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Menghajar (to beat up) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah menghajar
Present perfect tense
sudah menghajar
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menghajar
Future recent tense
menghajar nanti
Future distant tense
menghajar kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang menghajar
Past distant tense
dulu menghajar
Past recent tense
menghajar tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja menghajar

Examples of menghajar

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Baiklah, dia mungkin menghajar beberapa orang di bar...Okay, she may have beat up a couple people in a bar...
Ku dengar kau menghajar wanita tua disana agar ia mencarinya.I hear you beat up an old lady to find it.
Kau ingin aku menghajar orang-orang Yahudi dan menangkap semangat Gestapo.You want me to beat up Jews and catch the Gestapo spirit.
Dan ia menghajar beberapa penjahat hingga babak belur Sebagian dari preman itu melarikan diri seluruh isi kota mendengar jeritan mereka.And he beat up some criminals so badly" ...that the other goons fled the city hearing their screams.
Aku menghajar rintangan... "I beat up, thrash.."

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