayai orang seperti ini yang membunuh tanpa hati nurani, yang menodai dan mengotori tempat suci ?Bishop Edmund: How are we to trust men like these who kill without conscience, who desecrate and pollute sacred places?
Aku tak mau mengotori kolam renang, jadi...I don't wanna pollute the pool, so...
Dia mengotori jantungnya!He polluted the heart!

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