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Taper (to pound) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of taper

Present tense
je tape
I pound
tu tapes
you pound
il/elle/on tape
he/she/it pounds
nous tapons
we pound
vous tapez
you all pound
ils/elles tapent
they pound
Present perfect tense
j’ai tapé
I pounded
tu as tapé
you pounded
il/elle/on a tapé
he/she/it pounded
nous avons tapé
we pounded
vous avez tapé
you all pounded
ils/elles ont tapé
they pounded
Past impf. tense
je tapais
I was pounding
tu tapais
you were pounding
il/elle/on tapait
he/she/it was pounding
nous tapions
we were pounding
vous tapiez
you all were pounding
ils/elles tapaient
they were pounding
Future tense
je taperai
I will pound
tu taperas
you will pound
il/elle/on tapera
he/she/it will pound
nous taperons
we will pound
vous taperez
you all will pound
ils/elles taperont
they will pound
Past perfect tense
j’avais tapé
I had pounded
tu avais tapé
you had pounded
il/elle/on avait tapé
he/she/it had pounded
nous avions tapé
we had pounded
vous aviez tapé
you all had pounded
ils/elles avaient tapé
they had pounded
Past preterite tense
je tapai
I pounded
tu tapas
you pounded
il/elle/on tapa
he/she/it pounded
nous tapâmes
we pounded
vous tapâtes
you all pounded
ils/elles tapèrent
they pounded
Past anterior tense
j’eus tapé
I had pounded
tu eus tapé
you had pounded
il/elle/on eut tapé
he/she/it had pounded
nous eûmes tapé
we had pounded
vous eûtes tapé
you all had pounded
ils/elles eurent tapé
they had pounded
Future perfect tense
j’aurai tapé
I will have pounded
tu auras tapé
you will have pounded
il/elle/on aura tapé
he/she/it will have pounded
nous aurons tapé
we will have pounded
vous aurez tapé
you all will have pounded
ils/elles auront tapé
they will have pounded
Present subjunctive tense
que je tape
that I pound
que tu tapes
that you pound
qu’il/elle/on tape
that he/she/it pound
que nous tapions
that we pound
que vous tapiez
that you all pound
qu’ils/elles tapent
that they pound
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie tapé
that I have pounded
que tu aies tapé
that you have pounded
qu’il/elle/on ait tapé
that he/she/it have pounded
que nous ayons tapé
that we have pounded
que vous ayez tapé
that you all have pounded
qu’ils/elles aient tapé
that they have pounded
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je tapasse
that I would pound
que tu tapasses
that you would pound
qu’il/elle/on tapât
that he/she/it would pound
que nous tapassions
that we would pound
que vous tapassiez
that you all would pound
qu’ils/elles tapassent
that they would pound
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse tapé
that I had pounded
que tu eusses tapé
that you had pounded
qu’il/elle/on eût tapé
that he/she/it had pounded
que nous eussions tapé
that we had pounded
que vous eussiez tapé
that you all had pounded
qu’ils/elles eussent tapé
that they had pounded
Conditional mood
je taperais
I would pound
tu taperais
you would pound
il/elle/on taperait
he/she/it would pound
nous taperions
we would pound
vous taperiez
you all would pound
ils/elles taperaient
they would pound
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais tapé
I would have pounded
tu aurais tapé
you would have pounded
il/elle/on aurait tapé
he/she/it would have pounded
nous aurions tapé
we would have pounded
vous auriez tapé
you all would have pounded
ils/elles auraient tapé
they would have pounded
Imperative mood
let's pound!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie tapé
have pounded
ayons tapé
let's have pounded
ayez tapé
have pounded

Examples of taper

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Je t'ai aimée en te voyant taper un accord de crédit "alors qu'un beau gosse gominé te bavait dessus.""I've loved you since the moment I first saw you, pounding out a lender's agreement, eating Cocoa Puffs while some pretty boy drooled over you."
- Verrouillé. Ils peuvent taper jusqu'à la fin des temps.Then they can pound away till the devil takes them.
- pour te taper du pinard.- so you can pound grape.
Ali a engagé Larry Holmes pour lui taper dessus pour s'entraîner à prendre les coups de Foreman.Ali hired Larry Holmes to pound on him so he could take punches from Foreman.
Alors sors et ramasse deux bâtons pour taper sur un caillou.Well, then you go out and you find 2 sticks And you pound on a rock.
Ce matin, je me suis tapé un pot de gelée d'airelles et de la farce.This morning I actually pounded a jar of cranberry sauce and some dry stuffing.
Et les journaux m'ont tapé dessus sans pitié. Le seul moyen de survivre est de changer mon organisation en parti politique.And the papers have pounded me so ruthlessly, onlyway I can survive is to turn my organization into a political committee!
Il a tapé sur ma caisse, alors j'ai appelé les flics.After he pounded my truck, I started calling the cops.
J'ai tapé dans son dos.I pounded on his chest.
J'aurais fait la même chose si on m'avait tapé sur la gueule comme ça.I'd done the same thing, guy pounded on me like that.
- Le jeu où on tape le gendarme ?We get to pound him into a pulp, right?
- Non, toi, tape mon poing.No, you give me a pound.
- Quand je tape au sol C'est un signal pour dire Que je suis prêt - Quand je tape au sol !When I pound the floor When you pound the floor its the signal to show that I'm ready to go yes, you told me before.
A l'occasion, tape la patate à Ed pour moi.Hey, if you get a chance, please pound Ed's potato for me. Okay.
Comme... quelque chose qui tapeIt's like... pounding
- Allez-y, tapez sur la table.- Oh, go ahead and pound the table.
En attendant... tapez la patate.Till then. Come on, pound the potato. -Pshh.
Je sais bien que tu t'en fiches, parce que les mecs te diraient "Bon boulot", et feraient ce truc, où vous vous tapez les poings et mimez une explosion.Yeah, I know you don't, because the guys will be all, "nice work," and do that thing where you pound fists and blow it up.
OK, ouvrez le panneau à la porte d'entrée et tapez sur la grille, étoile et le code.uh...is-is the baby okay? all right, open the little panel by the front door and enter pound...star and the code
Pourquoi tapez-vous comme un fou sur la porte ?Why are you pounding on the door like a madman?

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